Trala’s Tent

Thank you :)

I feel so lucky, I have been mentored by the best :)

I have only grown a handful of plants and always outside. I just let them go Xmas tree style. I had no idea how lovely cultivating made a plant. I just had a peep and Minxie looks so pretty with her X. I am going to attempt Prestons style when her Sister gets bigger.

ps no idea yet if they are girls, just wishful thinking on my part.
I'll keep my fingers crossed you get all girls
Preston has a good growin style different from mine I just top my plants the same as the quadliners do but then I let them go on their own I get good yields and quality buds If you haven't checked out my currant journal it's in my signature just click on keeping it simple
I'll keep my fingers crossed you get all girls
Preston has a good growin style different from mine I just top my plants the same as the quadliners do but then I let them go on their own I get good yields and quality buds If you haven't checked out my currant journal it's in my signature just click on keeping it simple
Thanks! I need all the luck I can get. Chances of two from two seeds feels like pushing my luck tho. It’s weird how fond I feel about both of them.

I’ll take a look ;)
Okay so I tied Minxie Grand up a bit, but I’m not sure if I have the concept right.

Is the idea to lower the X?

I have tinselled her up and tied her down using various bolts and tool things from my partner in crimes man cave (to be honest I’m not allowed in there since I blew up his whipper snipper... lolling) I am using the weights to weigh the small branches down.

Does this look okay?

64EDF857-8442-4CA9-BA71-89D61477FBF3.jpeg 86C0539D-FD75-4C21-860D-1777AD41B4E9.jpeg 19BEB80E-B5C3-4FCF-A1E3-C2D3D6E58714.jpeg BF0D0840-64AA-4D72-AD04-BC794C714EEB.jpeg
Okay so I tied Minxie Grand up a bit, but I’m not sure if I have the concept right.

Is the idea to lower the X?

I have tinselled her up and tied her down using various bolts and tool things from my partner in crimes man cave (to be honest I’m not allowed in there since I blew up his whipper snipper... lolling) I am using the weights to weigh the small branches down.

Does this look okay?

64EDF857-8442-4CA9-BA71-89D61477FBF3.jpeg 86C0539D-FD75-4C21-860D-1777AD41B4E9.jpeg 19BEB80E-B5C3-4FCF-A1E3-C2D3D6E58714.jpeg BF0D0840-64AA-4D72-AD04-BC794C714EEB.jpeg
Perfect !!!. See, your a natural trala." Any way they stay is ok" lol they will fly past where you pinned them in a few days and you chase them with the ties until you can use the pots edge for a more stable/longer term anchor point . Then you get to decide where the go next as cycles go. Flower or carry on vegging and get more lateral growth and encourage the inner ring to head up as mains too , with selection of the right ones for overcrowding avoidance ( my mistake a few times !). You are doing great here TraLa soon replace the whipper snipper with a humongous chopper from the yield . This work now is like sending her to the gym to live and she will continually push against the restraints. All her limbs will be set up to take fruit weight in abundance like her main would have done solo. Cooking on gas . Brilliant :green_heart: :party::yahoo::bravo::tommy::tommy::tommy:
Perfect !!!. See, your a natural trala." Any way they stay is ok" lol they will fly past where you pinned them in a few days and you chase them with the ties until you can use the pots edge for a more stable/longer term anchor point . Then you get to decide where the go next as cycles go. Flower or carry on vegging and get more lateral growth and encourage the inner ring to head up as mains too , with selection of the right ones for overcrowding avoidance ( my mistake a few times !). You are doing great here TraLa soon replace the whipper snipper with a humongous chopper from the yield . This work now is like sending her to the gym to live and she will continually push against the restraints. All her limbs will be set up to take fruit weight in abundance like her main would have done solo. Cooking on gas . Brilliant :green_heart: :party::yahoo::bravo::tommy::tommy::tommy:
Thank you :)

Do I have to cut them any further?

