Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Finally got everything done in the room.:phew:
Everyone has had a chance to relax and become comfortable in their new pots.
Light has been at 100% of 1000 watts for the past few days, on GLR light schedule, and they're exploding.
Training has begun and supercropping the hell out of the Cotton Candy's to keep em low.

-Co2 has been between 900 and 1500 PPM's. ✓
-temps- between 72 and 82 F.✓
-No signs of deficiencies, so going full strength on the next feed.✓
-PPM's currently at 700, PH 5.9.✓
-No bugs or PM. ✓







Thanks JJ!

Really looking forward to seeing this light mover produce too.
The speed at which these plants are growing under it with my light at full power now is amazing.
Its going to be interesting having 4 sativa dominant strains and 4 indica dominant strains running under the same light.
keeping an even canopy should keep me busy.

hmmmm.... That sounds kinda familiar. Now where did I see another grow room with a mix of strains like that?... :hmmmm: :scratchinghead:

oh ya! In my basement! :blalol:

Good luck with that. Let me know how you do it. I released all my plants from their bondage at around day 8-10 of stretch. Now my sativas are much taller than the indicas, so I arranged them stadium style. I put up a pic yesterday that shows it pretty well. Works nice with the mover as the plants in the middle don't shadow the ends when the mover is on the other end.

Great update bro. always looking good in your neck of the woods:) +reps bro

i have mixed feelings about my light mover too , but mine isnt adjustable and my led light manufacture says to only move the lights one foot in either directions so that was probably my issue.


I can understand why. Mine is moving the long axis of my room right now. It's working fine, but I am going to change it up next round and have it move the short axis. It will probably only move about 12-18", but that will be perfect. Right now, the plants on the ends stretch a bit trying to reach the light when it's at the other end of the room.

good choice on the mover! last we spoke i was looking into plans to make one... but decided, due to lack of electrical skills i would go with buying one myself after this grow loL.. like you say, there's the advantage of having warranties etc etc but they aint cheap!! the local ass's (local growshop) sell em for 620$ including a slave unit and rails!!! so off to the fleabay i went lol... can get one for 200-300 incl. shipping so that aint too bad at all considering my options.

Holy cow that's a lot! I bought an AgraMover Plus for $229. I added an 8" channel ($44) and a 6' X-Bar ($76), so with shipping ($40 because of the channel and Xbar I think), it came to just under $400 total.

Thanks for the reps and comments ronnie!

Only a foot in either direction?? why exactly?
That doesn't really seem like enough to warrant using one, if that's all the coverage you can get.
What kind is it?

I think the shorter movement is an attempt to avoid causing the plants to stretch. I've noticed the plants at the ends of my room stretch a lot more than the ones in the middle. I'm interpreting that as they are reaching out to the light when it's at the other end. Shortening the amount of movement will decrease, or even negate, this effect.

The benefit is better light penetration and less shadowing of lower nugs. I think eliminating the shadows is enough benefit, but you do increase your light's footprint a little too.

In my case, since I use wing reflectors, there is a band of light on each side that is a major hot spot. By moving the reflector perpendicular to the build/reflector orientation, I can move this hot band of light across the plants rather than having it sit in one place. As long as I use the wing reflectors, I'll move them.

Next round I'll go back to my 3 lights, but move them ~12" to help reduce shadows and avoid that hot spot.
Thanks for that hiker!
I can totally see how moving it on the short axis in your room would work better.
Even if it's only moving 12-18" on that axis, the coverage would be more constant on everyone.
Unfortunately I don't really have that option in my small space.
It's definitely going to be a bit of a challenge keeping them all even under one light, but I think it's doable.
Time to get all S&M with the Cotton Candy's, tie downs, whips, chains, straps, gag balls..

sorry B.I.D. if that gave you an arousal..:cheesygrinsmiley:
leather, whips, and chains... oh my! :rofl:

