Tunkers Fogging Herb Garden

Hi. My name is Tunkers, and I like to party.


What strain is it?
Is it in Veg or Flower stage?


This is today, day 1 of popping beans into pH 7.0 tank water with added seasol.

I had originally put the Killer Kush in, but spilt the fucking container on the floor... Bean musta grew legs and pissed off coz I couldn't find the bloody thing anywhere. That's why there's a container with a few randoms I was given from the fam.

Indoor or outdoor?
Soil or Hydro?
Size of light?

Veg stage will take place in my special fridge under a Meizhi 600. I'll share the flower room once / if we get there.


I'll be using a water atomizer to fog the roots




As you can see, I already have some herb growing, these few little fellows started out in seed raising mix and transferred to the bucket. They will share the fridge for as long as necessary.


And this is my makeshift humidity dome .

Temp of Room/cab?
RH of Room/cab?


PH of media or res?

Currently 6.1

Any Pests?

As always, only Scrogdawg..

How often are you watering?
Type and strength of ferts used?

This is my lineup. Nothing fancy.


0.6 EC in the bucket for now. The fog runs on a 15min timer with half hour gap between. This seems to work so far, but will eventually get a shorter cycle timer to get better results.

Another thing I decided to try, is popping a seed in a drenched sponge collar and straight into the bucket. If it pops, can you imagine the time I'd save transferring seeds to jiffy pucks, or rockwool, or seed raising mix or coco or whatever medium before throwing into the bucket? Worth a shot anyway...


So take a seat, not literally.. and cringe at my misfortunes and fuck ups, or ya never know, achievements even!

Have a nice day ...
Its cool Ive found all the info I need. Love a makeshift Humidome. I start In little home made mini smart pots using gutter guards that look like little baskets. Just line em with this weed control fabric tie some wire over the top chuck a fucking sandwich bag over it and done. It looks like a little hot air balloon. Wasnt doing my journal at that time so dont have any pictures as I just used them for self reference when I sat and chilled then deleted em.
Quite the interesting mix you have here! Took me awhile to find this... Are you running C02 into your fridge girls?
Shit sorry peeece I thought I replied already haha nah I don't bother with the fridge. Last time I ran co2 in it I had an acid rain problem in the reservoir. Was a bit overkill. I might introduce it again down the track and try moderating the levels better but not worth the hassle atm
Shit sorry peeece I thought I replied already haha nah I don't bother with the fridge. Last time I ran co2 in it I had an acid rain problem in the reservoir. Was a bit overkill. I might introduce it again down the track and try moderating the levels better but not worth the hassle atm
No worries Brother! Yah, its a bit of a mystery for me if it helps or not, but I figure what the hell... lol!

I don't know much about Autos, as I'm growing my first ones as well... They are 23 days since sticking their heads out of the dirt and one is showing pistols already... I'm guessing the other will follow suit shortly, so 8 weeks sound more photo than auto... She looks happy with all her friends! Keep up the great work!! :Namaste:
lol. Pretty good idea Tunks.

Hows the auto and the rest of the herbs in the fridge doing?
Definitely not an auto... Lol I've topped it, a sal clone and one of the CMs twice now and defoled all of them 3 times..

I think I won the rootrot battle finally, but it means they're outgrowing the fridge. I'll upload a couple pics soon.
She’s looking good healthy, when you flipping?
Which one? Haha I gotta separate these fuckers once the flower room is free... Me thinks they'll need some recovery time after that transition before flipping. Coolroom will be occupied for a other 2-3 weeks I'm guessing so they'll flip in about a month, or after maybe 2 more trimming sessions lol
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