Trala’s Tent

I have to say, I've tried backbuilding on a couple of grows, the last one was late in the grow simply to try and curb the foxtailing going on.
I really couldn't see it made any difference if done week 5 or week 7, the back built buds looked just like the ones left to grow how they wanted.
I was wondering the same thing, so I took a few minutes to find Twiggy #1's harvest pics...

Coincidentally, Trala, this is also the post where you figured out that trimming is your least favorite part of the grow... :oops:
It appears that wispy buds are just Twiggy's "thing"....

OMG Trimming is the WORST job ever, and that’s saying something because at times I have to slip a fleet enema/suppository in some of the raggediest arseholes you have ever seen in your life! Word out to the members in here who refuse to take responsibility of their bowel health then present to the hospital expecting us to help them birth their 7 day old ironpoo, three, no four words:- up your fucking fibre!! And have a sip of water while you’re at it.

I tip my hat to you finding that post in the mountainous amounts of my dribble. She was a hot mess then too. But interestingly she smoked the best.

I just want her washed and hung at this point. I’m back at work so I’m time poor and she is so heavy to lug in and out twice daily.
I mentioned backbuilding a few posts ago but that’s typically done earlier in flower like week 5 but I’m still curious if it would have any impact - what say you - Carcass and Mr. Krip. I’m thinking backbuilding and let them go a few more weeks, and see if they bulk up any - can’t really hurt can it?
OMG I forgot. I’m meant to depopcorn bud them too and I haven’t done that either.

I have a nightshift tonight then I am on a 3 day run. I’ll do it then.

013 I know this is terrible, but I’m just sick of her.
It definitely can't hurt, 013- Although, deciding where to make the cuts will be a little
tricky on that one- do you just snip the very top?
Or do you snip each little foxtail (for want of a better term) individually?
Probably just the top(?)...but that plant definitely has a different bud structure than what I'm used to,
so I just don't know....but if it were my plant, I'd give it a try
It can hurt, in fact if I am faced with lugging her fat arse in twice daily for another few weeks I’ll up my drama whining to Level 5 which is going to hurt a lot.

Give me your address, you can fucking have her.
I have to say, I've tried backbuilding on a couple of grows, the last one was late in the grow simply to try and curb the foxtailing going on.
I really couldn't see it made any difference if done week 5 or week 7, the back built buds looked just like the ones left to grow how they wanted.
I think we just need to accept her for the pee smelling geriatric plant crackwhore she is.

Come the end of next week her lineage is over.

She actually started as a monster cropped bud off a friend of mines plant. It was by far her best plant, but because I can’t remember from one day to the next I forget exactly what the buds looked like.

Looking back, she was an ugly arsed baby too.



My grow style has come a long way since May.
I would get the tops or a little more than just the foxtails but that’s me, I’d be willing to go hard with a pair of snips especially on a plant that’s pretty much ready to be harvested... I would at least snip the top 1/8 to 1/4 inch on 50% of the colas and put a ribbon or pipe cleaner to mark the ones snipped to see if they fatten up appreciably. Same here I’d give it a shot if this was in my garden but I understand if Miss TraLa is reluctant...but I appreciate your insight Carcass, you have much skill on this here 013 newbie!
013 it’s not that I’m reluctant. I just can’t be fucked. I’m just sick of her, and I want to put my focus into the Tangies. Who aren’t looking at all happy btw. It is day 2 of heavy rain and the only light I have is the Mars 1000. So they are stuck indoors under a weak house bulb.
im too cranky & sleep deprived to have witty words but I’ll be back tomorrow with a fresh charge of smart ass! hope you are percolating just fine in spite of trim jail and rusty arseholes
Turn that frown upside down crankypants!

It could be worse. You could be on nightshift taking care of four patients who refuse to sleep.

I have actually outsourced the job of trimming. She has an appointment with the hair dresser booked on Wednesday. If only I could outsource inserting bowel aperients too I'd be golden.

Hey what’s up in your neck of the woods? I’m trying to turn that frown upside down.... but bah freaking humbug so far, no success! We got about 1/2 inch of global warming that fell from the sky. The cool part is we shut down, roll up the sidewalks and go home. Nah we used to do that but now everyone has an escalade or euro made awd yuppie-mobile but rah we gonna trash them and save the planet by upgrading to 125 grand electric cars. Hey anybody got a 300 mile long extension cord I can borrow?

