Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

excellent photographs!

Thanks KingJohnC!
and for the reps mate!

Nice photography vick...+ reps, those would be lovely combined with instructional text in book good as any I've ever seen in technical publications....the grow is lovely too.....I feel priveleged to see this happening!

That is very very nice of you to say MC!

Privileged to have you along for the ride my friend..
and thanks for the reps buddy
Here's some shots of the outdoor garden slowly getting started..

Zuchs and Pumpkin:




Sweet Corn:




Various Toms:








And of course the Abrosia and OG Kush clones, soon to be joined by 6 more Cotton Candy Kush clones and Ambrosia Mom.
Snow peas in behind





And one I forgot to post from the other night in the flower room:

hey man awesome garden! im starting mine from seed. here are my babies:

Thanks man,
You must have camouflaged them pretty damn good, cuz I don't see nothing!!
sorry, here you go. beefsteak tomato, cherry tomato, basil, dill and cilantro. might get a pepper and a strawberry sprout once these get bigger.

That's awesome!
All in one pot eh?
I'd suggest you might want to try and separate them into their own pots as soon as possible.
Once they get going, they're roots will fight each other and it can be hard to split them up without damage.
Also, all those things you got going in one pot like different situations, so to have them all together they're forced to drink and feed only one way.

I did a veg garden last year from seed too.
But I found that it's way better to get already started seedlings from nurseries. Kinda like buying clones, saves a lot of time and they are strong and ready to go right off the bat. Just need transplants into bigger pots with a good soil and they'll flourish!

Anyway, Happy gardening!
nice garden bro, i'm growing miniature palm trees in my air pots. they grow soo sloow. it took three months just to germinate the seeds. once they get big enough i'm going to plant them in the back yard.

looking great vick

That's awesome!
All in one pot eh?
I'd suggest you might want to try and separate them into their own pots as soon as possible.
Once they get going, they're roots will fight each other and it can be hard to split them up without damage.
Also, all those things you got going in one pot like different situations, so to have them all together they're forced to drink and feed only one way.

I did a veg garden last year from seed too.
But I found that it's way better to get already started seedlings from nurseries. Kinda like buying clones, saves a lot of time and they are strong and ready to go right off the bat. Just need transplants into bigger pots with a good soil and they'll flourish!

Anyway, Happy gardening!

you think the roots are tangling already? i might get a strawberry and pepper sprout from a store once these are older/bigger.
nice garden bro, i'm growing miniature palm trees in my air pots. they grow soo sloow. it took three months just to germinate the seeds. once they get big enough i'm going to plant them in the back yard.

looking great vick


Thanks Ronnie,
Wow, took three months to germ the seeds?
Is that normal?
Does it have to do with some elaberate way of suspending the seed above water like Avacados?

Hi're garden looks so nice. Great to have you're own, healthy, well grown veggies.

The other girls look fine too!

Thanks bud!
Can't wait to have a bunch of friends over and have a huge harvest/veggie/barbeque feast!
You're invited OMM.

My father in law grew some prize winning pumpkins back in the day.
So I'm gunna hit him up for some growing tips.
Apparently he used to syphon homo milk into the pumpkin, and that was one of the tricks.
He grew a 75 pounder that way!
But where do you get Pumpkin pollen from?
I'm guessing a nursery. Because if the flower doesn't get pollenated by a female pumkin then you wont get a pumpkin. lol

you think the roots are tangling already? i might get a strawberry and pepper sprout from a store once these are older/bigger.

