Trala’s Tent

I just caught up on the journal. I love all the advice you're getting. :love:
Sunday Summary Day 40

I think everything is going okay. My grow seems to be slow compared to you guys. I think I was too rough with Minxie Grand, I notice some of her leaves and little branches are bruised and unhappy looking. I have taken her restraints off for tonight. I hope she will be ok.

Trixie seems to be liking tent life. I don’t know why I did it, but I clipped off her two biggest leaves, I‘m quietly confident that has to be a rookie error given I think plants get their nutrients through those fan leaves. Before I realised what I was doing the leaves were in my hand!

One of my crazy clones has literally gone bonkers! Kate Bush has just exploded, and the other clone Twiggy is looking good too. They look like proper plants now.

I rotate the plants daily, just she they all get a change of lamp position. I‘m still trying to get the hang of my magnifying glass. There is defs something wrong with my brain. When trying to squint into the magnifying thing, I close the wrong eye every fucking time, I have to concentrate so hard to make sure the right eye closes. I still don’t know if the seedlings are girls. The bushy clone was taken from a stringy looking female where the smaller one was taken from a pearler.

Minxie Grand top pic and Trixie bottom pic


Twiggy top pic and Kate Bush bottom pic


Team Tra


I am wondering if you could tell me approximately how many weeks of veg I have left?

And do you think my tent is big enough for four?

Any advice would be great :)
Hi TraLa.
I've been quietly following along hiding in the background, it looks fun here :)
You have had a great start, I know how exciting/nerve wracking first grows are.
Takes over your entire thought process for a while :oops:
You got yourself some awesome advisors not to mention great characters in here.
Keep up the good work you are going to be proud of what you achieve :high-five:
Hi TraLa.
I've been quietly following along hiding in the background, it looks fun here :)
You have had a great start, I know how exciting/nerve wracking first grows are.
Takes over your entire thought process for a while :oops:
You got yourself some awesome advisors not to mention great characters in here.
Keep up the good work you are going to be proud of what you achieve :high-five:
Thank you very much!

They are literally the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night. Lolling :D

Finding this place has made it even more enjoyable. I just hope I can pull it off.
TraLa, As far as the number of plants in your tent: It all depends on what you are wanting to do and accomplish. The number of plants in a grow does not matter at all as far as yield. You can only yield the watts your light draws. In your tent you can grow one plant or four and you will still yield the same, with the same light. Your plants look no where ready to flower although you can flower a plant at any time. About the wattage for example, if you have a 300 watt draw light from the wall you can expect around 300g of dried cannabis no matter if you have one plant or 4. You can accomplish a little more but most of the time its either people weighing wet flower, or weighing not properly trimmed buds. Personally I like single large plants under one light. Its my grow style. Multiple plants are good for trying different strains in a flowering cycle. Your plants will double in size once you flip them and then grow a little more with bud development, so keep that in mind as far as space.
TraLa, As far as the number of plants in your tent: It all depends on what you are wanting to do and accomplish. The number of plants in a grow does not matter at all as far as yield. You can only yield the watts your light draws. In your tent you can grow one plant or four and you will still yield the same, with the same light. Your plants look no where ready to flower although you can flower a plant at any time. About the wattage for example, if you have a 300 watt draw light from the wall you can expect around 300g of dried cannabis no matter if you have one plant or 4. You can accomplish a little more but most of the time its either people weighing wet flower, or weighing not properly trimmed buds. Personally I like single large plants under one light. Its my grow style. Multiple plants are good for trying different strains in a flowering cycle. Your plants will double in size once you flip them and then grow a little more with bud development, so keep that in mind as far as space.
Thank you for your advice.

TBH I had every intention of one plant. I struck two mongrel seeds and two very poorly timed clones (the mother plant was in full bud) hoping that given I had a one in four chance, one would grow, but I got four from four lolling!

I still don’t know if the seeds are boys or girls. Hopefully I get the hang of the magnifying glass before big ole boy balls ruin everything! My looky part of the magnifying thing is so small, like 1cm x 1 cm it really is so difficult for me to use.

Compared to everyone in here my plants seem to grow super slowl. But they look happy enough so that’s the main thing.

If I get 300g I’ll be stoked!
My looky part of the magnifying thing is so small, like 1cm x 1 cm it really is so difficult for me to use.
Do you have a macro feature on your phone camera?
I just set macro,zoom right in and snap away.
No looky looky needed :thumb:
Do you have a macro feature on your phone camera?
I just set macro,zoom right in and snap away.
No looky looky needed :thumb:
I don’t God dammit!

And I’m not eligible for an iPhone update till Dec.

Those pics are amazing BTW!
Why do you need a magnifying glass to sex your plants? It is not needed.....

You must have sexing and checking trichomes for ripeness mixed up? That is when you need magnification to see amber trichomes. I uploaded one of my photos to show you what to look for for a female. You can see this very clear with your eyes. No magnification needed. You are looking for pistils coming from the nodes like this.


How big is your area and how long did it take you to create that?

Honestly, I can’t even imagine farming that sort of quality. You really are a guru.

