Trala’s Tent

Happy New Year, Trala!
Plants are looking mighty good!
Happy New Year, Trala!
Plants are looking mighty good!
Happy New Year to you too!

I’ve had a HUGE night! I worked a night shift and I literally have only had 90minutes solid sleep in two days.

And thank you. I’m super pleased with them all except the reVeginator. She’s a fucking mess. I am shocked at how different the Tangerine Dream flowers look to my mongrel seeds. I dont think I’ve ever seen flowers like them grow wise.

Carcass I hope your 2021 is filled with learning, love and laughter with a good sprinkle of lewdness.

:) :) :)
Jeez that’s it? I was up to those numbers at high school!!

But I mean it was fitting... it matched my IQ number! 4.5!! :cheesygrinsmiley: :goof:
Them is rookie numbers
Happy New Year Miss Trala! You are the bestest gardener I’ve ever seen
Then you need to get out more.

L O L L I N G !

I base my grow style on a comedy of errors. I actually fell onto Twiggy while trying to navigate the pitch black dark room after a tipple of vodka when my girlfriend decided she wanted a scoob - which she never ended up smoking lollllll.

Hey you’re the nit man. What exactly is a mite? And do you think my nits are mites. Twiggy definitely has something. They are black and microscopic, while I have worked hard to ensure she is not infested, she does have a couple on each branch despite my best efforts. I am wondering if it’s mites and if the treatment is the same.

I am so scared the triplets will become infested.
My garden has been a cruel joke lately but I’m going to war on recooking my soil & annihilating pests so we will see! Never heard it called a scoob, you guys have some crazy slang too huh?

Mites are tiny freaking little buggers, there’s 2 spotted spider mites, hemp or russet mites and another one that I can’t recall. Generally speaking you grow either indoors or outdoors because moving them usually brings the critters indoors too. Also they can hitch a ride on garden tools, the gardener or pets. Yes ma’am they are freaking tiny & I think it’s the hemp or russet that’s like super tiny - as in you will never see them without 60 X magnification. If you can see them with naked eye then it’s likely spider mites but when they infest during flower they will build a web and cover your buds. There are hypoapsis or friendly mites but in most cases it’s gonna be the nuisance varieties, I’d say the best mite to have around your cannabis plants - is a dead mite...

Here is recent one that came in on faq page - see pics Tarek - spider mites thats pretty nasty huh? He had a big infestation going on there.

You gotta spray leaf undersides, stalks & stems, soil plus bucket edges, last get top side & buds, best if caught before flower cause some sprays will / may slow plant down or cook up pistils. Let plant fan dry before going right back under lights. Remember to elevate plant and spray leaf undersides first so leaves are not weighted down, it’s a whole other battlefield than aphids cause mites are freaking tiny and get into places you can’t see.

I don’t have a clue what chemicals are available in your country but sulfur is a common item and it prevents mites, not sure if it kills them tho, typically sulfur is used in veg but not advised in flower although I lightly dust my soil with sulfur about every 2 weeks. Don’t know if you’ve dusted before but you need a puffer type dispenser & mask cause it’s nasty stuff. Read your labels to see if your current nuke ‘em product zaps mites too - if not then check with Amy G or Ossi Ossi to see what else they purchase down under to eradicate mites with. You can blast a lot away with water but to kill them it’s generally spray or predators like ladybugs or rove beetles but those predator species need to be in place and have a colony established long before the mites arrive.



I don’t mean to be dramatic, but I fucking hattttttttteeeeeeee this stage of the grow.

I don’t know if she’s ready, I can’t hold the fucking camera steady, I have the worst fiddle button control when it comes to the computer microscope thingy. The whole lot gives me the shits tbh.

The Tangie Trio are beautiful. They reek of gorgeousness and good times. Twiggy the Reviginator is a hot mess. She reeks of bad breath and BO. If Twiggy were a human you‘d socially distance even if she came back COVID clear.


I have zero idea when to cut her. On the upside her nits, while still evident are minimal.

Heres some of my shithouse handiwork when it comes to close ups. I got a nit pic too.

Her buds are tired, loose and lack lustre. If you were to look for a sex working demographic to compare her to you would choose the horror corner which houses the geriatric urine leaking menopausal crackwhores with ladygardens like buckets.

I am hoping next week is H Day. What do you reckon?









3 words = hot fucking mess.

I think I have said this before. She actually reminds me of the next day walk of shame after a good night out. You can see she would have looked so pretty before the lines of coke, alcohol and sexual slaying. In the hard light of day her dress is creased, her hair is a mess, her lippy smeared and she is carrying her clutch and just one high heel coz she lost the other one.


Hmmm...That's a tough one to judge there, Tra!

The colas look like they're made up of very small, "whispy" buds that don't really look swollen but look like a bunch of foxtails. I'd wait to see if the buds fatten up and I'd be interested to see some side-by-side pics of the buds from your last grow when she was at this stage. I'm wondering if the "whispy" buds are a result of the reveg or if they looked like that on the first grow. :hmmmm:
Hmmm...That's a tough one to judge there, Tra!

The colas look like they're made up of very small, "whispy" buds that don't really look swollen but look like a bunch of foxtails. I'd wait to see if the buds fatten up and I'd be interested to see some side-by-side pics of the buds from your last grow when she was at this stage. I'm wondering if the "whispy" buds are a result of the reveg or if they looked like that on the first grow. :hmmmm:
Hmmm I can’t remember. Could it be the heat?

She looks awful. But she still smells good.
I'm wondering if the "whispy" buds are a result of the reveg or if they looked like that on the first grow.

I was wondering the same thing, so I took a few minutes to find Twiggy #1's harvest pics...

Coincidentally, Trala, this is also the post where you figured out that trimming is your least favorite part of the grow... :oops:
It appears that wispy buds are just Twiggy's "thing"....

I mentioned backbuilding a few posts ago but that’s typically done earlier in flower like week 5 but I’m still curious if it would have any impact - what say you - Carcass and Mr. Krip. I’m thinking backbuilding and let them go a few more weeks, and see if they bulk up any - can’t really hurt can it?
It definitely can't hurt, 013- Although, deciding where to make the cuts will be a little
tricky on that one- do you just snip the very top?
Or do you snip each little foxtail (for want of a better term) individually?
Probably just the top(?)...but that plant definitely has a different bud structure than what I'm used to,
so I just don't know....but if it were my plant, I'd give it a try
I would get the tops or a little more than just the foxtails but that’s me, I’d be willing to go hard with a pair of snips especially on a plant that’s pretty much ready to be harvested... I would at least snip the top 1/8 to 1/4 inch on 50% of the colas and put a ribbon or pipe cleaner to mark the ones snipped to see if they fatten up appreciably. Same here I’d give it a shot if this was in my garden but I understand if Miss TraLa is reluctant...but I appreciate your insight Carcass, you have much skill on this here 013 newbie!
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