Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

im watching this one in the name of research and for the thrill. wanted to see how the og likes the glr so thanks for the hookup Reps Bro:thumb::goodjob::high-five:

Welcome to the grow s1ingblade.

These OG seem to have really liked it this round.
My last grow of OG had them almost flowering in the final stages before flip.
Mind you they were vegged and trained for almost 2 months, so it could have been they were just mature and wanted to get it on..
But the good thing I've noticed when them and GLR is what most notice, they show a lot sooner after flip.
Last grow I saw preflowers after 5 days!
Looks VICKed Good Bro. 12/12, h*ll YES, LET THE MAGIC BEGIN :)
Btw. If ya feel for it and got a minute. Come check out some budporn, we just past day 50 from flip :peace:

Thanks Juicy!
I'm definitely going to drop by and get my porn on.
thanks for the invite.
just in time for flowering! :cheesygrinsmiley: when all the madness begins.. can hardly wait :]] i bought a coupla bottles of the good stuff, gonna park up and enjoy the show :allgood::ganjamon: always good to see glr cycles too**
looking well set Vick-bring on them apple-bottomed beauties! :cheesygrinsmiley:
just in time for flowering! :cheesygrinsmiley: when all the madness begins.. can hardly wait :]] i bought a coupla bottles of the good stuff, gonna park up and enjoy the show :allgood::ganjamon: always good to see glr cycles too**
looking well set Vick-bring on them apple-bottomed beauties! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good to see ya Alk!

This GLR cycle really had a quick transition!
Going to post up a bunch of photos from last nights butchery here in a hot minute..
So a nudest colony showed up in my grow yesterday, would probably be the best way to describe it.
2 of my Ambrosia's showed balls.
And all the others showed their lady parts!:yummy:

That's 3 days from flip to show signs.
Some nutsack's:



Aaaaaaaaand yer dead...
Caught them early enough that no pods had the chance to pop.
Pulled em, bagged em, and out the house they went..
That leaves 5 Ambrosia's out of 10 beans popped that are starting to show female signs.
One that I'm still watching very closely, and might cull tonight if it's warranted

So here's some photos of the ladies in all of their lovliness!
One more week and we should have some little cottonballs.








Fan leaf from the OG kush from seed

a little nute stress, but looking really good.

good eye bmeat.

They're just coming back from the heavy last week final veg feed.
Been flushed with 1/4 strength 1st week bloom ferts, waiting til they're really thirsty (prob tmrw) then they're getting a 1/2 strength dose.
glad you caught those hermies!! That fan leaf is a beast!!

They were from reg seeds, (dudes from birth) so I was expecting some males in the bunch.
No biggie, makes more room for all the other "girls" to really spread out.
If I had the room, I would have collected some pollen to cross the 2 down the road.
Just too risky to do now, not having a separate room.
maybe next run..
yeah that fan leaf is huge:) I used to use Miracle Grow years ago and would get huge leaves like that lol.
How did you get those leaves so shiny? Is it from a spray or just cause their so healthy? I am thinking the later.
A+ bro, I like:)

Thanks s1ingblade,

The shiny leaves are from last week's rosemary oil mite spray.
Leaves them looking pretty slick.
Grats on finding a couple males. I get nervous when all the regular seeds turn out female. Besides, you probably need the room as those ladies look huge.

No porta scrogs this round? Or do you add those later?
lookin good vick +reps

Thanks bud!

Rosemary makes em look like shiny beacons of hope....When I had a few males I wanted to harvest some pollen as well. Not enough room for the risk!

no doubt!

I so wish I had another room or tent in another part of the house to allow me to grab some genetics.
The tight internode spacing of these ambrosia's crossed with OG??
Could be a winner.

Grats on finding a couple males. I get nervous when all the regular seeds turn out female. Besides, you probably need the room as those ladies look huge.

No porta scrogs this round? Or do you add those later?

Thanks hiker!
I'm not sure I could say the same about the discovering of males. !0/10 females would make daddy very happy..:kiss:
But I can see where you're coming from. Variety is the spice of life!
Could definitely use the room too, since the OG's are spreading out a bit.
Had a bit of a scare with Nitrogen toxicity there the other day. (Had never had to deal with it before.)
I guess the final veg feed I gave them was a bit more than they could chew, so they held onto some N causing a temporary lockout and slowing growth..
Did a PH'd flush with drip clean and really low dose bloom ferts.
They're shaking it off now. And might be doing one more flush before introducing bloom ferts again to make sure uptake is good to go. (depending how they do over the next few days of course). If they seem to be reacting to the flush positively?
Then I'll skip the flush and they'll be back on 1/4 strength bloom ferts, which they should be ready for by then. (1/4 strength ferts are pretty much a flush anyway. As long as my nitrogen levels are lower but still enough to keep them happy. It should wash away any remaining buildups and unlock the uptake. Then slowly ramp up the feeds from there)
A bit of a bummer because it's put things back about a week and a half.
But whatevs, at least I got to learn something new about how these new OG's and Ambrosia's like their fert levels during transition.
And most importantly how nitrogen toxicity works.
That's what's so cool about growing new strains for the first time!
And there's so much to learn!!
So many strains!!

About the porta scrogs:
During the big tear down there a few weeks ago, I had to clip them up a bit to make them easier to hide.
And wouldn't be too hard to get put back together. But only having 4 of them with 18+ plants wasn't happnin.
They're way too big to be putting in this grow anyway.
I trained my plants for about 2 months to get them to fill into those suckers, and don't get me wrong, I'm glad I did it, and will be using them again in the future. But they just don't really work with the current settup.
I think a few will be going on some plants outside if everything works out as planned. :winkyface:
So I dropped my G11 in a bucket of water last night.
I was on my way to the room to do some cloning and take some photos.
Carrying multiple items, and fumbled it into a bucket of soaking rapid rooters.
It's been sitting in a bowl of rice since last night.
Gunna give it until tonight, then try and fire it back up.
Hopefully it's not pooched.
So I dropped my G11 in a bucket of water last night.
I was on my way to the room to do some cloning and take some photos.
Carrying multiple items, and fumbled it into a bucket of soaking rapid rooters.
It's been sitting in a bowl of rice since last night.
Gunna give it until tonight, then try and fire it back up.
Hopefully it's not pooched.

Ouch! I hate when I'm multi-tasking and I screw something up. Hope for the best for you. :oops:
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