Vex's 1st Fluxing: Be Gentle, Cookies Kush, PS Dwarf Star, RADDWC, Dewey Misters

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Welcome, BlazinJones!

This light is awesome so far, as you know. So happy I bought it and would recommend to anyone growing in small to medium spaces.

Right now I have it about 30" away. May raise it a bit if I see any leaves start to show stress due to my 2'x2.5' tent heat issues. So far she's loving the PS Spectrum!

Just got home to find her trying to rip up the retraints. .


dam I cant get over what a nice setup that is for a flux very nice man I did my version of a half ass flux with one of my first ordered seeds but it was in a 5 gallon bucket and not setup as nice as urs so the bucket being not that wide didn't offer me much room for a gud flux I also had a funnel in there so I wudnt have to top water and no top soil wud get wet then I had no gnats also it was another attempt at doing a new way to water my girls using an olla if u no what that is but yea lookn great man whip that girl into shape lol
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, bud!

It's a little hybrid system I thought would work out nicely in my small space after trying DWC for the first time.
I couldn't decide which grow system to go with next (RDWC, AERO, or EBB N FLOW) so I decided to build all 3 in one. Especially after PennyWise and BedRoom Farmer introduced me to these bad ass Dewey misters. My brain's gears started to turn to say the least..

Yea, I looked at many Flux photos from different members and noticed they had a harder time with this method when using round buckets or fabric pots. So I figured a rectangular foam table would be perfect for Flux training. So far so good.

Quick morning shot before lights out.

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Keep up the good work Vex, she is really coming along now ..
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Welcome, Scray!

Thanks for joining us and the kind words.

Took a few shots after her nap. She is not slowing down, no matter how much I torture her. .

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Lol, just realized I welcomed BlazinJones twice! Hahaha

High much, Vex?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Never fails to amaze me the growing power of a plant in veg! Talk about recuperate

I'm hoping to be amazed next week as the one in my Veg for about a dozen weeks is scheduled to go into bloom in 7-10 days, well when ratcheting a bit more line in on the LST, the main V fucking split down like 2". OH MAN, OH MAN, OH MAN, regroup, untied the lines and grabbed the duct tape and started to mend the wound as best I could. A quick overdose of beneficial bacteria and a prayer. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Tape that shat!! .

Fingers and eyes crossed!

Care to share a photo of the V split?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

the main V fucking split down like 2". OH MAN, OH MAN, OH MAN, regroup, untied the lines and grabbed the duct tape and started to mend the wound as best I could. A quick overdose of beneficial bacteria and a prayer. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Did the same thing scrogging. Yours won't skip a beat I'll bet.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Sorry Vex, when it happened and after the temp fix, I made a mental note to snap a pic, but just one more minor chore and this stoner forgot to take that pic. I'll try to get over there today and grab one. This isn't the first time it's happened to me, I'm just overly stressed about it b/c I just started dialing in my timing for a perpetual grow, and if I over stressed her etc etc etc. Her mom is doing fantastic right now in bloom and I just wanted to keep that vigor alive.

Question; Does anyone know of a way to reinforce those V splits with something to alive stress at that point? Like can I put a nice glob of hot glue or something to assist that joint so we can ratchet those branches outward safely?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

No worries, SkyBound, and you should be good with that tape.

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I was thinking more along the lines of preventative measures to keep from making this mistake again. Ya know what, I'm probably just going to start fluxing too as this IMO grabs the bull by his horns and smashes his face into the dirt. Beyond the large split girl I have in veg, the rest are clones and I will start training as soon as I pot them up out of solo cups into a medium sized pot. This way I can can apply the stress before branches become too woody. I don't want to imply that I'm going full on flux though, just going to take the pieces I can to benefit my type of growing. A flux base with maybe something like a bucket lid over the center to keep the up shooting branches from growing back inward? Just spit balling.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

That's the beauty of this site, bouncing ideas back and forth. I agree that a nice flux or manifold builds a strong foundation. Looking forward to see what you come up with.

Quick update after her nap and flux. Added 3ml of each Z7 part.

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