Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Vick buddy hows life been treating ya? Sorry for the absence, things are looking good on your end hope all is well with you and yours mate!
My oldest unread post was your update just before harvest and you were "on track" to harvest Monday, ie 2 days ago. WTF?!?!? Where's the bud porn? :rofl:

That plant looks delicious. Great job! :thumb:

I'm still learning the ropes of this coco stuff. My moms don't look as good as your plants, but they do get slightly neglected since I don't know which ones I'm keeping yet. Until the moms look as good as my lovely hydro ladies, I'll stick with my trusty ebb&gro. :blalol:
Photo Update:

Day 35 of flower

please enjoy! :smokin:








Ambrosia finally starting to do something...










Better late than never I say, how'd I miss this!
Just had a good look around, so nice man, so nice! Coco rocks!
F%^k, hate being late!
Hey Wiz,
This will be my 3rd Coco grow, and I plan on having 8-10 all in 15 gallon pots.
That's exactly what I was thinking with running drip rings and 1/2" line from res.
I just gotta figure out which size pump is going to handle it and how big of a res, then start piecing it all together over the next few weeks.

I would get the biggest pump if you plan on running it to 15 pots. You figure you don't want the drip rings to clog so you need massive pressure behind it. It would suck trying to unclog those rings. You can also buy those drip hoses. You plant them in the pots or sit them ontop and they'll just leak water threw the hose. I actually wanted to use them but homedepot ran out of them before summer set in. I think there perfect to use. Easy watering.
Hi guys!!
What a few weeks this has been.
I've been working 2 jobs, while harvesting, doing upgrades to the room, and all the cleaning that's involved with changeover has kept me so busy. I've barely slept this past week, and my back is giving me so much pain. But have managed to get almost everything done except for the big transplant. Which I'm hoping to get done over the next few days.
My apologies for not being around that much, and lacking in the update department.
But I have a HUGE update coming including photos from harvest, the outdoor garden, and the new run..
Thanks for your patience and support every one!
hopefully get the update done sometime tonight.



ouch, that hurt..
I've been working 2 jobs, while harvesting, doing upgrades to the room, and all the cleaning that's involved with changeover has kept me so busy. I've barely slept this past week, and my back is giving me so much pain. But have managed to get almost everything done except for the big transplant. Which I'm hoping to get done over the next few days.
My apologies for not being around that much, and lacking in the update department.
But I have a HUGE update coming including photos from harvest, the outdoor garden, and the new run..
Thanks for your patience and support every one!
hopefully get the update done sometime tonight.

Sounds like you've been busy. Good thing you have all that great smoke to help relax after the work is done. :)
I am as of this grow a coco nut aswell. Love this stuff. Where has it been all my life?

I know right!?

benefits of hydro without the floods..
:love: Coco
Vick buddy hows life been treating ya? Sorry for the absence, things are looking good on your end hope all is well with you and yours mate!

Life's grand my brother!

You of all people, should be the last one to be apologizing for absence's.
You've been getting thrown curve balls since I met you in here!
Good to see ya back in the game, swinging those big green bats of yours.

My oldest unread post was your update just before harvest and you were "on track" to harvest Monday, ie 2 days ago. WTF?!?!? Where's the bud porn? :rofl:

That plant looks delicious. Great job! :thumb:

I'm still learning the ropes of this coco stuff. My moms don't look as good as your plants, but they do get slightly neglected since I don't know which ones I'm keeping yet. Until the moms look as good as my lovely hydro ladies, I'll stick with my trusty ebb&gro. :blalol:

I know I know..
Don't you sometimes wish there were 36 hours in a day?

Thanks for the compliments my friend.:)
I'm so glad I found Coco.
When I was growing in soil for a while, I always wanted to switch to hydro.
But temperatures and fear of floods where I currently live, always held me back from making the leap.
Growing pretty comfortable with the stuff now.
And I think as soon as I can scrape together enough scratch to run a top feed, drain to waste with my Coco, I'll be set!
seems to be the perfect medium between soil and hydro.

Give it some time, you'll have Coco figured out in no time.
Finding the perfect mother is an important job that's worth the search.
Then once you've got her?
Boom, in your killer ebb&gro, then we're all gunna see some serious harvest's from ya. ;)

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