Vex's 1st Fluxing: Be Gentle, Cookies Kush, PS Dwarf Star, RADDWC, Dewey Misters

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

When they get so far and start to get woody, can you release the binds, or will they shrink right back to their default positions, or is it that once they get woody, the branch shapes are then kind of programmed that way and will stay?
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I think the clips can be removed after going full vertical, as the weight should keep the frame from curling up too much. We shall see. .
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Good afternoon, all!

This morning's "clip and strip" before her nap. .


Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, bruh.

The next set of runners are looking good. I'll be bending them back towards the middle as they stretch.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

First time i saw one of LA's thats the first thing that popped in my head.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Im drawing out a plan how I hope to train it. I'll share once done. .
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Cool, id like to see it. I was going to do a flux on the Starkiller but Snid talked me into manifolding instead.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I always thought a flux looks like the frame for a boat hull

Equipped with oars jutting out from the sides!
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

I truly appreciate that, GG! I love seeing the daily growth via these photos, and want all to share in the experience. Flipping through the pics since day 1 is so cool. She's growing up too fast, . . Lol

I'll give her another snip & clip tomorrow after a fresh nute res change.
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

That is one fine job your doing. Sure am looking forward to seeing this thru. You ain't going to want to flip her when the time comes... You may just have to keep her in Veg forever... LOL
Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

Thanks, JM!

Haha, I know right! It's going to be tough when its time to cut her down after all of the time we spent together. Lol

Quick morning shot before leaving the house for work.

Re: Vex's 1st Fluxing - Be Gentle - Cookies Kush - PS Dwarf Star - RADDWC - Dewey Mis

This just looks like a work of art! You've taken a great method and made it better, very well done Vex! I see so much potential in training from this grow and I wish I had the same level of control. Mark my word, the next bean I break is getting Vexxed, I mean Fluxed, I mean, you know what I mean. Question, what did you make the green tie downs out of? It look like electrical wire with the sheath stripped off both sides. Also, how long do you plan to veg this one for?
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