Trala’s Tent

I do too. I know it’s bold, but I love it :)

Im on my second last day of a 4 week holiday and I’m dreading Monday.
That sounds like a great holiday!! I just had an involuntary 6 week holiday before getting back to work. The time being at home was nice...

Now I’m working this weekend again... :headbanger:
Goodmorning Team :)

Sunday Summary

The Tangerine Triplets

Day 2 of flower.

There is been a tiny bit of stretch, nothing too extraordinary.

Poppy Lee :love:

Poppy if the oldest by 2 weeks, and because I was so paranoid about overwatering, I under-watered. And she is still premature when compared to the other two.




Billy Crypto :love:

She is the stand out of the trio, and that spot Bill advised to top looks to be a great idea :)




Frankie Jay :love:



Twiggy the Reveginator:green_heart:

She got fucking nits. It continues to be a battle. She’s not infested, but I see I’m going to have to keep my foot on her throat until harvest.

She looks that messy awesome from a distance, but the macro lens reveals her dirty secrets.




The hidden truth :( :( :(




Some days I feel like the Mother of Green Dragons...


Then Frank helps me to keep it real by reminding me I’m just the fucking dogshit pick up person.

The triplets look great.

Twiggy 2 tho.
She's seriously a beast, she's got a doc ock thing going on with all those arms, plant awesomeness right there.

And Frank, really , some dogs have no manners :)
Looking good, Tra!
Great job keeping the nits under control...Twiggy's looking awesome!
And the others are looking super happy and healthy- you're a natural at this stuff!
Remember how your first grow was BC... way back in the olden days - before critters? But you are doing a superb job on critter patrol and canine poop management!

Garden looks plush, the word verdant comes to mind
Hello you :)

In hindsight they were fucking riddled with them! I was just blissfully unaware, and still would be if you hadn’t picked it up! You have a habit of saving me from grow disasters my friend.

Do you know I have only recently learned the meaning of that word and I feel chuffed that you would use it to describe my grow. :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Looking good, Tra!
Great job keeping the nits under control...Twiggy's looking awesome!
And the others are looking super happy and healthy- you're a natural at this stuff!
Thanks Carcass. I have to admit she looks better on film. In real life she’s a bit of a mess.

And thank you, but I can assure you. I’m no natural when it comes to getting it flower. In fact I have limited idea. I rely 100% on you guys to tell me when to harvest.
Even Frank can't slow you down, ABFF, girls look great!
Thanks CBFF!

I can’t wait to harvest Twiggy. Lugging that pot out and in each day Is super annoying.

I am back at work and I just don’t have the time to fuss like I did on holidays. The watering police in here would 100% fine me for speed watering had they seen me throwing fluids at them yesterday. Literally watered 6 plants in 5 minutes.

I have the next four days off, tomorrow I am Christmas baking. How do you celebrate Christmas?
Thanks CBFF!

I can’t wait to harvest Twiggy. Lugging that pot out and in each day Is super annoying.

I am back at work and I just don’t have the time to fuss like I did on holidays. The watering police in here would 100% fine me for speed watering had they seen me throwing fluids at them yesterday. Literally watered 6 plants in 5 minutes.

I have the next four days off, tomorrow I am Christmas baking. How do you celebrate Christmas?
The watering police would do the same if they went from a 4 week holiday to back to work, you will manage and your plants will still thrive!

As for Christmas this year we opted not to get together with extended family. I warned the fam it was time to scale back and be mindful of how some people are truly suffering this year. I also have a couple of surly teens that are really good kids, but they have entered a vampire-like sleep pattern...I will prepare a turkey feast that they will show up for then disappear before the dishes are done. Maybe they will surprise me and stick around to help clean up.
The watering police would do the same if they went from a 4 week holiday to back to work, you will manage and your plants will still thrive!

