VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

Hey Vg! Tough luck with your plant hope you get it sorted soon.

Ya Mrs. N is not to excited about the Cheese plant I got going now lol. It’s ok though I think I’ll make up for it with the Gorilla Zkittles I’m growing with it just hope none of that cheese smell gets on it lol.
I grew a cheese last year. Bf liked it a lot.
The smell/taste reminded me of a dusty attic.
I didn't hate it because the effects were nice and the smoke was relatively smooth but...yup...dusty attic.
Mrs. N is not to excited about the Cheese plant I got doing now
Before I started growing, my wife would buy from a local medical dispensary, and one day she brought home a container of UK Cheese. I guess she was drawn to it becaue she's from the UK and likes cheese!

So a couple of nights later she's sitting on the back steps and lights up the pipe and starts smoking it. I happened to walk by and asked here what that disgusting smell was, and she said "I know right?" It was UK Cheese, and we both decided then and there that the smell of weed and cheese did not go well together.

No cheese strains in my house. Bananas are (probably) fine though ;).
I grew a cheese last year.
And I gave you nice complements on your gross plant.
The smell/taste reminded me of a dusty attic.

I happened to walk by and asked here what that disgusting smell was
Ohh boy is she ever gonna be happy with that one lol. When I told her I was gonna grow it she had this discussed look on her face and said you don’t have anything else? Hahaha ,I really didn’t I was trying to use up my backlog of seeds. May have to order some more for the next run lol.
I've asked before and I'll ask again, how does one get the essence of cheese into a weed plant?

I am growing one now, mostly because I can't believe it can possibly taste or smell like cheese. It's how hard-headed people get convinced of stuff. :laughtwo:
Same way we got pugs from wolves...selective breeding! The next question for both is why?
So someone bred a weed plant with what -- a Cheese Plant?

Who on earth would do something like that!? I agree, "why?"
Agreed, strains with cheese in their name smells like dirty feet to this guy. Both are not wanted.
Damn. All this time I thought we were talking about regular cheese. Now toe cheese? :laughtwo:
It seems like an endless selection of tastes or flavors grow from these things. I have to say I'm real glad they cure different than they grow sometimes. Some of the pre chop smells are the worst I can think of. On the other hand some of the best is there too. It's just amazing!
Hi Everyone,

I have two plants going right now (2 clones from a mother) both in ProMix BX, left in a 5 gallon fabric pot is getting MegaCrop (currently at 5 grams/gallon) and right in a 10 gallon fabric pot is getting GeoFlora. I just flipped them to flower 7 days ago.

I was confused if you should feed by weight on volume, because their site gives application rates in oz, but the cup conversion doesn't appear to match their weight so it appears they may be referring to fluid ounces? As in they say 8 oz. =1 cup, but when I weigh 1 cup it only weighs 5oz. But 8 fluid ounces does equal a cup?

I was also little surprised the GeoFlora Veg has 3% Ca and 0.5% Mg and GeoFlora Bloom has 5% Ca and 0.75% Mg vs 7.4% Ca and 2.8% Mg in Megacrop. I have found my GeoFlora plant to be in constant need for more nutrients. I recently upped them because of significant deficiencies showing, I now feed it the normal dose every 14 days but do a 1/2 dose after 7 days and in additional am adding 2 ml of TPS Organic CalMag (4.5% Ca, 1.1% Mg w/ no N).

It's sort of funny I heard good things about GeoFlora and how simple it is, just add a scoop every couple weeks, no need to read the plants etc. and figured that was perfect for me :) but I feel like MegaCrop has been easier for me in general. I also get the impression with the dry soil amendment and being organic, there's a decent lag between application and uptake vs. MegaCrop where you can almost see the difference the next day. Main thing I'm banking on being organic, is it's probably harder to burn them?

I'm not giving up on GeoFlora by any means, but there's more of a learning curve then I was hoping for. I'm curious to see the yield difference between the two plants, especially because I gave the GeoFlora a 10 gallon pot advantage :).

Anyways, I'm also curious what GeoFlora has to say!

Hi Everyone,

I have two plants going right now (2 clones from a mother) both in ProMix BX, left in a 5 gallon fabric pot is getting MegaCrop (currently at 5 grams/gallon) and right in a 10 gallon fabric pot is getting GeoFlora. I just flipped them to flower 7 days ago.

I was confused if you should feed by weight on volume, because their site gives application rates in oz, but the cup conversion doesn't appear to match their weight so it appears they may be referring to fluid ounces? As in they say 8 oz. =1 cup, but when I weigh 1 cup it only weighs 5oz. But 8 fluid ounces does equal a cup?

I was also little surprised the GeoFlora Veg has 3% Ca and 0.5% Mg and GeoFlora Bloom has 5% Ca and 0.75% Mg vs 7.4% Ca and 2.8% Mg in Megacrop. I have found my GeoFlora plant to be in constant need for more nutrients. I recently upped them because of significant deficiencies showing, I now feed it the normal dose every 14 days but do a 1/2 dose after 7 days and in additional am adding 2 ml of TPS Organic CalMag (4.5% Ca, 1.1% Mg w/ no N).

