VG After Dark Featuring Weedseedsexpress & Mars Hydro TS1000

Oh, gotcha! If you had said blue pill I might have figured that it was either a viagra reference or a matrix reference even though I haven't seen it and I did not make the leap from blue pill to blue water and thought maybe it was related to gatorade or the deep blue waters of the Pacific which VG doesn't get to see though I remember a long time ago that newty made the trek in her Jeep from the middle of Canada where she lives all the way to the west coast of California and brought us all along for the ride.

Oh, gotcha! If you had said blue pill I might have figured that it was either a viagra reference or a matrix reference even though I haven't seen it and I did not make the leap from blue pill to blue water and thought maybe it was related to gatorade or the deep blue waters of the Pacific which VG doesn't get to see though I remember a long time ago that newty made the trek in her Jeep from the middle of Canada where she lives all the way to the west coast of California and brought us all along for the ride.
I don't think I've seen you babble before. One long sentence. :)
Oh wow! Look at all those heavy heads!! Lol, like a kid trying to stay up late, nodding off.
I was the same way last night.

She doesn't have to nod anymore.
Oh right...I just thought she had posted the pic sideways!
A few days ago she started drooping due to weight. Did I tell you that I sampled some?
Very nice...
Those girls are nodding out VG! Beautiful, just beautiful. Have a great day and stay stoneder
Highya Fred.
Filling the tank right now. :passitleft:
Good to see you and congrats on the nom!
Sexxpot is so a leaner! A Heaver and a Leaner she be! ARRR!
Did you just go pirate on me!?!
I sure hope so.
Told the bf that I want sea shanties sung at my funeral.
I bet you think I'm joking. I've never been more serious in my life.
I already have them picked out.
I think All for me grog is gonna be a big hit!
Hey there, VG. I don't know if I've posted on your journal before but if not, I'd like to follow along. We're awaiting seeds from Weedseedexpress but ours are for Alpine Star CBD.

By the way, I agree with many of your other followers that Sexxpot is indeed a very pretty lady.


And, then there's this (below). I had a friend in college who passed out on the front lawn of someone's house and woke up to pouring rain. He came home, wrapped a towel around his head and went to sleep. When he woke up, he started yelling that he had gone blind. Silly boy. :laughtwo:
It's great to see you HG.

I had a hard time deciding between the Alpine Star and the Charlotte. They both look so promising.
I saw that they have a high CBG strain at WSE but it is currently out of stock. I hope it makes a swift return.
I can't remember the name without looking. I was doing some 3am strain surfing and only half of the info sticks with me.

Cute story. Bet he was super happy when his sight was 'magically' restored.

Congrats on the upcoming harvest VG! Next time use the blue colored water.
I thought you wanted me to use urinal water for a second there. I don't have easy access to that anyway.
Those ladies are wasted!! Lol

Falling over and ish.

Howdy Vex.
I did the deed early this morning.
She got chopped.....she got chopped good!!
I wish I would have remembered the bamboo stake next to her. That also got chopped. Oopsie.
Wake-n-bake!! Care to join??
I don't get it, and that's okay.
I didn't either so I made my own shit up. Hence the urinal water.
I don't think I've seen you babble before. One long sentence. :)
It's was beautiful and rare. It brought a tear to my eye.

A few pics of the @WeedSeedsExpress chickies while I'm here.
The new Charlotte look normal so far. I doubt I'll be getting another plant with a double tap root. It was the first time I've seen a plant do that and it may be some time before I see it happen again. Just a weird genetic fluke. This one should be great!

Lil Green Crack is doing well. So far the Geoflora nutes have been easy and effective. I simply make sure she stays moist enough. No reason to pH that I see. Pro Mix should take care of it as long as I let my tap sit out to let the pH stabilize.

Sexxpot is down. She should be ready to trim up in 5-7 days. Hopefully the kid can come and assist.

She should have a decent cure on her by the time the other two plants are ready to harvest.

Thanks for stoppin on by y'all. I appreciate the support.
You bet I went all pirate on ya! Whoo I get that way when I vape oil I guess. Very enheightening! Nice funeral plan. You can't have a funeral without fun! I started to work on mine then decided the Saturday Night Live end song is too sad though a favorite and effective. Now some New Orleans street music is tickling my fancy. I like your pirate theme! Hmmm, rum soaked. Spiced rum soaked.
Highya VG,

Sexxxpot was a pretty lady right side up! I'm glad sh tested good for you. It's always amazing to me how different strains affect me, and much different for someone else. I'm liking Apollo 13 these days. It's the best I've had so far.

Happy Smokin'
So much beautiful greenery. I need to lie down :laugh: Congrats! :bravo::yummy:
Thank you VS.
The garden is looking pretty good these days. Just a few more tweaks to make it better.
I've been building on my grow for almost three years. I still have some equipment to purchase and I expect by the time I'm done gathering it all I'll want to upgrade a few things. Never ends...
There are worse things that I could be spending cash on.
You bet I went all pirate on ya! Whoo I get that way when I vape oil I guess. Very enheightening! Nice funeral plan. You can't have a funeral without fun! I started to work on mine then decided the Saturday Night Live end song is too sad though a favorite and effective. Now some New Orleans street music is tickling my fancy. I like your pirate theme! Hmmm, rum soaked. Spiced rum soaked.
My family is probably gonna be pissed. Ha!
I should request a wooden barrel of grog and rum. Have them fly a pirate flag....sweet!
I thought about a star wars funeral.
Play the Emperor's March when they carry me in. The casket made to look like I'm frozen in Carbonite was cost prohibitive.
You get an even better idea of how huge that sexxpot is when you see her upside down. Very nice, I hope the kid comes to help too, that’s gonna be a big job! :love:
My kid is supposed to come visit this Tuesday and if I'm lucky Sexxpot will be done drying by then.

Highya VG,

Sexxxpot was a pretty lady right side up! I'm glad sh tested good for you. It's always amazing to me how different strains affect me, and much different for someone else. I'm liking Apollo 13 these days. It's the best I've had so far.

Happy Smokin'
I tested her a little more last night.
Very sticky buds on her. I had issues packing my chillum. It just sticks to you so bad I ended up using a toothpick to pack with.
I like the the little rabbit hole my brain went down when thing about the Apollo13 name.
Around the moon and back with a definite " Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here." in the middle??

Wake N Bake indeed!

You are a chopping mad woman, even the bamboo got it. Hehe

I would have done the same, as chop day is super exciting.


I guess I made myself a stirring stick.
I can't be doing things like trimming or harvesting....or feeding when I'm tired. I make goofy mistakes. This one wasn't bad but I came close to cutting through my light cord. Thank goodness I saw that. I will be sure to secure things like that I'm the future.
:yahoo: Sexxpot chop! Looks as lovely upside down as it did sideways. :welldone:

Nice work with the GF nutes so far!
Highya Sheddie.
The nutes are working well in veg. I like them so far.
The true test will come in flower though. It's almost time to transplant. I figure that I'll do that when her next feeding is due and mix it into the soil.

Sorry I took so long getting back to y'all.
Holidays are busy days. I'm spread very thin right now.

A small update on the Green Crack and Charlotte's Web.

They look good to me!
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