Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Better late than never I say, how'd I miss this!
Just had a good look around, so nice man, so nice! Coco rocks!
F%^k, hate being late!

So very honored to have you drop in with such compliments Mr. Messy.
Even though this joint is about to be put out?
Another is about to be lit.
Love the grows Vic... beautiful. Glad the girls took no harm from the ninja'd shed visit :)

Thanks bro,
We'll do some crazy shit for these plants no doubt.
It's almost like they were expecting it.
Although they came back with a good case of MJ crabs (mites)
They ended up doing ok I guess..
I would get the biggest pump if you plan on running it to 15 pots. You figure you don't want the drip rings to clog so you need massive pressure behind it. It would suck trying to unclog those rings. You can also buy those drip hoses. You plant them in the pots or sit them ontop and they'll just leak water threw the hose. I actually wanted to use them but homedepot ran out of them before summer set in. I think there perfect to use. Easy watering.

Thanks for the heads up Wizzy.
I'm only running 8-10 pots. 8 for sure..
Like the idea of drip hoses.
Not sure I like the idea of planting them in the medium though.
Would be too hard to tell if they were getting enough, or too much moisture.
Priced it all out, and with water pumps, air pumps, res, lines, rings?
I'm going to have to wait until I have an extra 300.00 to invest to go ahead with building it.
After just dropping a heafty chunk on a new light mover,
So I'm stuck watering with pump and wand for now..
Dont wear yourself down too fast bro, sorry to hear about your back, what a schedule, huh! :thedoubletake:

You'd better kick back and light a fat one:blunt:

Dont worry about the update, we b here when you get the time :high-five:

Beautiful bud, right there ;)

Thanks Juicy!
Very kind words right there bro.
And how right you are about heavily medicating myself through this whole ordeal!
And don't know how I would have made it through without ol Mary Jane.
I could drive a railway spike through my foot right now and not feel a thing..
This batch's OG is some serious business right here.
Wish I had a way to test THC and CBD levels on this stuff.
Gotta befriend someone that works in a dispensary.
Sounds like you've been busy. Good thing you have all that great smoke to help relax after the work is done. :)


before during and after..
but the work is never done. ever
I must have developed OCD since starting to grow this stuff.
You start one thing, then 10 more things just have to be done.
But I love every compulsive minute of it..
Hey Vick!

Been a while since I've dropped by, but your last pics look amazing (as usual). Just wanted to drop by and say "hey". Hope all is well in your world brother. :)
Hey Vick!

Been a while since I've dropped by, but your last pics look amazing (as usual). Just wanted to drop by and say "hey". Hope all is well in your world brother. :)

Now that was the motivation I needed..
So good to hear from you my friend!
A few quick pre harvest pics.
Didn't take too many during, as the push was on to get things done.
But there's going to be some serious nug shots coming up.







Next Gen is going into a mix of 70/30 General hydroponics Coco coir to perlite, then into these bad boys.
15 gallons baby!


Mt. Coco


More of an update coming tonight.
With a bit of a surprise.
There's a new addition to the room, I've just been tinkering getting it to run smoothly.;)
The transplanting is almost done, and CO2 was introduced yesterday.
Nice pics Vick :bravo:

Grats on the new toy. I have mixed feelings about mine, but this is my first crop with it, so I'm withholding judgement until the end.

Wish I had a way to test THC and CBD levels on this stuff.
Gotta befriend someone that works in a dispensary.

Lots of other options around. I think this one is in Seattle, but there are plenty of others.
So I broke down and got myself a light mover.
The last grow with the two hoods only allowed me to run them each at 1/2 power due to my dodgy electrical where I live. This way I can run one 1000 watt light at 100% and give the room the coverage it deserves. Yield should definitely improve.
It was either a top feed system, or the mover. At least for now I can hand water until I can come up with the funds to get the watering system.:)
Made a mounting bracket out of aluminum to keep the light on the straight and narrow.
Took a while to make sure all ducting and wires were arranged so there was no crimping or hangups.




Transplanting this time around was a real challenge.
8- 15 Gallon pots is a lot of Coco to soak, mix, and prep in such a small space. (roughly 112 gallons worth)
Took 5 bricks of Coco and a hell of a lot of perlite to get everyone filled.
Thought of a way to keep Fungus Gnats away from the bottom of the medium.
I cut circles of landscaping fabric and lined the bottom of the pots. Then layed down Lava rocks on top of the fabric, then Coco. This way the holes are sealed up with no way for those little bastards to get in through the bottom to lay eggies, while giving me the drainage I need. Mosquito dunk treated water will take care of everything up top.

Good luck getting through this barrier ya little bastards!



Some shots of a few happy ladies stretching out in their new tubs

Just have to transplant the last 2, then its a long veg for these girls.
The Cotton Candy's are so stretchy, it's hard to keep up with them.
Training and a shit ton of supercropping to keep em low and even.


OG Kush




Cotton Candy Kush




Here's some shots of the outdoor garden.
Cotton Candy Mum is going nuts in her new 25 galon pot.:)
Ambrosia's are growing comfortable with their environment now.
And Ambrosia Mum got a transplant into a 25 gallon pot too.




So I've been curing for almost 2 weeks now??
The diamond OG bud is incredible. top shelf meds for sure.
The 10 day flush really smooths this stuff out.
And the Ambrosia is some of the most amazingly fruity bud I've ever tasted.
They'll both be at their prime for next months NOTM!
Just gotta decide which strain to enter.
Should have weights by the end of the week..:yummy:

Going to go burb the jars and maybe take some nug shots for ya'll! [/B]
Hey Vick! I see everything is looking peachy keen as usual & good call on buying the mover as it'll allow you to get the lights closer to the plants & in turn produce some denser buds come harvest. I've had nothing but good luck with mine as well as the use of vertizontal hoods that dissipate the heat while providing a bit more coverage over the canopy. It will definitely help that's for sure.:thumb:
And I hear ya on the time it takes to transplant to as I have 38 legal girls going outdoors this year that took days to get done & you'll be able to view in the next journal I'll be setting up here in a few days. Hope all is well mate! ~Peace~:ganjamon:
But thanks for reminding me,
Here's a fresh one:

OG Kush


thanks for stopping by the journal vicks , over the next few days ill read up on this one, but seems from the last few posts you've done a great job!! also keen to see how the light mover turns out

reps are coming your way buddy

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