Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

day 58 of flower
Trichs are showing about 5% amber's now, so we're right on track to hopefully harvest by Monday!
Flowering ladies have been getting nothing but PH'd drip clean'ed water for the past week already.








The Next gen: :cheesygrinsmiley:



Your one bad as soil grower Vick reps :thumb:

Thanks Wizzy!

I'm a 100% coco guy now.
Trying to work on a top feed system on the cheap, for the next grow.
yay for coco! have you joined my coco thread, ? get and share coco knowlege, i love coco and will prob use it forever even if im working on soil theres likely some in coco too! great stuff, & we are helping an eco disaster by helping clean up all the millions of tons littering beaches in coconut grow regions,its reusable,cheap you can do regular and organic nutes im trying to put the approved for high brix stamp on it this year! just great stuff glad you are a coco-nut too:thumb::circle-of-love:
yay for coco! have you joined my coco thread, ? get and share coco knowlege, i love coco and will prob use it forever even if im working on soil theres likely some in coco too! great stuff, & we are helping an eco disaster by helping clean up all the millions of tons littering beaches in coconut grow regions,its reusable,cheap you can do regular and organic nutes im trying to put the approved for high brix stamp on it this year! just great stuff glad you are a coco-nut too:thumb::circle-of-love:

yeeeeeeaah Biddy!
The stuff rules!

I've finally started buying the compressed bricks, I can't believe how affordable it is compared to getting prepared bagged Coco!
If I can help clean up an eco disaster while paying half what I pay for good soil? Then WTH..
Interested to see you put your brix stamp on it this year!

subbed up to your Coco thread for sure buddy. (gunna cruise by in a bit.)

Coco :green_heart:

Thanks Wizzy!

I'm a 100% coco guy now.
Trying to work on a top feed system on the cheap, for the next grow.

Team Coco!!!!!! :circle-of-love::cheer:

Great to see you coming over to the coco side. Its been treating just as well as soil. How many plants do you plan on having next run? They have those drip rings you should check out but depending on the amount of plants then that could get costly. Or you can make them your self but make the wholes big enough so they wont clog as easily. Or you can just run a hose and those rock wool steaks into the top of the coco and feed them that way directly into the root system from the res. Fleebay has all the things you need if your hydro shop doesnt for pennies.
Here's a little peak into the back deck rain forest.
Tomato's are going nuts!
Zuchini's have popped about 7 each plant!
herbs are doing really well








Scarlett runner bean sprouts.


Ambrosia mom bushing the hell out. Gaining momentum in re-veg.
She's got 4 main heads, and man when she flowers? those are going to be some fat colas.



All of the mj plants really slowed in growth as soon as they went outside.
Of course the non stop rain wasn't helping much.
But they've all toughened up as a result. And are all starting to get used to their new space..
Training has begun on the youngin's. Transplant for all of them into 15 gallon pots of Promix hopefully this week.
Built a covering for one side of the garden last weekend, so I won't have to worry about everything getting drenched now.




Cotton Candy mom, stealthing her way through the foiliage.

Team Coco!!!!!! :circle-of-love::cheer:

Great to see you coming over to the coco side. Its been treating just as well as soil. How many plants do you plan on having next run? They have those drip rings you should check out but depending on the amount of plants then that could get costly. Or you can make them your self but make the wholes big enough so they wont clog as easily. Or you can just run a hose and those rock wool steaks into the top of the coco and feed them that way directly into the root system from the res. Fleebay has all the things you need if your hydro shop doesnt for pennies.

Hey Wiz,
This will be my 3rd Coco grow, and I plan on having 8-10 all in 15 gallon pots.
That's exactly what I was thinking with running drip rings and 1/2" line from res.
I just gotta figure out which size pump is going to handle it and how big of a res, then start piecing it all together over the next few weeks.
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