Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Uh tent sits (partially) on top of the sump pump and obscures access to the injector pit that pushes water out of the basement (when I flush or use the sink for example). Well, that mother f*ck*r broke this morning and water was backing up in my grow room. Not bad but enough to scare me to death, and now the plumbers are heading this way in the morning, Bubba has to be moved. I don't have too many options, but just finished a huge re-organization of my grow room (and basement) to make a new spot available, and moved her over. Crazy stress on the 4th, the family is home, etc...time to go blow something up! Happy 4th everyone.
Uh tent sits (partially) on top of the sump pump and obscures access to the injector pit that pushes water out of the basement (when I flush or use the sink for example). Well, that mother f*ck*r broke this morning and water was backing up in my grow room. Not bad but enough to scare me to death, and now the plumbers are heading this way in the morning, Bubba has to be moved. I don't have too many options, but just finished a huge re-organization of my grow room (and basement) to make a new spot available, and moved her over. Crazy stress on the 4th, the family is home, etc...time to go blow something up! Happy 4th everyone.
Sorry to hear my brother on the 4th.
No worries on getting caught by the plumbers bro. Just sucks that you had to move everything.

I've had repairs guys over to my house during late flower. It's just part of the game and you better have a great carb filter "mountain air" best one on the market imo to get you through.

Hope you and family are well.
Sorry to hear my brother on the 4th.
No worries on getting caught by the plumbers bro. Just sucks that you had to move everything.

I've had repairs guys over to my house during late flower. It's just part of the game and you better have a great carb filter "mountain air" best one on the market imo to get you through.

Hope you and family are well.
Thanks Spark, yeah my blood pressure is back to normal now! The ejector pit pump AND alarm are both broke, he doesn't have the parts, so will be back on Monday to fix everything and then i can get the room back in order. It smells ok in there though (not like Bubba anyway), thank god for carbon filters.
Btw, do you know if it is a problem germinating a seed in a primary transparent pot before first transplant?
Hey Herrjack........I'm not sure if I understand your question. I germinate seeds in a glass of PH'd bottled water (18-24 hr's) and then wet paper towels (usually another 24-36 hours), and then put them in soil in a small, 4" container or solo cup, and let them grow there for about 3 weeks.
Btw, do you know if it is a problem germinating a seed in a primary transparent pot before first transplant?
Do you have a journal going? You should start one/share so we can follow along.
Hope you and family are well.
Yeah all is well, thanks. Had a great time with them all in the mountains last week and hooked some real pig trout and whitefish in the high water. How about you?
Yeah all is well, thanks. Had a great time with them all in the mountains last week and hooked some real pig trout and whitefish in the high water. How about you?
Hell yeah! Nice bro 👍 I've never caught a whitefish, heard they're good eating.

Got back from fla. last week. We caught about 10 Mangrove Snapper down there. All barely keepers, so we threw them back. Plus, my fishing license just expired and I didn't want to get busted by the popo.. 😂
"Do you have a journal going? You should start one/share so we can follow along."

I don't have prescription to grow cannabis and i avoid posting a grow journal online.

I don't know how should I train my plant: LST or Manifolding. I like manifolding but i can't seem to find a tomato-cage/ring around here and i don't know what i should do when the branches will get taller. I have watched a few turorials about manifolding and as i told you before, the plants were grow just like a menorah shape. All the branches were equal and the most important the colas were short and fatty rather than tall and slim. This way you don't need a ring to hold the branches. They will be strong enough to sustain and not to bend and break.
Anyway, perhaps i can build a custom ring somehow or just tie the branches with something around the plant. Don't know yet how, but i need to come up with something that will work before i will need it because if i choose manifolding i need to make sure that i'll have everything prepared when then time will come.
"Do you have a journal going? You should start one/share so we can follow along."

I don't have prescription to grow cannabis and i avoid posting a grow journal online.

