Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Hope them babies are flowering up nicely. Guess I'll have to come back to see,,,,, Keepem Green

You bet your a** they are my friend!
Drive by here around 10:00 tonight,
then you won't have to take my word for it. :winkyface:
Doing exactly that right now!
without the edibles though. lol
I'm a bit of a light weight when it comes to edibles.
I'd be in a dark room huddled up in a ball muttering to myself if I ate too much..
Have a rain day today, so I'm trying to get caught up on things.
On the topic of edibles, have you received your magical butter machine yet from your MOTM win?
Both Mcloadie and I are interested in making tinctures with ours, but don't have any info about making them with the machine.
Sent a message out to Doc Bud, and waiting to hear back.

Got my package from :420: with nug jar and papers and such. No butter maker, but I got a tracking # on Monday. Let's hope it makes it. They actually sent 3 emails. One of them had the correct billing address, but had my shipping address in the wrong city and state. It was my street addy, but some city in Oregon. Maybe canna is trying to hijack it! :winkyface: I've still got all my cured trim from my harvest waiting for me. Was planning to wait until I get some bubble bags, but maybe I'll just fire up the butter machine instead :)
Hehehe... just let it happen hiker.

What ya wanna know vick? I haven't gotten mine either but my last roommate had one I used all the time to make tinctures butter salves etc
Got my package from :420: with nug jar and papers and such. No butter maker, but I got a tracking # on Monday. Let's hope it makes it. They actually sent 3 emails. One of them had the correct billing address, but had my shipping address in the wrong city and state. It was my street addy, but some city in Oregon. Maybe canna is trying to hijack it! :winkyface: I've still got all my cured trim from my harvest waiting for me. Was planning to wait until I get some bubble bags, but maybe I'll just fire up the butter machine instead :)

Between all us fortunate folks that have em, we should be able to come up with some tasty recipes. tictures, oils, butter..


Hehehe... just let it happen hiker.

What ya wanna know vick? I haven't gotten mine either but my last roommate had one I used all the time to make tinctures butter salves etc

can you give me a recipe for a medium to potent ticture?
My Dad has prostate cancer, depression, fatigue etc.
I wanna come up with something that will turn things around for him a bit.
I know it's going to be a process if trial and error to get the dosages right. (since he doesn't smoke it)
But I really think it would help.
Photo Update:

Day 35 of flower

please enjoy! :smokin:








Ambrosia finally starting to do something...









Gorgeous girls Vick!:bravo::adore::clap:
Amazing shots amazing nugs mate!
Idk what else to say

As for the tincture I don't really have a recipe per se. Always kinda went by feel but here we go

Tincture: enough herb to fill mb2 reservoir finely ground.
Glicerine or vegetable oil. Ur choice. Enough to cover herb.
1/2/ tap vanilla or you flavor choice extract (vanilla does very well to kill the herby aftertaste)
run 8 hours

Salve :
A jar of coconut oil. Set this in the oven or on a burner on keep warm to liquify. Makes measuring much easier.
6-10 red chili peppers
Mint leaves
4 drops eucalyptus extract
A squirt or chunck of aloe Vera
Allow to run 8 hours
Store in cool place until ready for use. The is a dermal preparation, it will not absorb into your blood stream nor intoxicate you in any form. Wont show on drug test. A GREAT rub for back pain, fibromyalgia (sp?), joint pain etc. A dab of vapor rub can further improve effectiveness although he chili pepper does pretty well to open the pores and sinuses. Enjoy man lmk how it turns out.
If you exclude the chili peppers he salve makes an amazing sunburn ointment as well... but for the love of God don't do it with chili peppers and a me...
If you exclude the chili peppers he salve makes an amazing sunburn ointment as well... but for the love of God don't do it with chili peppers and a me...

hahah :rofl:
bummer bmeat,
Yeah when they're that young and fragile, screwing with roots is the last thing that you want to do to them.
live and learn brother.
I suggest taking a trip to a local nursery, buy a few veggie seedlings and go from there.
The nurseries have already done all the hard work for you, then all you have to do is throw em in big pots with a good healthy soil (promix, Sunshine mix, but try and avoid any miracle grow soils or soils that are pre charged with nutrients,)
and give em a good 20-20-20 fert once a week. plain water or rain water in between, plenty of sunshine and you'll be eating your rewards a few month later.

first off your plants look amazing, super sugary. second, i got a good soil mix. i tilled it by hand yesterday and mixed a good soil. i used mostly compost, some peat and some vermiculite. i didnt pack it down, i left it feeling like a pillow. i hope the sprouts come back.

let me ask you this. how many basils and cilantor per pot should i do? 2? 3?

