Trala’s Tent

Kk so I made another executive decision. I am wanting to reduce the number of plants I need to cart in and out of my dark room and I had an idea. I have two very large outdoor pots and I sort of had a brain explosion and thought I could put my clone in it, and cut her back a bit and grow her outside till harvest. The reason I cut her back is because it is what I would have done to improve a scrub I was wanting to thicken up. Because she is a clone she didn’t get topped like a seed plant.

Look I prolly should have asked for advice first, but it would be redundant now coz I just up and did it. Mainly because I have access to clone her again if I fuck it up, so it is an educated risk. Lolling




The thing I would like advice about is the second pot. Should I put one Tangerine triplet outside to fend for herself? The most successful outdoor grower I have ever known used the “plant Father’s Day/pick Mothers Day” rule in conjunction with a full moon. Not sure if it’s hokus pokus, but he had huge success. If I use that rule as my guide my plants are almost bang on where old mate would say they should be for an outdoor grow.

The other thing I would like advice on is flipping. I have every intention of flipping tomorrow night. I will take some video tomorrow morning. The three of them are bigger than my last three were at harvest time, they really are huge, but they are a different breed so I’m not sure if that plays a part, the others were Stevia or what ever you call it. I can’t even fit 2 in the tent let alone 3. What are the things I should consider when choosing a flip date? Like what do you gauge it on?

Any thought or opinions would be appreciated. I just want to make an informed choice rather than a brain explosion like I did today! The Tangerine seeds are expensive and I would hate to ruin the plant as I might have done with my clone Pretty Twig.
sry mate, i dnt grow outside so anything i say would be for inside, but i assume you don't want light hitting it after 12 hours of daylight. you gotta figure the moonlight :hmmmm:
Sativa is the word... :cheesygrinsmiley: For flipping the ones in a tent, wait until they are 1/2 the height of the available space in your tent, they can double in height during the stretch. They could be shortened by supercropping and any branch whether unruly (too tall) or not can be supercropped multiple times.

Sounds good about growing outdoors before moving inside, but consider the outdoor plant has been exposed to nature and potentially craploads of crotch critters, so inspect and treat a few weeks before the targeted date of moving them indoors. I don’t grow outdoors but I’ve seen tons of comments about the transfer of bugs and cross contamination of the other indoor plants
Apologies I must have typed that in my sleep and didn’t even say hello!!! I have a bad habit of exhaustion sleeping for a few hours then premature awake-ulation in middle of the night from pain. So I will jam on the tablet or kick off a movie and eventually fall asleep again... if I‘m lucky.

Your garden is looking as lush as ever Miss Lady. I’m pleased to hear you are staying on critter patrol. It sucks a plenty but just last nite I saw a plant covered in mites, check this out.... Mites pic

Not sure what you are asking about Tangerine Triplet - yes outdoors if you’ve got 2 to 4 months of good weather, the winter solstice is like Dec 20ish so yup, but hey I’m northern hemisphere guy so when you cross the equator on gardening questions my brain implodes.

Really dig the snow pics - see I would have guessed that your continent hadn’t seen snow in a few millennia since last ice age but that is amaze balls. Snow is great but Jan 1st I’m jonesing for spring to pop.
I have two very large outdoor pots and I sort of had a brain explosion and thought I could put my clone in it
That was a great idea, Tra!
Beautiful, healthy clone too- I think she's going to do just fine out there!
I sort of had a brain explosion
I used to have those too.... now they're just brain farts.... :)
Sativa is the word... :cheesygrinsmiley: For flipping the ones in a tent, wait until they are 1/2 the height of the available space in your tent, they can double in height during the stretch. They could be shortened by supercropping and any branch whether unruly (too tall) or not can be supercropped multiple times.

Sounds good about growing outdoors before moving inside, but consider the outdoor plant has been exposed to nature and potentially craploads of crotch critters, so inspect and treat a few weeks before the targeted date of moving them indoors. I don’t grow outdoors but I’ve seen tons of comments about the transfer of bugs and cross contamination of the other indoor plants
Sativa! That’s it! I prefer to call it Skinny Green as opposed to I Like a Cookie Green, which is the “i“ one.

What does super crop mean again? I think I’m getting confused with monster crop.

They are over half the height now. I think the Tangerines are the I Like a Cookie Green, their leaves are - what’s a nice word for wide... Voluptuous. And they are tall. I have taken some pics with a measuring stick I made to give you an idea.

I treat them every 5 days. I wash their hair, then put the nit treatment in. They still have a couple of critters, but in hindsight so did my last grow. Only difference I didn’t realise.
Apologies I must have typed that in my sleep and didn’t even say hello!!! I have a bad habit of exhaustion sleeping for a few hours then premature awake-ulation in middle of the night from pain. So I will jam on the tablet or kick off a movie and eventually fall asleep again... if I‘m lucky.

Your garden is looking as lush as ever Miss Lady. I’m pleased to hear you are staying on critter patrol. It sucks a plenty but just last nite I saw a plant covered in mites, check this out.... Mites pic

Not sure what you are asking about Tangerine Triplet - yes outdoors if you’ve got 2 to 4 months of good weather, the winter solstice is like Dec 20ish so yup, but hey I’m northern hemisphere guy so when you cross the equator on gardening questions my brain implodes.