It's sort of funny I heard good things about GeoFlora and how simple it is, just add a scoop every couple weeks, no need to read the plants etc. and figured that was perfect for me :) but I feel like MegaCrop has been easier for me in general. I also get the impression with the dry soil amendment and being organic, there's a decent lag between application and uptake vs. MegaCrop where you can almost see the difference the next day. Main thing I'm banking on being organic, is it's probably harder to burn them?

I'm not giving up on GeoFlora by any means, but there's more of a learning curve then I was hoping for. I'm curious to see the yield difference between the two plants, especially because I gave the GeoFlora a 10 gallon pot advantage :).

Anyways, I'm also curious what GeoFlora has to say!

Nice looking plants, JT! What strain?

I too am curious to see what Geoflora has to say.
Hi Everyone,

I have two plants going right now (2 clones from a mother) both in ProMix BX, left in a 5 gallon fabric pot is getting MegaCrop (currently at 5 grams/gallon) and right in a 10 gallon fabric pot is getting GeoFlora. I just flipped them to flower 7 days ago.

I was confused if you should feed by weight on volume, because their site gives application rates in oz, but the cup conversion doesn't appear to match their weight so it appears they may be referring to fluid ounces? As in they say 8 oz. =1 cup, but when I weigh 1 cup it only weighs 5oz. But 8 fluid ounces does equal a cup?

I was also little surprised the GeoFlora Veg has 3% Ca and 0.5% Mg and GeoFlora Bloom has 5% Ca and 0.75% Mg vs 7.4% Ca and 2.8% Mg in Megacrop. I have found my GeoFlora plant to be in constant need for more nutrients. I recently upped them because of significant deficiencies showing, I now feed it the normal dose every 14 days but do a 1/2 dose after 7 days and in additional am adding 2 ml of TPS Organic CalMag (4.5% Ca, 1.1% Mg w/ no N).

It's sort of funny I heard good things about GeoFlora and how simple it is, just add a scoop every couple weeks, no need to read the plants etc. and figured that was perfect for me :) but I feel like MegaCrop has been easier for me in general. I also get the impression with the dry soil amendment and being organic, there's a decent lag between application and uptake vs. MegaCrop where you can almost see the difference the next day. Main thing I'm banking on being organic, is it's probably harder to burn them?

I'm not giving up on GeoFlora by any means, but there's more of a learning curve then I was hoping for. I'm curious to see the yield difference between the two plants, especially because I gave the GeoFlora a 10 gallon pot advantage :).

Anyways, I'm also curious what GeoFlora has to say!

Hello Jerry.
Glad you stopped by.
I looked at my girl just a bit ago and she is indeed looking worse today.

I thought that I sent an email to GeoFlora but it didn't send it and I found it in my drafts this morning.
I sent it out again this morning and it looks like it actually sent it.
I didn't catch it right away. I've been ill for the last few days and as a result, I've been less than sharp.
I turned my lights down for now and fed some cal-mag but that's about it.

Your plants look really nice.
Hope I can turn mine around before it gets too serious.
Here she is today.

I certainly agree it's a bit difficult with not a lot of people having ran this nutrient so there isn't much information to lean on when we have an issue. I had sent an email a few weeks ago to GeoFlora but never heard back.

I have a couple thoughts/theories which I'm testing now. I follow Mr. Canucks grow on YouTube and he uses GiaGreen (from my understanding a similar dry amendment organic nutrient), which it's sort of funny people in Canada want to try GeoFlora but it's too expensive and people in the US want to try GiaGreen but it's too expensive it seems. Anyways, GiaGreen top dressing rate is 1 tbs but he uses 2 tbs per gallon of medium, echoing the never had an issue with burning. I had been joking on another thread that I wonder if it's the inverse of Fox Farm Trio where everyone starts at a 1/4 dose and rarely ever makes it up or past the recommended, if with this you have to start at full dose and work up to 1.5x or 2x? That's the direction I've started in, basically doing the normal feed every 2 weeks but an additional 50% of the recommended feed in between.

My thesis is with it slow release and organic I would rather err on the higher feed side with hopefully a relatively low likely hood of burning vs. being too low and by the time I notice symptoms and adding additional nutrients to correct and then the amount of time for the slow release to take affect there's too much lag for me to efficiently intervene. The obvious downside is potentially overdoing it at worst and burning the plant, but my base case is simply wasting nutrients and going through $100 worth of nutrients faster then I have to. Sort of thus making me self reflect why I don't just stick with MegaCrop?

I get the impression GeoFlora is a pretty small company so it's possible they've been effected by the pandemic, clearly these are not normal times so I'll certainly give them the benefit of the doubt with their lack of responsiveness I've seen. But I do hope you hear soon!
So, some new info that should shed light on some of my issues.
I haven't been watching my temps very close.
I noticed yesterday that the closet was down to 58° . It's been around -20 here for a few days. It seems as though the cold weather that came in a week and a half ago is having an impact. How much? I'm not sure.
Would appear that I have cal and mag lockout due to it. P gets locked out too but I can't remember how cold it has to be in order for that to happen.
I have shut off my room to the rest of the house. The lowest it has reached today is 68.
I need to pay closer attention. It didn't seem that cold in my room.
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