I don't know how should I train my plant: LST or Manifolding. I like manifolding but i can't seem to find a tomato-cage/ring around here and i don't know what i should do when the branches will get taller. I have watched a few turorials about manifolding and as i told you before, the plants were grow just like a menorah shape. All the branches were equal and the most important the colas were short and fatty rather than tall and slim. This way you don't need a ring to hold the branches. They will be strong enough to sustain and not to bend and break.
Anyway, perhaps i can build a custom ring somehow or just tie the branches with something around the plant. Don't know yet how, but i need to come up with something that will work before i will need it because if i choose manifolding i need to make sure that i'll have everything prepared when then time will come.
If its your first grow I'd try a more traditional approach. The results are (almost) as good, don't take as long, and will help you learn how the plant grows/behaves. Go look at my last grow (link in my sig, Ethos Crescendo). I just topped her 1x and that was it, no ring or cage required.

The mainlining process (not "Flux" like my journal title says, doh!) is pretty complicated. I know what you mean about the menorha shape, that's not what I am looking for. What I want is an even canopy, regardless of the plant size, so each cola gets equal amounts of light (critical to big buds, potency, and yield). Notice how a menorah shaped plant has more than 1 branch coming off the primary/main stem? The plant has to divide it's energy through these different stems/pathways to power each cola.......inefficient. In the menorah below there are (at least) 6 different branches coming off the primary/main stem resulting in 12 small colas (not counting the primary/main stem and big cola there). Compare that photo to Bubba.....she has 1 primary/main stem and one branch coming from it (called the manifold) that feeds all 8 colas. The plant sends all of its energy to every cola/flower via that one path....very efficient.

I think I've got Bubba well mainlined (not fluxed), her shape will become more apparent after her haircut later this week. Thanks for all the questions.


Hell yeah! Nice bro 👍 I've never caught a whitefish, heard they're good eating.

Got back from fla. last week. We caught about 10 Mangrove Snapper down there. All barely keepers, so we threw them back. Plus, my fishing license just expired and I didn't want to get busted by the popo.. 😂
I don't fish unless I am licensed anymore. I've been checked just enough, sure as shit I'd get caught, all my gear confiscated, and its embarrassing. I was ticketed in my youth (late 30's, ha!) for being on a river in a kayak w/o an aquatic invasive species stamp. It was in Wyoming and the warden was pissed! He waited for me for 2 hours while I fished around and then blasted me when i hit the bank. I felt so bad, stumbling over myself to apologize.....a real buzz kill
I am talking about those 4" container or solo cup you keep your plants for 3 weeks. But i understand there is a reason the roots grow underground, so my question can be answered as "you should not use transparent pots". At least that's what i've been told so far.
that's what I've read as well. I see folks use the transparent cups BUT cover them with red ones so they can take them out and look at the roots (cool idea which i am going to try on my next grow).
I can understand the hiding plants when workers or service people come out. However I've noticed the majority don't notice or say a word about my inside garden. I had one ac guy walk into the living room and was gaga on my plants. Complimented it an all that positive praise..(batting eye lashes). For the most part if they're not consumers or growers they don't seem to even know what they're looking at. That's been my experience thus far. Which really curved my paranoia when growing illegally. 🌈💚
I can understand the hiding plants when workers or service people come out. However I've noticed the majority don't notice or say a word about my inside garden. I had one ac guy walk into the living room and was gaga on my plants. Complimented it an all that positive praise..(batting eye lashes). For the most part if they're not consumers or growers they don't seem to even know what they're looking at. That's been my experience thus far. Which really curved my paranoia when growing illegally. 🌈💚
Hey Jiggi….good point most people don’t know what it is unless they are in the business
Day 83 Above Ground, Day 9 of Flower
Light: 12 Hours/day, 19" from Canopy at 75% Intensity
PPFD ~790, DLI 34.1
77.D, 59% RH

Hey Everyone, The last 2-3 weeks have been crazy with the new tent, vacation, then the sump issues and subsequent tent move. Thank goodness its over, the plumbers just left (after taking lunch leaning against my grow tent (card table between), I was about to choke!). During the madness however, Babs has become a fine looking young woman. At 33" tall now, she's ~19" from the light, in almost perfect position for the remainder of flower, and her stretch is slowing, just an inch of growth in the last 2 days. She looks so healthy, we've already got a little dusting of snow and numerous 11-pointed fan leaves (never seen that before). Her middle growth/runners are out of control and there is little light/air penetrating the center. Since her stretch is about done, I can finally trim her this week to clean that up and give us all a look at her legs. After that its on to my favorite part of the grow, watching these beautiful colas thicken with flowers and snow capped peaks.

Stay classy 420.........