I'm sure you'll figure something out Vick. Keep in mind you don't have to keep that canopy perfect with the mover. You can just rearrange them stadium style like I did. Since you're using soiless, you could raise individual buckets, right? That's another way to even out the canopy. I'll take some new pics of my canopy tonight, so you can see the change since I did the stadium arrangement a few days ago. I think it works well with the mover that travels a long distance.
leather, whips, and chains... oh my! :rofl:

I'm sure you'll figure something out Vick. Keep in mind you don't have to keep that canopy perfect with the mover. You can just rearrange them stadium style like I did. Since you're using soiless, you could raise individual buckets, right? That's another way to even out the canopy. I'll take some new pics of my canopy tonight, so you can see the change since I did the stadium arrangement a few days ago. I think it works well with the mover that travels a long distance.

"whip it real good.."

The way these Cotton Candy's are spreading out, I can't arrange a stadium in my situation.
But like you said, I can raise the shorty's up to match then everyone's getting the same spread of goodness.
I noticed something last night that I was kind of hoping wouldn't happen.
Even though I flushed my old Coco really well before harvest, I re-used some of the Coco from my last batch, and mixed in with the new.
Not a lot, like maybe 15% old, 85% new..
I've been feeding really low PPM's, never higher than 700.
Then I was noticing weird growth on some of the branches, and decreased leaf numbers popping.
So I was like, hmmmmmm...wth
Immediately checked my run off PPM's on the last feed, and it was sitting at 1300..:whoa:
Meaning there was a lot of salt still left in my old Coco.

There's no major harm, except for maybe a week behind.
Just means a good flush is in order, to clear everyone up.
In Fact the Cotton Candy's have been exploding, obviously from the elevated nutes in the medium.
But they haven't showed signs of major burning which I expected when I saw the PPM readings. :cheesygrinsmiley:
So it's good to know that they can handle it on the hot side.

I'll try to take a photo in the next few days to show what I mean.

Been having some computer issues these past few days.
So please bear with me..

Thanks for the reps and comments ronnie!

Only a foot in either direction?? why exactly?
That doesn't really seem like enough to warrant using one, if that's all the coverage you can get.
What kind is it?

I use Adavanced Led lights, not sure why , but thats their recommendation on using light movers. unfortunatly i bought a cheap 4ft nonadjustable mover before i read that. it worked ok but like Hiker said had some awful stretching. if i ever go with a mover again i'll get something like the Sola Rola which can be adjusted to move what ever distance you wish:)

looking great bro, +reps.

Great grow here Vic. I swear by lite tails. When I started putting ideas for my room together it needed 4 1000's watters to really fly, but I manage just better now with 2 1500 watters on rails. I could get by with 2 1000's if needed. It's nice to have light hit plants from different angles. I think you said you got a fixed rail? Chain drive? I used those years back. Was all there was around. I mean they work and do a great job, but these intel drives are way cool. I have the 3.5 unit on a 3' rail. It covers 10'. Also I do have some rather HUGE hoods, heavy too I might add. I'm using the Magnum 6"XXL and them buggers are almost 4X4 unto themselves. They also weigh close to 50 lbs apiece. I was worried the 3.5 rails couldn't hang, but they still are going almost 2 years later. All in all I think rails are worth their weight in gold as long as you have enough room to use them. GL Vic I'll ctch up abit. I haven't been getting around a lot lately.
Keepem Green
Re: Vick's - OG Kuskh & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Yiir boii :high-five:

I like the floor reflector :goodjob:

It was all I could find to muffle noise and seal the floor on the cheap..
Not like floor reflectors work, but it sure makes the room seem brighter, lol
thats just beautiful!! :cheesygrinsmiley: loving that supercropping and training.. looking perfect as a plant can be :thumb:

wiw is always on the list..:winkyface:
If there's nothing to wiw about, it becomes boring..
Thanks man, Glad to have ya drop in,
I've been so busy lately and haven't had much time to train and do updates.
These Cotton Candies, have got to be 100% pure sativa. so lanky and stretchy.
Flipping as soon as possible so they don't grow through the light.
REPS as well mate. Always love what the vick is up to.

Thanks mate!
Glad to see ya roll through.

sorry I've been a bit absent lately..
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