Tunes Blue Berry / California Special

NP my friend, I myself wonder, I have another combo of white berry, and even alittle of that Bahia Blackhead crossed with berry. They starting to pop out the buds now. Time will tell if its worth a damn anyways. But Why not? Both parents were nice. I think the speed of the KC-White, and the sticky ass Buds of the Blue might have made a good run. GL you know I peek in from time to time. Laters
Both parents were nice. I think the speed of the KC-White, and the sticky ass Buds of the Blue might have made a good run.
Agreed 100 % good x good = double good :smokin:

ok siscokid requested a while ago that i try LST and HID so this ones for you KID :grinjoint:

:popcorn: Here is most recent LST on some DP BlueBerry ......3 plant from start to present.....






























Last picture is one plant! from clone to present day 3 months :)
Subscribing...420warrior said I should check out your LST'ing :) Maybe I need to get over my fear of pruning, I like how your plants look. I think I'll spend some time researching it a bit further as to how it affects bud development. I haven't read any of your grow journals in a while so I figured subscribing would help lol. Looking good as expected!
What an amazing setup! Simple, inexpensive, with professional results. It must be the grower! Well, maybe not so simple. I don't know how you keep track of all those amazing plants at so many different stages of growth. In a few short months you've become quite a growmeister!:welldone::bravo:
:thanks: GMT1975A ...ya been building up for a good grow :yahoo: .... the white rhino's you been growing sound like a super yielding plant :goodjob:

:thanks: Lil Neutrino glad to have you is a link for LST I made 90% is cfl grown bro....
Low Stress Training
Now I am seeing it is beneficial even with HID. I only have 600 watt lights and after 4 foot down on a plant light is close to nothing.
Hoping training will allow me to grow plant that can yield 3-4 ounces and keep plant height under 40 inches.
Some i am growing straight up and can see a lot of lower branches will never get light eoungh to make any worth while buds....I could have trimmed off at least two more stems up from bottom. :smokin:
With cfl's if i kept plant 12-16 inches high when finished.... I could yield more because more buds were at level light could get to them and make them tighter.

:thanks: siscokid ya and in a week it should be ready...took two small plants of Get Me By Bud this morning :yummy:

:thanks: tricome It seems really easy for me...but if ya do it often it does get easier .....after a couple mishaps with ph pens we decided not to buy another.......So past few months i take my tap water in gallon jug add a splash of vinegar water (diluted) and like cooking after a while nothing is messured....LOL at least not for me......I test it with ph test kit chemical type
and see how strong mix was i made.....from that point on till mix runs out i know just how much dash of it to use per gallon so dont test ph anymore :thumb: Now nukes are easy too....I add just a dash of floronova according to plant...bigger plant = bigger dash ;) Like cooking....Now flower girls get floronova and bloom nukes open sesame and beasties bloom .....I use very small dashes of these nukes...1/4 what is recommended and plants love it....3 months i have been just dash of this dash of that according to plant and it's stage...and it has become so easy ...again because of day i just sat back and stopped stressing about PH and not having a pen and started to watch the plants....when i mix up nukes they are dashed at somewhere in the ball park of not too high and not too low....and there seems to be a perfect variation in the ph each water to take up nukes at levels they need.....I don't think it ever varies too differently between waterings to harm them.....also now that i have switched to Pro Mix it helps buffer things out and so far plants like everything we are doing and we simply watch them and let them tells us what they need...but we are at point of growing now we can relax on a lot we used to stress over and just watch the grass grow....if plant gets yellow on leaves we give it open sesame instead of beastie bloom cause there is N in one and none in other. and as far as beastie bloom being for one week in plants life...I don't keep track of that watering i give it Beastie and one might be Open sesame ....don't go by any real charts...just a dash of this or that and mix it up a bit and so far plants are responding well.
I stopped keeping good track of when plants go in I always have to look back in journals to see ages of plants and if it wasn't for journal most i would not know age......this is much more of a laid back simple grow .....water every two days...give them light and dark periods....move the air around....and they grow buds . At end of flowing i flush once then water with molasses only til i chop down usually week or two after i start flush.....all depends on plant ...trichomes....hairs....and all....found time is difereant for each plant even if clones from same is always closer to light or something so may finish quicker. We go by reading the color of trichomes they start out clear on strains we have and when they start to get cloudy you can see the cloudiness at edges of round glands eventually making it's way to top and cover whole dome.....then depending on window the glands start to turn amber as THC degrades into couch lock chemical :smokin:
We always cut early.....7 weeks on a 8 week plant....always when they are at least half cloudy....we like the more up high it gives....or at least less couch lock :yahoo:
I am one of the lucky really comes easy for me....I enjoy it and it is relaxing to watch them grow....I have more time than most with plants which is a really big factor. For now this is simple for me .....very cheap...and results will be more than enough for us so will spread these meds to family....someday i might get real equipment ....ebb and flow....but for now this is super simple and getting great results.
The way things are going........hell the way things are....people want someone to help or grow their meds and this is all just personal now... but am not opposed to taking a position to do just that , as a retirement job :smokin: I promise i won't smoke all the meds!