Really dig the snow pics - see I would have guessed that your continent hadn’t seen snow in a few millennia since last ice age but that is amaze balls. Snow is great but Jan 1st I’m jonesing for spring to pop.
What is the cause of your pain, 013?

Oh my fucking God!

It looks like the nature version of Chlamydia, with a sprinkle of genital warts and a side of herpes! I feel so bad for them but at the same time I hope it doesn’t happen to me. Can I avoid that with regular nit treatments?

I was asking about the triplet. I think I will keep her inside. I have too many plants tbh.

That was seriously one of the best single days of my life so far! I even made a snow angel by laying on the ground and flapping!

Do you get snow?
Your plants are looking great, Tra! Incredibly healthy (must have been the torture when seedlings? :hmmmm: ). I think you got this figured out!

Omg hello!

Ive missed you Special K!

How dare you go off and live your reality! How very dare!

I really hope so. Lice are my issue atm.
That was a great idea, Tra!
Beautiful, healthy clone too- I think she's going to do just fine out there!

I used to have those too.... now they're just brain farts.... :)
I hope so, tho since she’s been out it’s done nothing but pour with rain.

I was going to put a Tangerine out there too. I still might.
Both funny, and you can grow plants too! :bravo:
Mr S you are new to my grow style. I have found ways to fuck up that you honestly couldn’t even imagine.

Take my latest grow, the 3 Tangerine seeds. I starved the first one born to the point of near death, then once I got them to seedlings I balanced them on an uneven house of cards under my light, and was genuinely shocked next day when I found their twisted half dead bodies when it fell, only to days later move them from one spot to another on my deck, forget within 7.9 seconds and once again cause all three to tumble out of their pots when I kicked them over.

If these were children I would 100% lose custody.
Okay guys and girls!

I think I’m flipping!

I made a measuring stick because I think it’s super hard to gauge size.


Poppy Lee Day 85 Veg :love:



Frankie Jay Day 72 Veg :love:



One Armed Billy Crypto Day 71 Veg



The triplets social distancing coz as my dear sweet little grandma used to say:- safety first motherfuckers.


She didn’t really say that... I cleaned it up for the forum ;)

supercrop is where you slightly crush or bend the stalk - it forms a knot or knuckle there
monster crop is when you take a clone from a plant that was in flower and reveg it - bushy monster

My pain is from a lifetime of hard physical labor, repetitive stress injuries plus countless other accidents and injuries - worked construction, hit by a car, a few ATV accidents, fell couple stories in a vent shaft when vertical safety ladder broke loose from its mounting, rolled a car, multiple back injuries, chain saw accident, got T-boned in car wreck, 2 bum shoulders, crushed zygomatic, plus a few dozen other assorted broken bones, injuries, burns, lacerations and surgeries

I’ve been the Energizer Bunny and kept working thru it all but after 40+ years of non stop abuse it adds up. Shit Tra most days my freaking hair hurts that’s if I’m well medicated and don’t get out of bed. But hey in spite - I am highly blessed and a happy camper!!!

Guess I’ve been a crash test dummy and poster child for workplace safety that’s exceeded my expiration date a few times now.

You have such a lovely home and garden there, it’s like a mirage for a weary traveler welcoming one to slip into some green then the refreshing blue...
supercrop is where you slightly crush or bend the stalk - it forms a knot or knuckle there
monster crop is when you take a clone from a plant that was in flower and reveg it - bushy monster

My pain is from a lifetime of hard physical labor, repetitive stress injuries plus countless other accidents and injuries - worked construction, hit by a car, a few ATV accidents, fell couple stories in a vent shaft when vertical safety ladder broke loose from its mounting, rolled a car, multiple back injuries, chain saw accident, got T-boned in car wreck, 2 bum shoulders, crushed zygomatic, plus a few dozen other assorted broken bones, injuries, burns, lacerations and surgeries

I’ve been the Energizer Bunny and kept working thru it all but after 40+ years of non stop abuse it adds up. Shit Tra most days my freaking hair hurts that’s if I’m well medicated and don’t get out of bed. But hey in spite - I am highly blessed and a happy camper!!!

Guess I’ve been a crash test dummy and poster child for workplace safety that’s exceeded my expiration date a few times now.

You have such a lovely home and garden there, it’s like a mirage for a weary traveler welcoming one to slip into some green then the refreshing blue...
Oh okay. I don’t like that process as much personally. I know GGD loves his knuckles, I don’t prefer them.

I am really sorry to hear you have chronic pain. I know it can be exhausting. While I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don‘t already know, keep an eye on that black dog. Chronic pain and clinical depression go together like a horse and a cart.

I don’t really, my house is very plain. I just have a super happy front door so it fools you. I do love my garden. 013 I never thought someone like me would ever be in a position to buy a house. I am from welfare and in a lot of regards I have a welfare mentality. I thought I would rent my whole life and I was happy to do so. I have always loved plants so I would sneak cuttings or clones as you call them here, I would snap a piece and put it in my pocket, strike it and grow the plants in pots. I couldn’t have a garden as such because I rented so my ever growing troop of plants would come with me from address to address as I had to move (downside to renting lol). When I bought this house I was able to finally plant my plants in my own soil (banks soil really). I have had some of them for over 20 years. My garden represents so much of my life. It’s like a photo album that only I know the story to.

I hope your pain is manageable today :)
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