Believe me , we all can grow this with the support here. I learnt a lot from other growers and some of the grows make mi e look like a guerilla grow. You will see for yourself soon enough TraLa . I did veg for 8 weeks as I was waiting g for my last seed popped to get going so held them back a little I the nft. The soil girls are a genetic thing that comes with the experimental mix to get faster flowers. I have not got faster flowering time but they took off quickly in veg so had a great start. Lst and the quad will amaze you how quickly they grow once happy. I am hopeful on the females for you but even if they are Male and we go back to square one. There are enough of us here that can concoct a care package drop to aus.!. Can seeds be bought legally in Aus or as souvenirs like here in the UK ?.
Hi TraLa.
I've been quietly following along hiding in the background, it looks fun here :)
You have had a great start, I know how exciting/nerve wracking first grows are.
Takes over your entire thought process for a while :oops:
You got yourself some awesome advisors not to mention great characters in here.
Keep up the good work you are going to be proud of what you achieve :high-five:
Hi Billy. Chime in buddy , been showing TraLa our great community. New members make lots of tea. Lol
Why do you need a magnifying glass to sex your plants? It is not needed.....

You must have sexing and checking trichomes for ripeness mixed up? That is when you need magnification to see amber trichomes. I uploaded one of my photos to show you what to look for for a female. You can see this very clear with your eyes. No magnification needed. You are looking for pistils coming from the nodes like this.

Yay, girls. Now we are cooking on all rings TraLa. That is a good sign. No loupe needed for a while yet so you can open both eyes again
Thank you very much!

They are literally the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night. Lolling :D

Finding this place has made it even more enjoyable. I just hope I can pull it off.
With that admittance you now qualify to visit this thread You Might Be A Grower If
and add your own to it. You will find some familiar and future daft thoughts in here. Love some of the comments and shows the community at it's best too. Lol
On the space thing. I have approx 6ft x 6ft usable floor space but an apex attic roof. The middle of the room is where I can put the taller girls if needed and can get roughly 5.5 ft before I run out but only around 3.5ft for the other 2 rows either side. I use the quad to keep them lower but have let them reach high in the past. My canopy now is based on the footprint possible from the lights. They are 4ft long and give out a 2ft angled light beam so this give me 6ft sideways and I let them sit in shadow by 1ft each end and rely on light reflection from the mylar to keep them happy. I have 9 plants in 3 rows so 3 per light. I am squashing them in on the nft a little too much but the trays are just a ft too
Why do you need a magnifying glass to sex your plants? It is not needed.....

You must have sexing and checking trichomes for ripeness mixed up? That is when you need magnification to see amber trichomes. I uploaded one of my photos to show you what to look for for a female. You can see this very clear with your eyes. No magnification needed. You are looking for pistils coming from the nodes like this.


How embarrassing! I thought you needed the magnifying glass to see the sex!

The only terms I have really used is bud, leaf and tip. I know I sound like a yokel but I’m not up with all the proper terms like pistons and cola and trichomes - I read somewhere looking through magnifying and just assumed lady parts man parts LOLLINGGG.

I feel like such a moron :D

As soon as I get up I will be spreading some green legs and looking for whispy bits.

In my defence, I had a bad experience with some big ole ugly balls. I literally wasted 6 months on a plant who in hindsight was very obviously a boy. There is a chance the mongrel seeds I am using are his (I got seeds from him and a herm that sexually betrayed me too)

Thanks for helping me :)
Believe me , we all can grow this with the support here. I learnt a lot from other growers and some of the grows make mi e look like a guerilla grow. You will see for yourself soon enough TraLa . I did veg for 8 weeks as I was waiting g for my last seed popped to get going so held them back a little I the nft. The soil girls are a genetic thing that comes with the experimental mix to get faster flowers. I have not got faster flowering time but they took off quickly in veg so had a great start. Lst and the quad will amaze you how quickly they grow once happy. I am hopeful on the females for you but even if they are Male and we go back to square one. There are enough of us here that can concoct a care package drop to aus.!. Can seeds be bought legally in Aus or as souvenirs like here in the UK ?.
OMG that would be so awesome!

Seeds defs can’t be bought here legally. I would be happy to pay. If you had the inclination I’d love the opportunity to start a grow with you, so we can go through the steps together, big ask I know, but I am nothing if not cheeky :D

If worse comes to worse, I have the two lady clones. I really only started four so I would have a one in four chance of keeping at least one alive. But so far I have four from four.

Hey my light, how far do you reckon that needs to be from my plants?

Oh and I had the BEST restraint idea for Minxie Grand. She fucking hates my tinsel restraints, her leaves look sad, but I digress. You know a D shackle? I took out the long screw like part that forms the letter D, and presto perfect handcuff! I am also using tongue depressors to separate the branches.

Hey how did you go with the gas man?
I feel like such a moron :D
Not a moron... a genius. Not everyone knows that with a magnifying glass and a flashlight, you can look closely at the emerging calyxes and you can see whether they are rising up on a stalk or not with a good eye and that backlight. You are smarter than you let on. :)
Not a moron... a genius. Not everyone knows that with a magnifying glass and a flashlight, you can look closely at the emerging calyxes and you can see whether they are rising up on a stalk or not with a good eye and that backlight. You are smarter than you let on. :)
Thanks Doc :)

And yet another word I need to google... calyxes is the next word to go into my overworked search engine lolling!
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