Trala’s Tent

Can you start me off with the Carhooks
Sure I can- I'll post up some pics for you tomorrow- I'm at a good "teaching spot" on my outdoor auto.
Today was a real crap day, but I'll be back on
track tomorrow a.m. :)
Hey Team :) :) :)

So truth be told I had a couple of bevvies prior to topping. What could go wrong you ask?!

N O T H I N G !

I took their fucking heads off like a serial killer with a skull fetish! My blackboard. I can’t even tell you how efficient it makes me feel. In fact if I make a mistake literally rub the whole lot out and rewrite it. lolllllingggg


And Mr S, I left a good sticky outie portion like you suggested. Maybe this will be the grow I dont crack a stem.

Im 96% sure I cut in the right spot. I counted like 6 times. 4 nodes up, cut. I’m gonna try and strike em for my next door neighbour. Everything she touches turns to shit but she’s a good egg. I haven’t had much luck with clones lately tbh.

Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac is giving me fucking life atm. I have no idea how it showed up on my Spotify list but I like it

Sure I can- I'll post up some pics for you tomorrow- I'm at a good "teaching spot" on my outdoor auto.
Today was a real crap day, but I'll be back on
track tomorrow a.m. :)
You all good C-saw?

Coz if you aren’t I’ll send you thoughts and prayers..l mean sure they do fuck all except make me feel like a decent person for typing I sent em, but it’s better than a punch in the face aye.

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
You all good C-saw?
Yeah, today's going better than yesterday...yesterday was Mrs.C.'s second vaccination shot- the first one,
the entire process took about half an hour, so, you'd think the second one would be the same, right?
Well, no- it was a complete 4 hour clusterf*ck...but it's finally done, so that's a good thing!

On to the training pics- these are pics of my 26 day old Chocodope auto (Thanks @BooWho2 !)
It was topped 12 days ago-I'll just post up the pics, and then If you have questions, I'll answer them.
You'll notice the branches all have 2 hooks holding them down- that's something you'll need to do after
the branches get a little longer, but right at first, one hook per branch should do...



Hopefully, you can see what's going on there....

I also have an Amnesia auto that just got topped on Friday, and I'll post up pics of the training as it happens- those might be easier to follow, since it's at the same stage as yours, except it was topped
above node #3 instead of node #4 like the Chocodope.
It'll probably be about 5 days before the branches are long enough to train on this one:

So there ya go, Trala I hope it helped..and don't be afraid to ask any questions ....I think you'll find that
these plants are actually easier to train than your last ones, since these are nice and symmetrical- clones are a bit "funny" to train...
Have a great day, Trala! (It's your Monday, right?)
Yeah, today's going better than yesterday...yesterday was Mrs.C.'s second vaccination shot- the first one,
the entire process took about half an hour, so, you'd think the second one would be the same, right?
Well, no- it was a complete 4 hour clusterf*ck...but it's finally done, so that's a good thing!

On to the training pics- these are pics of my 26 day old Chocodope auto (Thanks @BooWho2 !)
It was topped 12 days ago-I'll just post up the pics, and then If you have questions, I'll answer them.
You'll notice the branches all have 2 hooks holding them down- that's something you'll need to do after
the branches get a little longer, but right at first, one hook per branch should do...



Hopefully, you can see what's going on there....

I also have an Amnesia auto that just got topped on Friday, and I'll post up pics of the training as it happens- those might be easier to follow, since it's at the same stage as yours, except it was topped
above node #3 instead of node #4 like the Chocodope.
It'll probably be about 5 days before the branches are long enough to train on this one:

So there ya go, Trala I hope it helped..and don't be afraid to ask any questions ....I think you'll find that
these plants are actually easier to train than your last ones, since these are nice and symmetrical- clones are a bit "funny" to train...
Have a great day, Trala! (It's your Monday, right?)
Thanks C Meister

Doing it now

WillE Day 1 of CarTraining.


Serious question wtf have I done to that branch? I can’t seem to fix it. I don’t attach the big leaf aye?


OMG that trunk tho. I didn’t realise till today how much size does matter lolllingggggg

I would move the hook up so that the branch top sits above the fan leaves.
More horrizontal than drooping.
They are only little still, so in a week or so, they should be sweet!
Nice work cuz!
Thank you :)

I definitely have not got the process mastered yet.

Chur brew.
keep trying Trala - I’ve heard it takes a little practice to become a good hooker ;)
Well it’s a good thing I like to practice isn’t it, coz I don’t just want to be a good hooker. I want to be one of the best ;)
Hi Team

I have given my hooks and adjustment.

I am definitely very fumbly when it comes to both making the hooks and positioning them.

I tried really hard to keep the branches horizontal and create that stalk cross.

Does this look a bit better?

Halle Bee :love: :love: :love:


WillE Bee :love::love::love:

Just right, Trala!
When the branches get a bit longer, you'll want to add a hook to the middle of the branch
so it doesn't have a hump in the middle , you want to try and keep it as straight as possible, and a few degrees above horizontal. (so the branch goes "uphill" just a little)
It’s raining here and as you know I only have one light so I have to choose, do I go flower or veg. Flower won. My little girls are outside in the cold rain and my big flower girl is tucked up warm. I gave the little girls 250mL each of a nute mix just to balance the natural rain water they will get.

I still haven’t opened my MC. I still have a few more doses of my old nutes left.

Reggie Bee :love::love::love:


The Little Uns:love::love::love:

Just right, Trala!
When the branches get a bit longer, you'll want to add a hook to the middle of the branch
so it doesn't have a hump in the middle , you want to try and keep it as straight as possible, and a few degrees above horizontal. (so the branch goes "uphill" just a little)
Good morning C Dog :) :) :)

Okay, I will. I actually have humps, should I go add a hook now?

So not quite horizontal? I so wish I took more notice in maths class when the teacher was explaining degrees. I’m terrible at it.
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