VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

Highya VG,

I don't know if you've remedied the nute thing or not, but I've had luck with flushing the medium adding some nutes fresh, and see how that does. Just makes sense to me. I agree with Mr Sauga - cal/mag, also. Your Kalash mush be huge and gorgeous by now. Happy Smokin'
Hi VG! Hope you've had a great weekend. I'd love to offer some assistance but not sure what the best approach would be myself. They still look awesome :yummy:
Hey Vet.
My weekend was a long one. It took the wind from my sails and now I'm exhausted with a headache.
I plan on sleeping and dosing heavily today.
I was planning on doing some power carving. I think I'll wait until I'm more alert.

Hope you and the fam had a good weekend.
I'm with MrS (for a change :) ). I'd consider mixing the veg and bloom for a while during the transition as well. Did @Mr. Krip run into any issues when his grow moved from veg to flower?
I'm not sure.
I think Krip was using other inputs. I'll go back and visit his journal. Look to the other Geo growers and see if they have had issues.

Chris insists that I'll always have to use cal-mag no matter what. I'm starting to agree. I may grab a bottle of lower N cal-mag. I think there is a 1-0-0.

I have a feeling a full dose can't hurt.
I dood it. She got a fully.
I'm no good at finding posts, but I mentioned somewhere that the product sounds great, but deficiencies can sneak up on you fast, so be prepared. :)
I thought I was prepared. Those leaves happened quickly.
I knew there was a good chance that I'd need to adapt somehow.
This is a pretty new nutrient so there is limited information on it's use. I'm flying a bit blind here.

Highya VG,

I don't know if you've remedied the nute thing or not, but I've had luck with flushing the medium adding some nutes fresh, and see how that does. Just makes sense to me. I agree with Mr Sauga - cal/mag, also. Your Kalash mush be huge and gorgeous by now. Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode.
I thought about it and I think I may have been giving too much water. Maybe I flushed out the nutes?
I don't think I'm supposed to water to runoff in this type is medium. I know I did get some the last two times. She honestly just looks hungry to me.
I'll do my best to fix her up.
She'll get more food in a few days and I'll be more mindful when I water. If I try to rush I screw up so I just need to slow down a bit.

I'll be posting some pics of the Kalash shortly. A few cruddy leaves but the buds look like they are going to be real nice on her.
Hope that headache subsides for you, VG. I suffer from them as well so I know what that’s like.

I'm starting to agree. I may grab a bottle of lower N cal-mag. I think there is a 1-0-0.
GH calimagic is 1-0-0, I know @oldsmokey at one point found a nitrogen free organic cal/mag from TPS Nutrients you might be able to find.
I hope a dose of supplemental nutes will help you through here until the geoflora bloom really kicks in.
:hug: and :love: and :bravo: for the NOTY win. I hope that GeoFlora starts working because there's more coming your way!

I concur with the above and I also hope your headache has gone away and that you're feeling better today. :hug:
Hope that headache subsides for you, VG. I suffer from them as well so I know what that’s like.

GH calimagic is 1-0-0, I know @oldsmokey at one point found a nitrogen free organic cal/mag from TPS Nutrients you might be able to find.
I hope a dose of supplemental nutes will help you through here until the geoflora bloom really kicks in.
Thanks DAB.
That's the stuff I was thinking of. The TPS.
It looks to comparable in price to the Cali magic as well.

Headache is gone now. Thank goodness. I slept wrong and woke up with limited motion and a headache. Pinched nerves yadda, yadda yadda.

:hug: and :love: and :bravo: for the NOTY win. I hope that GeoFlora starts working because there's more coming your way!
I sure hope it does too cuz that's an understatement.
I concur with the above and I also hope your headache has gone away and that you're feeling better today. :hug:
I'm HG.
I'll still take the love though. :hug:

Just a wee bit busy today. The oldest son is coming for a visit.
I've been shopping and cleaning all darn day.
Just stopped for a quick smoke.
Send him our love!
Will do.
He just got here.
Brought the rest of my Dremel kit with him. They had to send the plunge router separately.

I still need a nice set of carving knives.
Even Dremel can't ship stuff directly to your house? :laugh:
I cut my credit card years ago. I only owe $5000 now.
Anything he orders for me goes to his place.
I don't bother asking the bf anymore. Takes him forever to do anything.
I would always miss out on deals and get pissy. It's better this way.

Plus it makes him visit.
I'm with MrS (for a change :) ). I'd consider mixing the veg and bloom for a while during the transition as well. Did @Mr. Krip run into any issues when his grow moved from veg to flower?
I didn't do a "transition dose". Since the @GeoFlora Nutrients are in solid form, it takes them a couple of weeks to finish breaking down, so, if you gave them some veg nutes in the last week, or so, by just adding some bloom formula, they're getting a "mix" until the veg finishes breaking down. ;)
I hope the plants recover their vigour VG! They were looking super good.

Did you ask @GeoFlora Nutrients about the issue and what to do? Do you have to up pot with a new base mix for flower or do you just start adding the flower formula when you flip? I’m curious what the process is (ie what the guidelines say) and are other folks having flowering transition issues with it as well... It seems to me that there must be a way of using the product that doesn’t lead to this and doesn’t require a cal-mag supplement. :hmmmm: Not saying you plants don’t - they’re clearly hungry - it just seems like it shouldn’t be the case! Which I’m sure you’ll agree with :). I hope they drop in and help you sort it out.
I just found this thread, VG.

I also just flipped a Critical Kush that I'm growing with Geoflora so I'll be closely watching your experience. This is my first time using these nutes.

The CK is due to get her first bloom nutrients next Wednesday. I fed her today with 2.5g (per gallon) of Real Growers Recharge (just based on a gut feeling that she'd like it). That will hopefully hold her until Saturday, when I'll give her plain water. Then based on how she looks I may give her the bloom on Tuesday (a day early), or on schedule, or on Thursday (a day late).

It's all very scientific with me. :laughtwo:
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