Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Ha! that's a hell of a lot of milk @ $3-4 per gallon f that noise. Lol my wife would go ballistic too. My aunt had a dairy farm, I'll never forget that smell. The milk was delicious.

Me and the misses were just talking about making a veg garden yesterday. Trying to be more self sufficient and lowering the grocery bill. There is definitely some pride in growing your own.
Had to google Punkin chunkin theme song.
I don't watch T.V.anymore because of the amount of bullshit out there.
Knowing that there's a show now about chucking pumpkins, kinda confirms our cable T.V. cancellation. lol
Although it does look like a pretty funny show!

We went many years without regular tv, just g rated dvds....nobody suffered from it!

Thanks MC!

Giant Pumpkin seeds a?
I just bought a plain old Pumpkin seedling and threw it in a 35 ltr airpot.
Seeing what these guys do to grow a monster looks expensive!
They can drink more milk in a day than 10 people could!
If the old lady caught me buying 20 gallons of milk to feed to my pumpkin,
I'd be sleeping out on the back deck with it for the rest of the summer.
Not sure about growing a HUGE one, but would be fun to try and pump one up a bit.
And if you say the milk technique works with all vining fruits, the Zukes and Cukes could get it too.
I could safely get away with 1 gallon of milk a week.. lol

Yep, they are special seeds....they don't take all that much milk........a gallon a week may be enough....I can make a phone call and get exact details....bros first try was over 200 lbs!
All caught up. Looking very nice as always. I'm really impressed you're finding time to grow veggies, and cannabis, and work 60+ at the day job. I'm struggling with just the day job (also a 60+ gig most weeks), the basement, and keeping the Mrs happy. You have my deepest respects. :Namaste:

Wish u live closer mate. We sale our excess milk to the dairy farm up the road, our cattle produce more than we need, I could get ya 20 gallons no problem lol

You live on a dairy farm? Somehow I never pictured that! :biglaugh:
Not quite a dairy farm. Just self sustained. We keep 79 acres 15 of it is wheat and the rest is cattle goats chickens gardens orchard etc. I don't trust the usds FDA manufacturers Monsanto etc. Self sustained is the only lifestyle I could ever live anymore I didn't shit right for a week last time I ate out haha
Not quite a dairy farm. Just self sustained. We keep 79 acres 15 of it is wheat and the rest is cattle goats chickens gardens orchard etc. I don't trust the usds FDA manufacturers Monsanto etc. Self sustained is the only lifestyle I could ever live anymore I didn't shit right for a week last time I ate out haha

i hear that!! monsanto have ridiculous power these days! sounds like a great plot of land you have there sensei, no better way to live than by the work of your own hand
Hey vic wondering if I put a scrog in my cabinet how long do you think it will take to fill with my two plants? 2x2x4

Hey buddy,
With how fast your plants are growing in that hydro tub of yours.
It wouldn't take that much time. Maybe 3 weeks to fill? Depending how tedious you are with your training.
But I'd start the training now. Top and LST the hell out of them.
Gotta love that super fast growth with DWC.
All caught up. Looking very nice as always. I'm really impressed you're finding time to grow veggies, and cannabis, and work 60+ at the day job. I'm struggling with just the day job (also a 60+ gig most weeks), the basement, and keeping the Mrs happy. You have my deepest respects. :Namaste:

Thank you my friend
Life can get pretty busy sometimes eh?.
But I wouldn't have it any other way.
rather be getting things done, than sitting on the couch watching life go by..
Not quite a dairy farm. Just self sustained. We keep 79 acres 15 of it is wheat and the rest is cattle goats chickens gardens orchard etc. I don't trust the usds FDA manufacturers Monsanto etc. Self sustained is the only lifestyle I could ever live anymore I didn't shit right for a week last time I ate out haha

Sounds like a little piece of heaven :Namaste:

Maybe a little TMI on that last part, but I hear ya :winkyface:

Thank you my friend
Life can get pretty busy sometimes eh?.
But I wouldn't have it any other way.
rather be getting things done, than sitting on the couch watching life go by..

Agreed! :high-five:

It is nice to veg on the couch sometimes though. Especially when edibles are involved. :winkyface:
Hey vick, I just got my butter machine and I wanted to know if you ever made ay tincture with yours, and if you did how did you do it. The instructions that came with the machine are vague!...Thanks!

Hey bro,
Congrats on getting your machine!
I haven't made anything with it yet.
And was wondering the same thing.
Instructions are totally vague.
I'm waiting til I have some nice sugary trim and then I'm gunna fire it up to make some tinctures for my dad.
Kinda worried about adding solvents or alcohols to it and leaving it unattended though.
I sent Docbud a message about making magical butter tinctures, (*since he did a review on them) so hopefully he's got some recipes for us to try out MC. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Does anyone else have any experience using the machine?
Any recipes to make good oil or butter's??
Agreed! :high-five:

It is nice to veg on the couch sometimes though. Especially when edibles are involved. :winkyface:

Doing exactly that right now!
without the edibles though. lol
I'm a bit of a light weight when it comes to edibles.
I'd be in a dark room huddled up in a ball muttering to myself if I ate too much..
Have a rain day today, so I'm trying to get caught up on things.
On the topic of edibles, have you received your magical butter machine yet from your MOTM win?
Both Mcloadie and I are interested in making tinctures with ours, but don't have any info about making them with the machine.
Sent a message out to Doc Bud, and waiting to hear back.
hey vick, i spent some time outside mixing soil and planting my outdoor veggie garden, but the plants dont look good. the roots were tangled and i lost a lot of root mass during transplant. i hope they come back. ill keep you updated.
bummer bmeat,
Yeah when they're that young and fragile, screwing with roots is the last thing that you want to do to them.
live and learn brother.
I suggest taking a trip to a local nursery, buy a few veggie seedlings and go from there.
The nurseries have already done all the hard work for you, then all you have to do is throw em in big pots with a good healthy soil (promix, Sunshine mix, but try and avoid any miracle grow soils or soils that are pre charged with nutrients,)
and give em a good 20-20-20 fert once a week. plain water or rain water in between, plenty of sunshine and you'll be eating your rewards a few month later.
Dope track jon,
that song reminded me of a track that'll bring you back I hope..
crank it!

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