As for Christmas this year we opted not to get together with extended family. I warned the fam it was time to scale back and be mindful of how some people are truly suffering this year. I also have a couple of surly teens that are really good kids, but they have entered a vampire-like sleep pattern...I will prepare a turkey feast that they will show up for then disappear before the dishes are done. Maybe they will surprise me and stick around to help clean up.
I haven’t got much family. Been a complete orphan for 4 years now, my people don’t live long. I work one on one off, this year is my year off. I only have one child. Well he’s not a child anymore. He’s 30, but to me he will always be 8 years old. He has his own 2 year old son, and another on the way.

My grandson makes this time of year magical. And I’ll tell you something for nothing, I am a much better grandmother than I ever was a mother. How my son turned out as well as he has is anyone’s guess. TBH I think they gave me the wrong baby. My feral dingo pup is out there somewhere and I got their angel. Lolling.

I am doing a semi traditional Christmas dinner. Then it will be drinking, board games and charades. And prolly a swim or two.

I’m ready.


Merry Christmas to you CBFF, may it be filled with love, laughter and a sprinkle of naughty. One of the best things about joining this forum is finding friends I never knew I needed. I can’t wait till you thaw out and get some beans (I’ve picked up 013’s lingo) in that dirt empire.

Love sent Xo
frank would have got a boot up his ass and a lesson to shit on the grass and not the deck.

had a friend who was a trainer and he'd never put up with it. but his dogs always had amazing lives and were well loved. he used to foster police dog pups, he made the call who was going to make it to the next level. he trained all sorts for folk though.
frank would have got a boot up his ass and a lesson to shit on the grass and not the deck.

had a friend who was a trainer and he'd never put up with it. but his dogs always had amazing lives and were well loved. he used to foster police dog pups, he made the call who was going to make it to the next level. he trained all sorts for folk though.
Whether it’s on the grass or on the deck, I still gotta pick it up. And side note, I don’t boot dogs as a form of discipline.

To be fair Frank was whimpering to go for a poo walk, and I chose a photo session with my plants over his pleas for poop time. I think this was his way of saying “I fucking told you I needed to go, lady”.

In my experience dogs hate shitting in their own yard and will go to great lengths not to.

Frank is a rescue dog and he is a really well behaved dog. My two greatest irritations are uncontrollable kids, and uncontrollable dogs. Frank only ever walks at my heel off a lead, and stops and sits using sign language. He won’t run ahead of me unless I sign he can do so either. In return he is absolutely adored and I like to think he his living his best life.

Merry Christmas everyone!! And happy new year!!!
Merry Christmas to you and to all the other legends in here who take the time to post and share both advice and stories.

I somehow got it done. And I am so glad it’s over.

This is my favourite Christmas present. Next grow I’m lady beetle ready :)


Okay grow advice needed.

I‘m not even sure what’s going on with the Twiganator. Her buds are all loose and airy, and she has that real walk of shame look, you know where you can see remnants of what was prolly a lovely looking fully made up well dressed woman the night before, but next day her hair is on a lean, she’s lost her bra, has eye makeup smudged under her eyes, her lipstick is smeared and she’s carrying her heels. In fact Twiggy is basically Patsy from AbFab.

I have no idea when to harvest her, but it can’t come soon enough. She continues to have nits despite my best efforts. And she will be a trim nightmare given all that leaf. She’s a hot mess and I can’t wait till she’s done.







Same here BLS but mines Belated! Hope everyone was warm & well fed, or for our Southern Hemisphere folks cool & well fed...... anything more is icing on the cake!

Chuffed you say? Since we got new govt puppets coming in ya better learn this one too - molon labe. Refers to our 2nd amendment rights

Hey speaking of which - you had cool Aussie dictionary quote the other week, got a link to share for that dictionary site?

Also pretty cool - you’ve got a Christmas carol named after you, sing with me

Deck the halls with boughs of holly Trala la la la,... la, la, la, la.

Now comes the hard part - try to get that shit out of your head! :cheesygrinsmiley:

alright Miss Tra & all her people’s - peace out
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