Tunkers Trifling - LPA - DWC - LED - KFC

It's only been 2 hours and co2 is even higher ppm. That yeast has certainly activated.
Just a suggestion. The cutting is more likely to generate roots if you recut the stem about half an inch shorter, scrape a bit of the epidermis off the bottom of the stem, use a rooting hormone, and put it into a Ready Rooter or similar rooting puck. High humidity is a must so your dome is spot on. Once it pops roots out of the puck then it's time to move it to the DWC. A clone doesn't need much light or CO2 during the rooting phase.

Your mileage may vary. Objects in mirrors are closer than they appear. Always pack your own TP when traveling to 3rd world countries.
Just a suggestion. The cutting is more likely to generate roots if you recut the stem about half an inch shorter, scrape a bit of the epidermis off the bottom of the stem, use a rooting hormone, and put it into a Ready Rooter or similar rooting puck. High humidity is a must so your dome is spot on. Once it pops roots out of the puck then it's time to move it to the DWC. A clone doesn't need much light or CO2 during the rooting phase.

Your mileage may vary. Objects in mirrors are closer than they appear. Always pack your own TP when traveling to 3rd world countries.
Thanks for that! I'll cut and scrape tomorrow. Do you mean rapid rooter? I haven't seen them anywhere near me. Only thing hydro shops around here have is rockwool and I prefer not to use it.

Aero & DWC Fridge Grow - Sativa Clone - Will Need Help With Keeping Her Small
Hang a few more of those cfl's and try to get out that fridge, great idea and effort but a simple tent can be made fairly cheap and can be more efficient. I suggest you root that clone before putting it into dwc. YouTube will be your best friend.
Re: Aero & DWC Fridge Grow - Sativa Clone - Will Need Help With Keeping Her Small

Hang a few more of those cfl's and try to get out that fridge, great idea and effort but a simple tent can be made fairly cheap and can be more efficient. I suggest you root that clone before putting it into dwc. YouTube will be your best friend.
No offense buddy but I doubt more light is going to be good for a cutting that hasn't even rooted yet.. and as far as a tent being cheaper then a fridge I didn't have to purchase that stays at the correct temps, I am a bit confused. On top of tent I'd have to do something to control the heat. If that's less expensive and more "efficient" then what I am doing now, prove it.

Aero & DWC Fridge Grow - Sativa Clone - Will Need Help With Keeping Her Small
Thanks for that! I'll cut and scrape tomorrow. Do you mean rapid rooter? I haven't seen them anywhere near me. Only thing hydro shops around here have is rockwool and I prefer not to use it.

I don't care for the rock wool either. Just grab some of those super cheap seed pucks that are made from compressed peat moss that you soak to make swell. That way the rooting hormone powder, liquid, or gel stays on the plant to work its magic. Super cheap, like under $10US. Much better chance of success!

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Day 6

All I wanted to share today is how absolutely amazed I am with Z7. I knew I would be from what everyone has said but seriously, 6 days and my pH hasn't gone above 6. It's 5.8 right now. I honestly feel like I could do entire veg with just topping up. Probs not if I'm considering compost tea actually.. But wow, amazing stuff.

That is all.

Aero & DWC Fridge Grow - Sativa Clone - Will Need Help With Keeping Her Small
Compost users help please.

I have a bin that's been going since about October/November. I've only added a few loads of grass clippings and all the kitchen scraps. It's become quite a pungeont, thick mixture.

Question is, would it be ready to use in a compost tea? I'm planning to use them this run, as long as plant is doing well. I've never used compost in my life so I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

Day 10

I started germinating seeds on day 4...

They're still only just split open. These old seeds are fucking stubborn. I've since popped another 8 seeds in water and added to my plate. Maybe these ones will spit out a long white thing..

Still no roots on my girl. Still looks happy as can be though. What a teaser.
I'll post photos after. App doesn't let me post them again so I have to send them to the computer FFS

Aero & DWC Fridge Grow - Sativa Clone - Will Need Help With Keeping Her Small
Day 16

Leaves have become pale and the tips went dark and died. From reading and asking I assumed this meant plant was using nitrogen from leaves to create roots. Yet still no roots or signs of. In fact root looked a lil darkened and soft so I circumsized her bum end again at 45 and scored her tip. I also cut the leaves in half. I'll stop somewhere tomorrow for rooting gel
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