Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

Quick update on the ladies...

We're on day 56 post flip; the Lemon Tree plants seem to be winding down, but the Black Sugar look like they've got a couple weeks left to go.

The 2 Lemon Tree are on the left side:

..and the 2 Black Sugar on the right:

I wish I had spent a bit more time staking and securing the #2 Black Sugar plant (front right). Her tops have gotten really heavy and she's flopping all over now. LoL
Nothing bending or breaking, but them stalks definitely need each other to lean on.
Black Sugar #1 (back right) is officially the biggest plant I've ever grown indoors. She's been a Rockstar thru the whole grow.
Lemon Tree 1&2 grew very similar. Both stayed around the same size & shape. Neither were picky about the feed and both produced similar bud size & structure.

Overall, this has been a solid run. Looking forward to harvesting and starting up another group of seeds.

🤙 Stay MotaVated y'all!
Quick update on the ladies...

We're on day 56 post flip; the Lemon Tree plants seem to be winding down, but the Black Sugar look like they've got a couple weeks left to go.

The 2 Lemon Tree are on the left side:

..and the 2 Black Sugar on the right:

I wish I had spent a bit more time staking and securing the #2 Black Sugar plant (front right). Her tops have gotten really heavy and she's flopping all over now. LoL
Nothing bending or breaking, but them stalks definitely need each other to lean on.
Black Sugar #1 (back right) is officially the biggest plant I've ever grown indoors. She's been a Rockstar thru the whole grow.
Lemon Tree 1&2 grew very similar. Both stayed around the same size & shape. Neither were picky about the feed and both produced similar bud size & structure.

Overall, this has been a solid run. Looking forward to harvesting and starting up another group of seeds.

🤙 Stay MotaVated y'all!
Looking very tasty man :welldone:
Looking very tasty man :welldone:
Thanks Absorber! :passitleft:

There's definitely some funk going on in there right now. Too many different smells to positively identify which stink is coming from which lady. LoL, even the stem rubs are inconclusive because the whole room is a melting pot of stank. LoL

I guess I'll know more after I get em chopped & separated into jars to smell em.
Thanks Absorber! :passitleft:

There's definitely some funk going on in there right now. Too many different smells to positively identify which stink is coming from which lady. LoL, even the stem rubs are inconclusive because the whole room is a melting pot of stank. LoL

I guess I'll know more after I get em chopped & separated into jars to smell em.
Isn't it the best frigging hobby 😁 I love it so much .
Cant wait for your smoke reports
A glimpse into my shit-show...

Here's the 9milly Farms security team. 🤣

One is a grumpy ass geriatric, and the other is a flighty gen-z. LoL

Both are the best dog a man could know...
Their eyes are beautifully loving. I miss my dogs.
I see some sharp looking blackwork on your left arm!
Your plants are looking great. Any ideas what you'll pop next?
Their eyes are beautifully loving. I miss my dogs.
I see some sharp looking blackwork on your left arm!
Your plants are looking great. Any ideas what you'll pop next?
I'm still contemplating my next grow.... I want to drop a solid 6 plants & run like I had been, but I'm starting to stockpile a concerning amount of flower.

I got the bug tho.... I can't just stop growing. It's my "hobby"... my break from life.

Next run will most likely be a Herbies Chocolate Thai that was gifted to me from a 420Mag homie, and Triple Cheese from Barney’s Farm.
A glimpse into my shit-show...

Here's the 9milly Farms security team. 🤣

One is a grumpy ass geriatric, and the other is a flighty gen-z. LoL

Both are the best dog a man could know...
Mine are Mom and Son team, Chow/Pit mix, yours look happy, I had a white pinto pony colored pit named Samar "The Ugandan Giant" 90 lbs. climbed trees. Cheers Team Preston from the Coastal Bend! SS
True 'dat, Abs. But I'll bet you wish you could have had one that climbed trees! 😁
I had a dog as a kid that was ball crazy so I put the ball in the big apple tree to give him and me a rest and he climbed/jumped up into the bloody tree and was trying to balance on the branch and slipped and ended up in the position of his paws hooked over the branch trying to hold on 🤣 only 1.5mtrs off the ground and dog was the size of Preston's dog .
Pretty funny but useless at watering up trees🤣
Down at the Plumbing Board of Examiners again today for another licensing test... On lunch, about halfway done & doing well. I just finished plumbing a damn dollhouse (literally) for 2 full bathrooms. 🤣 Fucking tiny little parts & shaky hands made it tough, but pretty sure I nailed it. 🤘

Gotta go back in after lunch & do a few more shop tasks, then on to the written portion. Hopefully I've got all my shit right; there's a hefty pay raise waiting for me on the other side of this rainbow.
Welp... I finished! LoL.... not sure if I "nailed it" but I'm definitely in the realm of maybe. 🤣

I'll know in a few days. Had some questionable answers on the math-y type shit, but think my stronger areas will cover my shortfalls.

Got home to find out my boss-man went out to a job I just finished (while I was out of office) and made some changes to my work.... LoL, his calculations were taken from old blueprints & I get to go back tomorrow & put shit back where I had it 🤣

Meh.... I can't even get mad anymore; just gotta go fix it on the clock....
Congrats and oof!
Our customer base changes their mind like I change my underwear. LoL Change orders are my "overtime" ... and not uncommon at all.
This one just happened to be at the hand of my boss. It's an easy fix & I'm just happy I knew about it before they pour concrete.

I'll get back to it tomorrow & keep trudging thru the shitshow. 🤣
Was tough to track down a picture, but I found a vid with the "dollhouse" lol

Not sure who the guy is, so I made him a happy cowboy. 😄

But, that's the exact house I had to plumb today... with pipe the size of drinking straws, and my fittings were like the size of Barbie's shoes. 🤣🤣🤣

So happy to be done with this shit....
I never want to have that much money that I would rather do this with it, rather than give to charity.

Like who fucking does this? To be that out of touch that you would ask a tradesman, a skilled tradesman, to plumb Barbies house?

I hope you charge those motherfuckers like an angry bull.
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