With them planted so closely, I'm going to guess they have might have started to tangle already.
It's fine to keep the herbs like the dill, cilantro, and basil in one pot, that's exactly what I'm doing too. But I'd maybe separate the tomato plants into their own, so they really have a chance to stretch out.;)
i googled how to germinate the seeds and found a youtube video. i put the seeds in a large ziplock bag half full with potting mix and used a spray bottle to moisten the soil. checked them weekly and sprayed with water every two to three weeks to keep moist. three months later all the seeds had tap roots coming out and i transplanted them into small pots. a month later i transplanted one group into a 5 gal air pot and the roots hadn't surrounded the sides yet so i'm still waiting a little bit before i transplant the rest.




wowza, those pics are so damned pretty! :cheesygrinsmiley: those macros are pure awesomeness- that resin is off the richter brother! wow.. and they arent even half way done yet :drool::yummy:

love your attention to detail, see it in your cloning technique- always an inspiration to see things so clean and immaculate :thumb:

always a pleasure to stop in and see how its done :]] looking forward to seeing these at the end of their journey, especially if they are looking so damned pretty now!

peace Vick.. hope the week treats ya well mate /|\
Hey vick, this is how my bro grew the giant ass pumpkins; he bought giant pumpkin seeds, then did the milk trip, with your knowlege of what a fussy ass weed plant wants, you may blow this thing outta the water! Bro strips the plant to just one pumpkin, he has tons of experience as a farmer, but I'm sure he is way shorter on finesse than you are. Good luck and please keep us posted, as far as I know the milk technique can be used on any of the large vining crops.
wowza, those pics are so damned pretty! :cheesygrinsmiley: those macros are pure awesomeness- that resin is off the richter brother! wow.. and they arent even half way done yet :drool::yummy:

love your attention to detail, see it in your cloning technique- always an inspiration to see things so clean and immaculate :thumb:

always a pleasure to stop in and see how its done :]] looking forward to seeing these at the end of their journey, especially if they are looking so damned pretty now!

peace Vick.. hope the week treats ya well mate /|\

Wow, that was really nice mate!

Thank you very much for those kind words my friend.
you started my week off with a smile:cheesygrinsmiley:
And it's always nice to see you roll through here buddy.:cheesygrinsmiley:
For some reason the "punkin chunckin " theme song came to mind only more sensual lol

Had to google Punkin chunkin theme song.
I don't watch T.V.anymore because of the amount of bullshit out there.
Knowing that there's a show now about chucking pumpkins, kinda confirms our cable T.V. cancellation. lol
Although it does look like a pretty funny show!
i start seeds directly in the soil, its the best.

push the seed into the soil until its buried a little bit. dont press down on the soil! mist 2-3 times a day, or use cling wrap or a dome if you dont have time to mist. call it a wrap! cannabis will break earth in 3-4 days and other types of seeds take a little longer, though all my veggies and stuff broke earth in 4-5 days becuase i didnt compact the earth down this time around. last time i tried to grow a tomato and basil plant, they took FOREVER to sprout.

sometimes i let the seed float in a cup of water for an hour while i prepare my soil.
Hey vick, this is how my bro grew the giant ass pumpkins; he bought giant pumpkin seeds, then did the milk trip, with your knowlege of what a fussy ass weed plant wants, you may blow this thing outta the water! Bro strips the plant to just one pumpkin, he has tons of experience as a farmer, but I'm sure he is way shorter on finesse than you are. Good luck and please keep us posted, as far as I know the milk technique can be used on any of the large vining crops.

Thanks MC!

Giant Pumpkin seeds a?
I just bought a plain old Pumpkin seedling and threw it in a 35 ltr airpot.
Seeing what these guys do to grow a monster looks expensive!
They can drink more milk in a day than 10 people could!
If the old lady caught me buying 20 gallons of milk to feed to my pumpkin,
I'd be sleeping out on the back deck with it for the rest of the summer.
Not sure about growing a HUGE one, but would be fun to try and pump one up a bit.
And if you say the milk technique works with all vining fruits, the Zukes and Cukes could get it too.
I could safely get away with 1 gallon of milk a week.. lol
Wish u live closer mate. We sale our excess milk to the dairy farm up the road, our cattle produce more than we need, I could get ya 20 gallons no problem lol
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