Trala’s Tent

No need for embarrassment, the jargon here is akin to Wall Street or accountants with all the abbreviations. Mr.E grew some GDP in a SOG that was suoercropped but his VPD blew out probably cause the ca-mg was too low so he never got full decarb on his RSO.

What it’s plain fucking English - do I have to draw a diagram?... Just kidding!

Laugh and keep on trucking!! You have come so far in days, be proud of your accomplishments!!!
Okay calling all sexperts!

This is as close as I could get.

What do you think?

Mongrel seed Minxie Grand

81D20451-9BFA-40CC-990A-288C849B98B9.jpeg 59FD3C00-7460-4DFC-933B-64A5876E3627.jpeg

Mongrel seed Trixie Grand

FD316E05-5169-4D60-8C05-D27BC4381C93.jpeg F7F18769-E14D-4E04-A16B-1555899C630A.jpeg
These are the clones.

Can female clones turn herm or are they guaranteed girls?

Kate Bush

3088F808-6C0F-4E43-9519-12F6EC200BA6.jpeg 62E6B7E9-9228-4747-8116-0D0C986D50E5.jpeg


989F4A53-300A-4B85-946E-7F3D02BA9571.jpeg D2AC990D-7A64-41F2-967C-CAE634FA1C6C.jpeg
I'm crap at determining sex (it's why I'll never visit Bangkok) :oops:

Clones from females will be female but they all have the capability of herming if they are stressed too much.
I'm crap at determining sex (it's why I'll never visit Bangkok) :oops:

Clones from females will be female but they all have the capability of herming if they are stressed too much.

Fingers crossed they don’t herm, I don’t like my chances though, because to be fair being sliced from the mother plant in bud, dipped, then squished into soil you don’t recognise, then kidnapped must be super stressful.

Fingers crossed they don’t herm, I don’t like my chances though, because to be fair being sliced from the mother plant in bud, dipped, then squished into soil you don’t recognise, then kidnapped must be super stressful.
It's weed, it's about as chilled out as any plant can be.

I think as long as you don't cook them, dismember them, feed them to death or have light leaks in flower they will stay forever beautiful females, until you hack them to death for your own gains that is :thumb:
It's weed, it's about as chilled out as any plant can be.

I think as long as you don't cook them, dismember them, feed them to death or have light leaks in flower they will stay forever beautiful females, until you hack them to death for your own gains that is :thumb:

I‘ll try not to do any of those things.

Seriously question, when will I know for sure if they are girls or boys?

I‘ll try not to do any of those things.

Seriously question, when will I know for sure if they are girls or boys?
Glad to hear it :)
I grow from seed and the tend to show around 35-40 days after sprouting.

It's the reason I only buy feminised seeds, I couldn't handle not knowing if I should paint the grow room pink or blue.
Glad to hear it :)
I grow from seed and the tend to show around 35-40 days after sprouting.

It's the reason I only buy feminised seeds, I couldn't handle not knowing if I should paint the grow room pink or blue.
Well I should know any day now!

I‘m sure they are all sick of having me rip their legs apart and peering at their bits with a torch!

The waiting is torture!
OMG that would be so awesome!

Seeds defs can’t be bought here legally. I would be happy to pay. If you had the inclination I’d love the opportunity to start a grow with you, so we can go through the steps together, big ask I know, but I am nothing if not cheeky :D

If worse comes to worse, I have the two lady clones. I really only started four so I would have a one in four chance of keeping at least one alive. But so far I have four from four.

Hey my light, how far do you reckon that needs to be from my plants?

Oh and I had the BEST restraint idea for Minxie Grand. She fucking hates my tinsel restraints, her leaves look sad, but I digress. You know a D shackle? I took out the long screw like part that forms the letter D, and presto perfect handcuff! I am also using tongue depressors to separate the branches.

Hey how did you go with the gas man?
It's on the 8th June so got a couple of weeks yet.
In normal growth for veg. It is usually about 18inches as they dont need the intensity as much. Alsondeoends on the light itoo. Flowering we go closer to 12".
Lol anyway that helps us get them under control TraLa. Heehee. Same as kids.
Thanks Doc :)

And yet another word I need to google... calyxes is the next word to go into my overworked search engine lolling!
Imagine how you will look at the next smoking session on your own weed, throwing these down on the scrabble board. A decent " spunktrumpet" off the right letters can make champions of wise growers. Lol
Please dont search that one , my true I.d will be revealed ( and No , i am not Cliff Richard's!!!)...