OK got me ...I am very high...just smoked a bowl of BB ....and after this book am planing on filling another :peacetwo:
Foot note .....on plants flowering i do raise ph slowly by adding less of my vinegar mix and test ph then i do check twice and have two different dashes that are remembered and mixed with ruffly same dash till i mix up new batch. I start them off at 6.0 -6.5 .....what veg gets....and by the time they are ready to chop i am up to ruffly 7.0-7.2....I read it somewhere it is good to raise ph of plant flowering....and has been a habit wanted to foot note it all.....don't want to hide no secrets of the trade lol.......want ya all to have super results in all ya that i think about it....I wonder how many other things i do as second nature that i have learned that i haven't mentioned...I do skip simple things in my journals like letting water sit more than 24 hours and all that cause to me that is well known and seems not worth if anyone is following using advise and something dont work the same just ask...maybe i have missed putting something in here i assume is well known....blah blah blah....time to smoke
I can just imagine some people reading your last post and thinking you are doing it ALL wrong. Personally, I like your approach but wouldn't recommend it to all. You obviously have a strong grasp of what is needed to make these weeds grow like weeds. I don't have the experience to say for sure but I think too much is made of PH and nutes, although there seem to be many people having issues with both. I know of some one who has been growing for 20+ years and has never checked PH or used much nutes but his product is among the best I have seen ANYWHERE. Keep doin what you do tunes, it is a pleasure to watch and learn. :thanks: :peace:
:thanks: 420warrior
I had more ph issues when i had a ph meter and stressed over it...HeHe....420warrior is right this is not recommended to try as any fool prof method. what works well for one don't always work for others.....You need to pull one or two small things from every grower on site...good and bad....Bad would be to learn what not to do BTW ...LOL...There are also countless variations in any grow room and with different growers that multiplies the variables. Far as you simply needing only the best to grow good meds goes....I have never believed that.....can they get better results? I bet they can, and do....For me worring about ph issues was the soon as I relaxed and started watching plants...i was able to ....out of experiance know if they needed a spinkle of epson salt in mix......I do feel if soil don't provide it you need to feed it a base nuke and it helps i think in flower to enhance bloom with something.....but i also have only spent 40 on nukes in last 4-6 months....they do grow like weeds but i grow in medium that has no nukes....I think companies have you use more than ya need and think if ya don't have sweet nectar or some clear flush you can still grow some real nice bud.
I definatly use nukes steadily just not with what experts have come up with as far as charts go....I give each plant what i think they need when they need it and extra when they tell me they are low on something....but if i spend 10 minutes mixing and watering plants it is cause i smoked a bowl in between....So for some i agree ph is the issue .....when ya fight with it...personally at one short part of my growin up :) i spent so much time trying to correct a ph issue by adding this that and the other thing....when in reality all i had to do was ph water to 5.5 add nukes water and be done.....but i was adding lime nd checking run of and trying to adujust and ...well any one that went threw that ya know what i mean....It is too complex for me to have to think about i relaxed on issuse keep it in the ball park and no deficiencies on anything growin..It's working for me....but don't try this at home...unless you got no choice.....Soon i will be switching my base nukes to miracle grow....out of need...running super low on floronova and will be a couple before i can get some....those nukes at 1/8 and 1/4 strength will tide me over fine...I don't recomend them LOL....but i will be using them ...why?.....cause I love growin! :yahoo:
:thanks: MedicatingVet Not sure yet...stems are pretty strong...but have lots of wire...might have to build something....I kind of skate by my pants most of the time..then make something/adapt to situation ..And I do hope I and everyone here has this problem.....:bongrip:
WOW Dude thats alot of plants going there. Pretty soon you going to have to take over another flower room. I bet its starting to get alittle crowded?
LOL tricome ....lets see what we got cooking :smokin:

BB i just put into flower got trimmed on bottom and i took these clones from it and didn't have root riot so placed them in pro-mix....and week or so later they are all rooted and ready to go in separate pots.

here are some that rooted a month ago

and pictures of them now...





they take a bit to start...but once they do...they grow fast

Most of these clones will go to a buddy of helping him grow some meds at home....he is retired so has the time :smokin:
I will keep bb clones only ....gave him 3 already :thumb: .... I am clearing my veg/clone area out for some new stuff :rollit:
Oh i will keep this gal too....It is a California Special

Here is one CS i have in veg...sorry blurry

I have.....a lot of BB in veg



one above is MoM ....all different stages on bb's

here are under shots of last BB...big one..






Have to wait on the flower girls to come out later for real view of how crowded we are getting...and before and after shots of whole room in just 30 days ....:yahoo:
NP siscokid ......

Ok girls are awake.....and i am getting tired....but here is before month ago when i thought i had plenty of room....ladies that were flowering were small and are gone there is a whole new group in flower :smokin:



And now....30 days later....
Ok had a couple males....collected pollen from California special and have chopped down that one......Now only male left is from seed stock i made last grow BudLady x KC-33.......the way it was growing thought it was female.....when i found it was male....knew it would be awesome back cross with clones from hopes to lock in the tight node trait this strain is showing .....Or was till flower stretch LMAO


Sure will MedicatingVet :thanks: I am lucky have separate area of course for the males....and no forced hot air heat :) No way for pollen to travel...always wash really good when near them and don't go in flower room with same clothes on after handling them.....a couple grows ago grew a male and made about 30 or so seeds just selectively pollinating couple lower branches on couple different ladies.....when all was said and done only had 30 seeds in flower room...where i put am pretty good about keeping male pollen away from flowering girls....this is second time raising males but excellent advise for sure :welldone:

In fact just took picture of pollen i did get...hard to see with the shot but it is enough pollen for hundreds of seeds...added the rice to keep it dry and have it in cool dark place ....and dark film container to boot :)
I agree...I don't let any plants in my grow room that have been out side or i didn't grow....Seeds for me is a rare thing....I do see the need for them...and thats why i am making them now....and taking strains we love and turning them into seed for safe keeping...crossing couple nice strains for variety.
I also agree on fem seed and clones....if you look back in my journal you will see i had one fem DP BB seed.....from that i rooted 23 clones...all in differant stages of growth...and i have a BB mother...original clone from seed....most of my other grows have been same...I always keep moms and clone...seeds are what i do when i want to have the pick of the crop...far as best looking plants go ...and kill the rest off. Or to start fresh....which I dont see us doing cause we can move plants pretty easy...long as they are under couple feet. Having males to weed out is not my choice at this time...had good luck with my first fem when money permits will go that way....for now just making due with what i got...:smokin:
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