Well I made a batch of Bhang for mom using the Magic Butter machine.

Based on how I make it on the stove, I went with 220f and 2 hrs. I filled to max line with half & half, actually ran out and added milk. Sprinkled some cinnamon, nutmeg, maple syrup, and a dash of vanilla extract.

Used a 1 gal freezer bag of trim. No idea on the weight, and it wasn't full. This is about 1/2 the normal amount of trim I use.

Fell asleep, so I didn't get back to it when it was warm. But that made straining easier. That being said, while the strainer is awesome and allows no material through, it would take a week & a day to get all the liquid out. I switched to pouring some into cheese cloth and spinning it tight and squeezing it all out.

It's now on the cleaning cycle, directions there are simple enough.

Hopefully in a day or two I can tell ya how it came out. I haven't actually tasted it, I'll try less than a spoonful myself, but I'll give mom a couple to a few ounces later too.

Overall I think it's a nice unit and will work fine. I just need to get used to it for proper amounts.
Good note there^ I use a jelly bag to ring out the last of the butter/ oil /salve. I'm not a fan of the filter
beautiful pics brotha! I cant seem to get the settings on my cam right for hps pics, are you taking them right as the lights turn on?

Thanks buddy!
I take them at various times throughout the light cycle.
Every time setting the white balance manually.
A lot of people can't get past taking their camera off AWB, (Automatic White Balance)
And wonder why everything still turns out yellow.
try to understand how the white balance works on your camera and, if you understand it? you should have a perfectly exposed photo almost every time.
What it does is, instead of picking a particular K (light measured in temperature) which the auto settings make for you (landscape, portraiture, sunset, daylight.. etc.
it sets the "K" for the actual temperature of the given moment.
Like if you have a white piece of paper or a grey card, and white balance your camera to that. (under whatever light your using as your main source) Then you'll get pretty close to perfect "daylight" exposure as you can get.
The rest can be fixed in post production ie Photoshop.

Different for flash shots,
diffuse the flash with white paper or cloth, then dial down the flash output.
And play with exposure compensation.
Again white balance with flash on, this will give you a "fill flash" exposing slightly more of the subject (buds) than the background.
Will need to post process a bit.
I use Photoshop, and shoot straight raw images always. (allows for more adjustments/ higher quality.)

hope this helps!
Amazing shots amazing nugs mate!
Idk what else to say

As for the tincture I don't really have a recipe per se. Always kinda went by feel but here we go

Tincture: enough herb to fill mb2 reservoir finely ground.
Glicerine or vegetable oil. Ur choice. Enough to cover herb.
1/2/ tap vanilla or you flavor choice extract (vanilla does very well to kill the herby aftertaste)
run 8 hours

Salve :
A jar of coconut oil. Set this in the oven or on a burner on keep warm to liquify. Makes measuring much easier.
6-10 red chili peppers
Mint leaves
4 drops eucalyptus extract
A squirt or chunck of aloe Vera
Allow to run 8 hours
Store in cool place until ready for use. The is a dermal preparation, it will not absorb into your blood stream nor intoxicate you in any form. Wont show on drug test. A GREAT rub for back pain, fibromyalgia (sp?), joint pain etc. A dab of vapor rub can further improve effectiveness although he chili pepper does pretty well to open the pores and sinuses. Enjoy man lmk how it turns out.

Thanks a lot for that bro!
will be using both those recipes for sure.
Especially that salve!

"In my younger days I used to sport a sag" bringing me back buddy. Love the frosty's buddy.

Always looks icey in your garden.

when I went to school I carried lunch in a bag
with an apple for my teacher cuz I knew I'd get a kiss,
always got mad when the class was dismissed.."
great album.

Tribe called Quest
Souls of Mischief
Lords of the Underground

90's hip hop classics..

Thanks shotta!
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