Tunes Blue Berry / California Special

:thanks: GMT :passitleft:

Here is bagseed....get me by bud....this run of bagseed (get me by bud) has had some nice plants in group....this one accutally has a cola you can grab...and it is solid....






and this is other bagseed plant......down to two unknown bagseed have been chopped already
Seeds are doing good....a few lower branches on select girls...



Looks like we will have maybe 20 seeds per plant we used pollen on...Pollen was only good for a week so BB clones i wanted to use for seed factories never saw usable pollen.....they are showing no signs of making i guess pollen was no good by the time we pollinated clones.....which is fine cause i just got some really good seed stock from a friend and it is nothing but good stuff. :thumb:
:thanks: tricome got about 7 in flower ....for now.....more to come to flower :yummy:...Very soon...a few that are in picture are in veg still...but wont be for long
.... Got some White Berry...some Woods White....and some White KC.... basically a whole lot of white coming up next grow :surf:
A white out tricome :thumb: Woods White has my interest as well + reps for Wood :thumb:

Ok since we got plants that are 2 foot and 3 foot in veg....time to do flowering in shifts :surf:
Here is Day shift under 1200 watts.........

Here is a Cali special about 10 weeks since seed popped out...3 foot tall


And above are two blueberry clones....about 13 weeks since they were cut from plant...about 2 foot tall
Night shift is to follow
:thanks: NEPharmer :welcome:

:thanks: DocBud have two left in perlite and is drain to waste and other is hempy style....all the rest of them are in PRO-MIX BX W/MYCORISE
Mycorise is a beneficial
fungus that is found naturally
in soils around the world that
forms an association, or
symbiosis, with the roots of
most vegetables, ornamental
greenhouse plants, fruits,
trees and shrubs
*Benefits of Mycorise Pro:
more efficient acquisition of
water and nutrients
(particularly phosphorus,
copper, zinc and maganese),
increased resistance to
stresses related to
transplanting, nutrition and
drought, improved plant
survival after outplanting
into gardens and field soil,
and increased crop vigor,
plant quality and quantity of
flowers and fruit

pH Range:
5.5 - 6.5 (1:3, v:v water)
Electrical conductivity:
1.3 - 2.0 mmhos/cm (S.M.E.)
Air Porosity:
17 - 22 % by volume (6 inch pot)
Water-Holding Capacity:
700 - 900% by weight
Bulk Density:
8 - 10 Lbs./cu.ft. (0.13 - 0.16 g/cm3)
Moisture content:
30 - 50% by weight

No nuke in it to speak of...enough for seed or clone for bout a feed nukes every watering like with perlite .
OK .....Here is second shift of flower girls.....:popcorn:

this one is just bag seed....

Little one is BudLady (bagseed)

this one is KC-33....

Blue Berry.....:yummy:

and some Cali Special....

Finally we have just some more bag seed...and i am chopping her tonight

will checks all my dates and post next time...the budlady is 2 weeks 12/12..the cali and BB are about 3 weeks 12/12......the bagseed maybe 5 weeks 12/12/.....and one i am chopping is around 7 weeks
:thanks: TheCriMsonK20 not sure wet weight.....i never weigh till dried and cured for a few guessing 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 ....and like i said it is just bag weed to smoke till another BB is done.....test bud was good but nothing like BB .....4-5 weks to go on BB :yummy:

:thanks: GMT .....:passitleft:
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