Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

I use Adavanced Led lights, not sure why , but thats their recommendation on using light movers. unfortunatly i bought a cheap 4ft nonadjustable mover before i read that. it worked ok but like Hiker said had some awful stretching. if i ever go with a mover again i'll get something like the Sola Rola which can be adjusted to move what ever distance you wish:)

looking great bro, +reps.


Thanks man,
I got a inteladrive 3.5.
The thing hasn't given me any problems since I bought it.
I'm thinking I wont be running these Cotton Candy's again indoors.
With their pure sativa nature and desire to stretch towards the mover, I just don't have the room to house them.
Thinking a SOG run with the OG's would be a perfect fit under the 1K hood and mover.
Orbital movers rock, they eliminate all the probs associated with linear configurations.

I hear that.

I've seen some pretty cool setups using orbital's.
Just need the space to rock one of those babies.
Great grow here Vic. I swear by lite tails. When I started putting ideas for my room together it needed 4 1000's watters to really fly, but I manage just better now with 2 1500 watters on rails. I could get by with 2 1000's if needed. It's nice to have light hit plants from different angles. I think you said you got a fixed rail? Chain drive? I used those years back. Was all there was around. I mean they work and do a great job, but these intel drives are way cool. I have the 3.5 unit on a 3' rail. It covers 10'. Also I do have some rather HUGE hoods, heavy too I might add. I'm using the Magnum 6"XXL and them buggers are almost 4X4 unto themselves. They also weigh close to 50 lbs apiece. I was worried the 3.5 rails couldn't hang, but they still are going almost 2 years later. All in all I think rails are worth their weight in gold as long as you have enough room to use them. GL Vic I'll ctch up abit. I haven't been getting around a lot lately.
Keepem Green

Hey wood!
That's exactly what I have.
An intel 3.5 running one 1000K lamp on a 6' rail.
And I'm super happy with it!
Great grow here Vic. I swear by lite tails. When I started putting ideas for my room together it needed 4 1000's watters to really fly, but I manage just better now with 2 1500 watters on rails. I could get by with 2 1000's if needed. It's nice to have light hit plants from different angles. I think you said you got a fixed rail? Chain drive? I used those years back. Was all there was around. I mean they work and do a great job, but these intel drives are way cool. I have the 3.5 unit on a 3' rail. It covers 10'. Also I do have some rather HUGE hoods, heavy too I might add. I'm using the Magnum 6"XXL and them buggers are almost 4X4 unto themselves. They also weigh close to 50 lbs apiece. I was worried the 3.5 rails couldn't hang, but they still are going almost 2 years later. All in all I think rails are worth their weight in gold as long as you have enough room to use them. GL Vic I'll ctch up abit. I haven't been getting around a lot lately.
Keepem Green

thats cool that your 3.5 intel handles that weight!! i was worried about that being an issue as they advertise something like 30lb recommended max weight... is reassuring to know! i was thinking of going with the 4 or 5 because of possible weight issues and wanted to cover my bases. cheers for that info brother :thumb:
wiw is always on the list..:winkyface:
If there's nothing to wiw about, it becomes boring..
Thanks man, Glad to have ya drop in,
I've been so busy lately and haven't had much time to train and do updates.
These Cotton Candies, have got to be 100% pure sativa. so lanky and stretchy.
Flipping as soon as possible so they don't grow through the light.

yeah when i run my cindy hybrids(75%cindy + 25%maroc) i wont be vegging at all- straight to flower! .. last time i grew em in this top feed setup they grew over 5 foot in just under 3 weeks!! (=initial flower stretch) LMAO BUT upon saying that... they yielded MAXIMUM weight.. i got one in a DWC at the mo and its been pretty relaxed... for some reason i cant get the same vigor in DWC with this sat dom strain as i can in a top feed system..

all the best Vick! and hope life is treating ya well! :surf:
The problem with the orbital movers is building the round grow rooms. :)
LOL not to mention the fact they can make yer plants dizzy and fall over! :trance:

Maybe that's a good thing? Dizzier pot means dizzier smoker? :)
Always thought it'd be cool to repurpose our water collection bin. Drain it vent it put in a door and an orbital mover. Its Gotta be 16 foot round 8-9 ft tall. But alas the rain water helps cut back on the bills.
Drive by. Hope gardens are growing great Vic. Hey Canna I have a friend back in Arkansas who grows in his under ground collector. Temps are fantastic even with some heavy lighting. His room is like 8' tall and 10' across. Got to be real careful back there where you grow. You can land in the Pen for it still. Keepem Green
Hell, I should've got in here a long time ago. "WIW"

See what I did there, lol? I am looking forward to learning a bunch in here. I loved the light rail talk as I have been considering one. I will be following along to watch the magic.

right on Steppenwolf!


Geez, I've been so busy lately, I've plum forgotten to end this journal and start another.
They've just kinda continued on from the OG Ambrosia grow, into this OG Cotton Candy grow.
Glad you could make it brother, and thanks for reminding me to get my act together round ere..

Gotta get final weights and smoke report up..
Always thought it'd be cool to repurpose our water collection bin. Drain it vent it put in a door and an orbital mover. Its Gotta be 16 foot round 8-9 ft tall. But alas the rain water helps cut back on the bills.

Oh man, that would be unreal!

Would really love to see someone around here do a good vertical grow with an orbital mover.
Mr. Smith had a pretty radical hydro setup with two vertical bulbs.
Wish he was still around. The Knowledge that guy has with growing cannabis and DIY is an awesome thing to watch..

for anyone that hasn't peeped one of his journals here's one to get lost in..

DIY Vertical Tube Challenges The Aeroflo 96 - The Goal Is In The Yeild
Drive by. Hope gardens are growing great Vic. Hey Canna I have a friend back in Arkansas who grows in his under ground collector. Temps are fantastic even with some heavy lighting. His room is like 8' tall and 10' across. Got to be real careful back there where you grow. You can land in the Pen for it still. Keepem Green

Things are good Wood man!
A little bit of mite action heading into flower, but no biggie..
Any underground grow would be awesome.
I've heard of people burying storage containers underground, linking them all together with secret entrances and exits.
Man that would be cool..
Ok so I have neglected to post my final weights for this grow.

I weighed everything after a good 1 month cure and meant to post the numbers, but kept forgetting.
It wasn't until just now that I was blown away by my final numbers.
Not by the actual amount of bud, but the number I got when I just punched the totals of both into the calculator..

420 grams..

No really...

That's with the OG Kush and Ambrosia combined..
OG- 324 grams
Ambrosia- 96 grams

Has that ever happened to anyone here before!?

So a bit shy of a pound, but I know it had to do with me only being able to run both my ballast's at half power (500w.)

420 grams!!



I'll be wrapping this journal up and starting a new one soon.
Or might just keep this one going, we'll see what kind of time I have over the next week.

good weed to everyone!!
This ones too good to ditch mate! Just have a mod change the title to something more universal :)

Norcal ur in Oregon now? Not enough of us on here.... you fish? :)
Ok so I have neglected to post my final weights for this grow.

I weighed everything after a good 1 month cure and meant to post the numbers, but kept forgetting.
It wasn't until just now that I was blown away by my final numbers.
Not by the actual amount of bud, but the number I got when I just punched the totals of both into the calculator..

420 grams..

No really...

That's with the OG Kush and Ambrosia combined..
OG- 324 grams
Ambrosia- 96 grams

Has that ever happened to anyone here before!?

So a bit shy of a pound, but I know it had to do with me only being able to run both my ballast's at half power (500w.)

420 grams!!



I'll be wrapping this journal up and starting a new one soon.
Or might just keep this one going, we'll see what kind of time I have over the next week.

good weed to everyone!!

Nice buds, got my vote:thumb:
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