Fingers crossed they don’t herm, I don’t like my chances though, because to be fair being sliced from the mother plant in bud, dipped, then squished into soil you don’t recognise, then kidnapped must be super stressful.
Slicing and chopping wont hurt the cuttings at all. It would only slightly bother the mum. The type of stress that hermie a plant are mainly big environmental swings during flowering and light leaking in to the room during dark hours. Even on/off light indicators can give off light so all need to be covered up if they give of any glow at all. Going well over their harvest can do it to as a desperation to keep her genetics going. Aside from those reasons, it is fairly hard to cause it. More a genetic throw back issue. Dont worry too much TraLa.
Imagine how you will look at the next smoking session on your own weed, throwing these down on the scrabble board. A decent " spunktrumpet" off the right letters can make champions of wise growers. Lol
Please dont search that one , my true I.d will be revealed ( and No , i am not Cliff Richard's!!!)...
Googled spunk trumpet!


It is officially my word for today :D

You have a grand day, and may your trumpet spunk like it’s never spunked before ;)

LOLLING :laughtwo:
Slicing and chopping wont hurt the cuttings at all. It would only slightly bother the mum. The type of stress that hermie a plant are mainly big environmental swings during flowering and light leaking in to the room during dark hours. Even on/off light indicators can give off light so all need to be covered up if they give of any glow at all. Going well over their harvest can do it to as a desperation to keep her genetics going. Aside from those reasons, it is fairly hard to cause it. More a genetic throw back issue. Dont worry too much TraLa.
Hmmm, my 18:6 lights go out at 1pm, I’m usually home from the grind at approx 3:30pm. And I usually opened the black with darkness tent, rotate and gently do a bit of branch positioning. Could I be causing stress to them taking from manufactured ”night” and going into day For 15minutes daily?
Hey, TraLa,

I know a few growers who take photos at lights out. When I leave my phone in there at lights out or need to find trim scissors I turn on a 14 watt CFL grab my stuff and roll. Bonus points if you remember to turn OFF the light! Typically tho dark means dark and don’t mess. When in veg cycle 15 mins is not going to kill you, in flower it’s best be brief & go with low lights or flashlight. Right or wrong that’s what I do.

Flip the script, what if plant kicks your tush outta bed at 3 am, mama ain’t gonna be happy huh?
Flip the script, what if plant kicks your tush outta bed at 3 am, mama ain’t gonna be happy huh?
Very good point.

Okay, new dilemm.

I thought interrupting their light time would be more disruptive so I deliberately made their daylight 18hr time from 7pm - 1pm so I could poke them in their dark time.

I now see that was a mistake. Is there a safe way to now change my 18 daylight hours without hurting my plants? I tend to poke them between 4pm - 5pm
From now on the only time you poke her is from 7 pm to 1 pm.

Regardless of the sun your plant wakes up at 7 pm when the light hits her. She wakes and starts growing. You cannot disrupt her light time because she is already awake. This is when you do ALL OF YOUR PLANT CARE FROM 7 PM UNITL 1 PM. She goes to sleep at 1 pm and you stay out.

Regardless of sun, Your girl sleeps from 1 pm until 7 pm. Yes you have been stressing her every day by poking her when she’s asleep. This is very disruptive. Stop this immediately. Dont change her time, change your time. The only thing you do in lights off (7PM TO 1AM) is to make sure the lights STAY OFF and YOU STAY OUT.

If you monkey with changing her time then she could hermie.
From now on the only time you poke her is from 7 pm to 1 pm.

Regardless of the sun your plant wakes up at 7 pm when the light hits her. She wakes and starts turning your artificial light into leaves and buds. You cannot interrupt her light time because she is already awake. This is when you do ALL OF YOUR PLANT CARE FROM 7 PM UNITL 1 PM. She goes to sleep at 1 pm and you stay out.

Regardless of sun, Your girl sleeps from 1 pm until 7 pm. Yes you have been stressing her every day by poking her when she’s asleep. This is very disruptive. Stop this immediately, don’t change her time, change your time. The only thing you do in lights off (7PM TO 1AM) is to make sure the lights STAY OFF!
Fucking hell!

How did I miss this huge fact?!

I’m so annoyed at myself.

I hope I haven’t done a huge amount of damage. I literally look at their genital area every single day at approx 5pm. I actually chose that light time so I wouldn’t disturb them during their grow time. They’re probably going to be 4 germy hermys of my own doing!


Tho on the brighter side “The only thing you do in lights off (7PM TO 1AM) is to make sure the lights STAY OFF!“ made me lol
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