Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Flowering ladies:
Last feed went in yesterday which was 1/4 strength.
CO2 has been off for about 2 weeks now.
Dehuey is running during lights off to maintain RH @ 45%.
Temps are 69 at night, 75 during the day.
Light schedule is now on 10/14 and has been diminished weekly up until now.
10 day flush with clean PH'd water and drip clean starts Thursday!:slide:


2 cotton Candy Kush clones, 2 Ambrosia clones, and both of their moms went outside the other day to make room for the next gen of girls.
soaked my Coco over night, then added perlite, Cal/mag, Bio Root, and Grozyme. transplanted 4 Cotton Candy's and 4 OG's into 1 gallon pots.

In the veg tent now we have:
4 Cotton Candy Kush
4 OG Kush
2 Ambrosia's

topping and training will start shortly.
Decided not to do a SOG this run, instead I'm going to run 8 to 10 big ladies each in 15 Gallon pots.

I'll try to get some photos up tonight!!
Paying homage!

Flowering ladies:
Last feed went in yesterday which was 1/4 strength.
CO2 has been off for about 2 weeks now.
Dehuey is running during lights off to maintain RH @ 45%.
Temps are 69 at night, 75 during the day.
Light schedule is now on 10/14 and has been diminished weekly up until now.
10 day flush with clean PH'd water and drip clean starts Thursday!:slide:


2 cotton Candy Kush clones, 2 Ambrosia clones, and both of their moms went outside the other day to make room for the next gen of girls.
soaked my Coco over night, then added perlite, Cal/mag, Bio Root, and Grozyme. transplanted 4 Cotton Candy's and 4 OG's into 1 gallon pots.

In the veg tent now we have:
4 Cotton Candy Kush
4 OG Kush
2 Ambrosia's

topping and training will start shortly.
Decided not to do a SOG this run, instead I'm going to run 8 to 10 big ladies each in 15 Gallon pots.

I'll try to get some photos up tonight!!
You are One Great grower Vick. Much props 2 you bro, love getting inspired by your spirit and great grows :high-five:
+++REP N' Respect ;)
Big sounds good Vick.:cheer:

Looking forward to the seeing the pictures.:high-five:

Sure wish I could buy new clones over here.

I know, I'm pretty lucky having the options of both good seed vendors, and coveted clone holders close by.
No need to order anything, everything's within an hour's drive. :cheesygrinsmiley:
But then again, some of those strains of seeds wood was talking about in his last post I'd break down and order.
Re: Paying homage!

You are One Great grower Vick. Much props 2 you bro, love getting inspired by your spirit and great grows :high-five:
+++REP N' Respect ;)


Thank you Juicy!
Very nice of you to say!
That grower respect and inspiration is quite mutual my friend..
Nice Vick!! Your room is going to be the host of some huge TREES in those 15gl pots :)

Hope so,:cheesygrinsmiley:

I really want to grow some 6 ounce plants.
Was kind of cut short of that with the porta scrogs last run.
Powdery Mildew and fungus gnats, pretty much put a grinding hault to that goal right quick.
But now that I've got both of those issues completely under control. I think it would be a pretty attainable goal.
Sorry to keep you guys waiting!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Day 51 of flower:

and... flushing has begun.












Ambrosia and Cotton Candy moms have been evicted from the tent and are toughing it out in the rain, along with a few of their babies.
What's left is 4 Cotton Candy (left) 4 OG Kush and one ambrosia (middle and right).
All of which have been transplanted into a mix of fresh 70% Coco 30% perlite.
Training and topping has begun on most of them.
Everyone in the tent is a little bit heat stressed, OG's and Ambrosia are shooting single's. But all is well, they'll be fine in a few days. treated them with a CO2 bubbler to help them deal with it.
Should see them all blow up in there over the next few weeks.


howd you get the og kush to mature so quickly? the outdoor girls we be stronger from toughing the weather. looking great in here, as always vick. my outdoor garden has just started to take off. sprouts came up over the weekend.
And this is what I'm going to be growing next!
Cotton Candy Kush.
Got this from a buddy the other day, had to snap a pick before it was gone.
All I can say is,
Wow.. This strain is incredible.
I'll explain more later.
late for work!


howd you get the og kush to mature so quickly? the outdoor girls we be stronger from toughing the weather. looking great in here, as always vick. my outdoor garden has just started to take off. sprouts came up over the weekend.

Thanks bmeat!

these OG Kush are done in 63 days.
That gives me a good 10-12 days of steady flushing left.
Hoping to chop em June 12th.
looking great as always Vick. Should be a nice harvest!

Looks like some tasty meds there Vic. MOtM Congratulations are in order and reps of course on that nugget++ Keepem Green
Thanks for the comments and reps guys!:thanks:
1 week to go til harvest, and pretty excited to get the next one going!
Kicking myself a bit for not having the next gen further along, but whatevs, I don't have any deadlines to meet so a month or so of steady vegging under the HID's won't be much of a problem.

On another note:
I made a batch of tincture the other day with the Magical Butter machine I received from MOTM.
Trying to source out food grade vegetable glycerine was the hardest part, and wasn't cheap either.
But it came out beautifully! And so easy! Just throw everything in, push 2 buttons, walk away. Then 4 hours later it was done.
Last night the wife and I took a eye dropper each before going for a walk, and by the time we got home we both felt so warm, fuzzy and happy, and had the best sleeps ever!
Can't wait to give some of this to my Dad!

420 girl had asked for me to do a review on the machine.
So I'll work on getting that up in the product review section and link to it here.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


looking great vick, +reps bro.

the new build is almost complete, waiting on the second rainforest to arrive. i started the new journal though and have some pics of whats been completed so far.

happy haverst bro.

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