Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Get on prevention mate there is certainly eggs waiting to hatch. Do not give them that chance.

I hear that.
They're hopefully not going to have that chance.
I put a Home defense pest strip in there yesterday.
And they're getting another spray down tonight an hour before lights on.
Now that I have the CO2 up and running with timers?
If I see any sign of them in a week, I'm going to leave the house and give them 2 lethal doses of CO2 as a back up plan.
And if I had SNS's prize package here they'd be getting bombed with some 217 mite spray too.
I might do that too actually hoz.
My local shop sells them pretty cheap.
I remember seeing your garden full of em.
Just installed a huge curtain of black/white poly today so the room is much more sealed off now.
Might benefit from some ladybugs!

Thanks for the reminder about those little life savers. :winkyface:
Great call hoz. I always forget about them and praying mantis. If u do use them swing by a PETCO and get some "cricket quenchers" gel cubes. It will provide a water source for them that they can't drown in as they tend to do in water. Also make sure ur hoods are sealed well everywhere. They will get in ur Hood and cook. Between those two precautions they'll last a lot longer
Great call hoz. I always forget about them and praying mantis. If u do use them swing by a PETCO and get some "cricket quenchers" gel cubes. It will provide a water source for them that they can't drown in as they tend to do in water. Also make sure ur hoods are sealed well everywhere. They will get in ur Hood and cook. Between those two precautions they'll last a lot longer
Yeah...I like them a lot! Also have some praying mantis egg cases in the fridge:cheesygrinsmiley: I like them for outside and yes they need habitat also. They did kick ass on my mites! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Right on Canna,
Everything is sealed up pretty tight, and good call on the gel cubes to hydrate them.
Might pick some lady's up tomorrow.
Will they eat the eggs too?
Here's a few photos taken at lights on tonight.
I made a curtain out of a huge piece of black/white poly.
Put copper eyelets every 6 inches or so, then strung up a line of heavy duty wire attached to screw hooks.
Like a giant shower curtain.
Now the room is more closed off so the plants can utilize the CO2 better, and it's totally light tight now.

peek a boo!



One of the topped Ambrosia's super happy to be transplanted into a 3 gallon pot.




I wanted to show how big the fan leaves are on this one OG Kush I sprouted from seed from 2 crops ago.
that's a normal size light bulb beside it. It's about 10 inches in diameter and has 11 blades.
I have a feeling this baby is going to be a really strong one.:cheesygrinsmiley:
And I'm super glad to have that same pheno I grew out 3 times.
Just got to keep an eye on it near the end as it will have the tendency to hermie at the end like it's mommy did.



happy to have this grow back on track..
Wiiiw!! :phew:

Sure glad all is okay - what a stressful time you had! Glad to see things are back on track and looking great as usual. If you can beat the landlord with a 24 hour notice - you can crush mites no problem. :thumb:
if you would like to know more about what medical cannabis patients in Canada are doing about the Steven Harper progressive conservative government plans to do away with growing cannabis legally go to this site, and make a donation to the cause if it pleases you.

MMAR DPL/PPL Coalition Against Repeal
Wiiiw!! :phew:

Sure glad all is okay - what a stressful time you had! Glad to see things are back on track and looking great as usual. If you can beat the landlord with a 24 hour notice - you can crush mites no problem. :thumb:

Yes, it was definitely a test..
Thank you so much X for your concern my friend.
I'm gunna whip those mites so hard they're not going to know what hit em!
if you would like to know more about what medical cannabis patients in Canada are doing about the Steven Harper progressive conservative government plans to do away with growing cannabis legally go to this site, and make a donation to the cause if it pleases you.

MMAR DPL/PPL Coalition Against Repeal

Thanks for the link King John.
It makes me sick to think that our government is trying to do this to us as Canadian citizens.
More Canadians should unite and do away with this b.s. law to control us while making money off sick and dying patients.
Jail sick patients for growing their own medicine, and a 400% up charge on Gov grown meds?
WTF!!? come on now.
This is devolving us as a human race, not evolving.
Makes me ashamed to be Canadian when crap like this is becoming our future..
Yo man if you ever run into a situation like that don't hesitate to get a hold of me. True, I have a very busy lifestyle but will always help a fellow friend (especially a grow friend):Namaste:

I'll let you when things are going good at work brother. I'm thinking summertime will be a more relaxed environment:bongrip:

Glad your plants look stellar bro...Can't tell one bit that they were not comfortable:goodjob:
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