If its your first grow I'd try a more traditional approach. The results are (almost) as good, don't take as long, and will help you learn how the plant grows/behaves. Go look at my last grow (link in my sig, Ethos Crescendo). I just topped her 1x and that was it, no ring or cage required.

The mainlining process (not "Flux" like my journal title says, doh!) is pretty complicated. I know what you mean about the menorha shape, that's not what I am looking for. What I want is an even canopy, regardless of the plant size, so each cola gets equal amounts of light (critical to big buds, potency, and yield). Notice how a menorah shaped plant has more than 1 branch coming off the primary/main stem? The plant has to divide it's energy through these different stems/pathways to power each cola.......inefficient. In the menorah below there are (at least) 6 different branches coming off the primary/main stem resulting in 12 small colas (not counting the primary/main stem and big cola there). Compare that photo to Bubba.....she has 1 primary/main stem and one branch coming from it (called the manifold) that feeds all 8 colas. The plant sends all of its energy to every cola/flower via that one path....very efficient.

I think I've got Bubba well mainlined (not fluxed), her shape will become more apparent after her haircut later this week. Thanks for all the questions.



Great menorah picture. Anyway, that's not exactly what i meant by menorah shape, but something similar. I attached a picture to figure out yourself what i am talking about. It's more shory bushy and fat colas rather than the 2nd pic which is slim and longer colas and it requires a tomato cage/ring.


Day 83 Above Ground, Day 9 of Flower
Light: 12 Hours/day, 19" from Canopy at 75% Intensity
PPFD ~790, DLI 34.1
77.D, 59% RH

Hey Everyone, The last 2-3 weeks have been crazy with the new tent, vacation, then the sump issues and subsequent tent move. Thank goodness its over, the plumbers just left (after taking lunch leaning against my grow tent (card table between), I was about to choke!). During the madness however, Babs has become a fine looking young woman. At 33" tall now, she's ~19" from the light, in almost perfect position for the remainder of flower, and her stretch is slowing, just an inch of growth in the last 2 days. She looks so healthy, we've already got a little dusting of snow and numerous 11-pointed fan leaves (never seen that before). Her middle growth/runners are out of control and there is little light/air penetrating the center. Since her stretch is about done, I can finally trim her this week to clean that up and give us all a look at her legs. After that its on to my favorite part of the grow, watching these beautiful colas thicken with flowers and snow capped peaks.

Stay classy 420.........







Great looking brother! Looking like she will produce a nice yield.

Great menorah picture. Anyway, that's not exactly what i meant by menorah shape, but something similar. I attached a picture to figure out yourself what i am talking about. It's more shory bushy and fat colas rather than the 2nd pic which is slim and longer colas and it requires a tomato cage/ring.


Great menorah picture. Anyway, that's not exactly what i meant by menorah shape, but something similar. I attached a picture to figure out yourself what i am talking about. It's more shory bushy and fat colas rather than the 2nd pic which is slim and longer colas and it requires a tomato cage/ring.


First pic is under HID lighting which usually produces big flowers and they both have different mediums. Hard to compare those two plants.

What we can control is filling out the canopy/grow space before flower to maximize yields.
More veg time= bigger plants=more yield
Shouldn't have any light hit your grow tent floor after the flip imo, wasting electricity and Temps go up too
Great menorah picture. Anyway, that's not exactly what i meant by menorah shape, but something similar. I attached a picture to figure out yourself what i am talking about. It's more shory bushy and fat colas rather than the 2nd pic which is slim and longer colas and it requires a tomato cage/ring.


Boom, that's the one (your second photo), from Nugbuckets. That photo is from the article I used to learn how to mainline, I am following his instructions almost to the letter. You first picture, a little blurry, looks like she may have been topped only once and then trained laterally to fit the space (what I did with Crescendo). The size of the plant is related to when its flipped, how long it was veg'd, and how you train it. If space and lack of supports/rings are the constraints, let her veg until she's half as tall as you want her to be, then flip her to flower. There are folks on this site flipping plants after 3-4 weeks of veg to keep them small, just dont flip when they are too young..
Shouldn't have any light hit your grow tent floor after the flip imo, wasting electricity and Temps go up too
That's interesting! I definitely have (or will have) light hitting my floor. I need a bigger ring so i can spread her out more.
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