You are too funny! Is that a cut & curl? Hey I’ll do your trimming but want no part of that other business... nah seriously I‘m grateful for all the med workers - you guys are irreplaceable. I’m sure you catch enough grief without a global pandemic and now things are strained beyond the max all over.
Hey what’s up in your neck of the woods? I’m trying to turn that frown upside down.... but bah freaking humbug so far, no success! We got about 1/2 inch of global warming that fell from the sky. The cool part is we shut down, roll up the sidewalks and go home. Nah we used to do that but now everyone has an escalade or euro made awd yuppie-mobile but rah we gonna trash them and save the planet by upgrading to 125 grand electric cars. Hey anybody got a 300 mile long extension cord I can borrow?
I’m still buzzing tbh.

Had the most adrenaline fuelled night shift. We had a Code Blue, and my job was to maintain the airways. I have never been directly involved in one before, only trained. We have to do mandatory training each year and role play an emergency response with the defibrillator and a dummy, so while the steps are familiar to me, I’ve never actually done it on an unresponsive human.

We got him back, but sadly I don’t think it will be for much longer. Hopefully his family have time to say their goodbyes. I felt so proud of myself and my team walking out. I really do have the best job, and the people I work with are literally heroes.
I really do have the best job, and the people I work with are literally heroes.
I think you also fit that description, Trala- where in the hell would we be without all the folks in the medical community risking their lives for us every single effing day...You guys have always been heroes, and I'm sorry it took a pandemic for a lot of us to finally realize that!
2 hours sleep in two days and I’m basically a burrito filled with bipolar. I don’t know whether I want to laugh, cry, punch a wall, panic, dance like no one is watching, eat chocolate or do all six at the same time.

Thankfully today is but a day and come tomorrow there will be a new dawn for me to bounce into.

Flower update :)

I am on Week 3 of flower and I have never seen plants like this in my whole life. I see now I have really only ever seen low income bush buds grown. These plants are just lovely. While they definitely don’t look as happy after being cooped up for 3 days under a house light, I am hoping I can nurse them back to the awesomeness they deserve.

Week 3 of Flower

One Armed Billy Crypro :love:

notice her fist)




Poppy Lee :love::love:



Frankie Jay :love::love::love:

(she is the star of the three, even tho she continues to battle nits)




Serious question, given that Twiggy Reveg is such a mess, should I continue with the clone Pretty Twig? I have thrown to the wild. She is outdoors 24/7. She is still vegging and won’t flower till approximately May.

As you can see, she has exploded.


The Familam

Eight is definitely too many lolling. Honestly they are so much work. I carry them to both light and dark.


I think you also fit that description, Trala- where in the hell would we be without all the folks in the medical community risking their lives for us every single effing day...You guys have always been heroes, and I'm sorry it took a pandemic for a lot of us to finally realize that!
What a lovely thing to say.

Thank you so much Carcass. Xo
The family is looking happy and healthy today, Trala!
Eight is definitely too many lolling.
Funny how we don't notice that so much when they're little...I just got done with 4 , and that was actually 2 too many...those 2 clones weren't supposed to live, so, of course they did...
The family is looking happy and healthy today, Trala!

Funny how we don't notice that so much when they're little...I just got done with 4 , and that was actually 2 too many...those 2 clones weren't supposed to live, so, of course they did...
Hi Carcass :)

The Tangy Triplets look a bit unhappy tbh. They spent 3 days under a house light as I only have one grow light.

The ReVeginator is a hot mess. She looks like a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, great from a distance but up close she is 50 shades of wrong. Carcass given the Twiggy clone outside is going to grow the same airy buds as the original plant, (she looks so good now like green and healthy and she’s HUGE), do you think I should persevere or cull her now?! What would you do?

Going forward after I get all this lot through finishing school I want a 4 plant grow. Two in the dark, two in veg. It’s just too much work.
Hello McRib :)

How‘s life?

Oh and Oiiiiii McRib

How do you tell the difference between a male bogan and a female bogan?
Female bogans always have a higher sperm count mateeeeeeeeeeee ;)
What would you do?
The clone is going to end up just like mom- so you'll be going through this again in a few months if you let her go...
I've never culled a healthy plant, but in this case, the third time is not going to be "the charm" ...It's going to be as hard to trim as the first two, maybe even worse.
It's really up to you...all I can say is I really wouldn't want to have to trim a plant like that 3 times.
You're going to be set(with smoke) pretty soon (I know you don't smoke) so it's not like you're going to really need the weed.
Maybe just sit her in the corner of the yard and see how she does on her own (with a little water now & then) ?
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