TrysHard's Hydro Grandaddy Blueberry Indica Grow 2014

Windows 7 is alright. Its a lot better then vista. I prefer windows 95 and xp. Microsoft is just so money hungry with windows 9 in development already. They are trying to force touch screen which would very much suck for someone like me who also plays games on the computer.
Well Windows 8 is pretty fast, but it is such a change that it is taking me a while to adjust. I remember I held onto DOS didn't want to go to Windows interface, then I held on to WIN95 till the very end. I liked XP and 7 turned out ok although each had its learning curve. I will eventually get used to it. But now that I'm over 60 I reserve the right to be a curmudgeon.
The problems never cease. I had a power outage this morning. At first I woke up and I couldn't hear the AC running in the kitchen cooling the tent. Lights didn't come on! :bitingnails: Being a long time stoner I figured I forgot to pay the bill, so I got dress quickly and went outside to find my neighbors standing around talking about the power being out. Fortunately it was only out for about 45 min. So the lights came back on and went another hour before they shut off about 45 min. late so I have that figured out. I don't think at this stage it will be a problem.

Yesterday when I was out purchasing my computer and when I came home and approached my door I could smell the plants. I am legal, but I don't want to advertise to my neighbors who walk right past my door. I have a CF but I don't run it constantly, but I think at least during the highest activity part of the day I will have to run it, now that the plants are maturing and getting really stinky. I plan on drying them out in my tent using the CF to control the odor. Then I will clean out the tent, set up a little table in there so when the bud are ready I'll finish them up in the tent. I know this is when the odor is the strongest. When the CF is running I can't detect any issues.
I solved the upload issue with Windows 8. I can now get it to upload with the correct orientation. I will explain:

Step 1:
Use import to import pictures from your camera memory card. W8 stores the pictures just like the camera took them, some more modern camera's I understand can compensate for that.

Step 2:
View your imported pictures using windows picture viewer. All your sideways photos will appear correctly even though they are stored in landscape mode. This is why whey you upload they come out sideways. The way to fix it is go through all your pictures that were taken with your camera in portrait orientation and rotate the picture in photo viewer so that it is sideways, then move on to the next picture. The photo viewer is forced to save the picture in that orientation. Do this for all the pictures, then go back and do the same thing except this time orient the picture the way you want it and move to the next picture and windows 8 will save it properly.

Here is the 4-29 Bud update I was having a problem with the other day:

Cola 2:

Cola 3:

Nice Bud:


Your garden looks awesome. Sorry I didn't come along sooner. I'll watch you through the end.

Thanks Renegade, welcome. This last month is the hardest!
Happy u figured out the upload issue. Ur ladies are looking great.. The look like the reek of dank goodness! Can't wait to see the final product
Damn them colas look good! Prepping for a monthly award I see...

I was thinking of plant of the month, but the early entries are awesome and my plant is still 5 weeks from harvest. I know those big ol colas are going to frost up and buds will turn purplish. So I going for plant of the month for June and then Bud of the Month for July!

They wouldn't be so nice though if it wasn't for the help I got here.

Thanks everyone!
Hey no problem. You should still enter. I want in member of the month but I was just pm by a moderator that said I need to be nominated by another member. I couldve sworn the rules said another member or a moderator. Sigh
Hey no problem. You should still enter. I want in member of the month but I was just pm by a moderator that said I need to be nominated by another member. I couldve sworn the rules said another member or a moderator. Sigh

I hear you, but I don't think I would win this month and I don't think I want to enter the same plant twice. So I'll just wait, it can be any worse that waiting for these plants to be ready for harvest.
Good point. Im glad I just harvested. It fucking sucks waiting almost 4 months for some weed. It takes discipline for sure.
Good point. Im glad I just harvested. It fucking sucks waiting almost 4 months for some weed. It takes discipline for sure.
I saw that, very nice good job!
Thanks Renegade, welcome. This last month is the hardest!

Always the hardest because your spending more and more time keep all the paramitters (sp) in order.

When I began reading from page 1 I was impressed with your ingenuity but you certainly got it dialed in.

Your a natural though. +reps from me for sure.
Always the hardest because your spending more and more time keep all the paramitters (sp) in order.

When I began reading from page 1 I was impressed with your ingenuity but you certainly got it dialed in.

Your a natural though. +reps from me for sure.
My next task is figuring out how to quote multiple posts in one post. Thanks for the encouragement everyone.
This morning I'm dealing with another computer issue. Recently I bought a 32" Visio TV to use as a monitor and play my PS3 on. If you have bought a new tv lately they have no exterior controls. When your remote goes out, you get squat! Installed new batteries, checked to see if the sensor was blocked nothing. And since it was my computer monitor also, I couldn't go on the internet to get some help. Fortunately I still had the old monitor hooked it up and found that the IR sensors on VISIO TV are suspect. Now I have to go to Costco and return it and I can't find the receipt. I just got it two months ago. Again lucky Costco has all the records and the return should go relatively easy except for the return line at Costco.

I gave my Buds a Haircut last night using

Light Addicts Post on Backbuilding

Here are a few pictures I posted over there:
With tops on:

Tops Off:
Top Bottom