I‘ll tell you something for nothing, crazy clone Kate Bush is powering along.
Defoliation only stunts growth and has been proven to do so. Sure, they "bounce" back, after multiple days of recovery. You would have better growth letting your girls grow, and topping every tallest top until you get the desired tops/even canopy you want. Do a comparison yourself so you can get the method you like for future grows.
Defoliation only stunts growth and has been proven to do so. Sure, they "bounce" back, after multiple days of recovery. You would have better growth letting your girls grow, and topping every tallest top until you get the desired tops/even canopy you want. Do a comparison yourself so you can get the method you like for future grows.
Thanks for your advice :)
Hi @TraLa, I figured it was about time that I join your first grow journal... not sure how I missed it to tell the truth. Thank you for all the mentions everyone, and TraLa, I hope you found the link finally to my watering articles. If not, here are the links now. I will enjoy any feedback you give on my various links, journals and tutorials. You have gotten some of the big names to join you and I am very impressed how well you have applied all the advice you have gotten so far, especially the quad! Good luck in the rest of the grow!
Hi @TraLa, I figured it was about time that I join your first grow journal... not sure how I missed it to tell the truth. Thank you for all the mentions everyone, and TraLa, I hope you found the link finally to my watering articles. If not, here are the links now. I will enjoy any feedback you give on my various links, journals and tutorials. You have gotten some of the big names to join you and I am very impressed how well you have applied all the advice you have gotten so far, especially the quad! Good luck in the rest of the grow!
Thank you very much :)

I will read your watering thread front to back today. I really struggle with watering. Turns out I’m a feeder, I have this real worry if I don’t feed (water) them daily, I’m going to unzip my tent and they will have withered and starved to death.

It is fabulous to be talking to you! You are the one name that has been mentioned over and over to me since I joined. It seems you are viewed as the Goddess of Green in here :green_heart:

I‘m not sure if you read my first post, but this is my first tent grow. I have grown twice outside, but in hindsight I always both picked too early, and wasted too much time on plants that would turn out to be male (in hindsight, the lengths of my denial was lol worthy) Or hermy.

I am using two mongrel seeds, and two outdoor bud cutting from a girlfriend. I had to have bud cuttings as I’m in Australia and it is bud season here. I have a very small space 70 x 79cm, and 4 x 20cm pots, so I will probably only have room for 2 in the tent, I‘m not sure though tbh. Probably getting a bit ahead of myself lolling.
I love reading my own words and then arguing with myself over what i said. lol I hate the idea that I put a calendar date on when you should uppot. It depends on the plant, the gardener's skill with the wet/dry cycle, even cosmic rays and the lunar cycle... but mainly, the proper time to uppot is when the plant has shown you that it has reached the point of diminishing returns and is no longer going to be able to build roots (and plant mass) at the rate of speed it has been doing, because it has run out of room. The length of the wet/dry cycle is the key to being able to "see" when this happens, not some well drawn and seemingly well thought out chart that somebody put on the internet. :)
I love reading my own words and then arguing with myself over what i said. lol I hate the idea that I put a calendar date on when you should uppot. It depends on the plant, the gardener's skill with the wet/dry cycle, even cosmic rays and the lunar cycle... but mainly, the proper time to uppot is when the plant has shown you that it has reached the point of diminishing returns and is no longer going to be able to build roots (and plant mass) at the rate of speed it has been doing, because it has run out of room. The length of the wet/dry cycle is the key to being able to "see" when this happens, not some well drawn and seemingly well thought out chart that somebody put on the internet. :)
I hear what you are saying. At the moment I think I need a guide. Hopefully the more I learn the less I need to rely on guides, but for now I need all the guidance I can get! Lolling :D
Defoliation only stunts growth and has been proven to do so. Sure, they "bounce" back, after multiple days of recovery. You would have better growth letting your girls grow, and topping every tallest top until you get the desired tops/even canopy you want. Do a comparison yourself so you can get the method you like for future grows.
Cue the fireworks !!!!!!. Lol . In a wrestle with the you dont you myself on my grow too. Seeing P and his stripped out beautiful finishing ladies throws so much off balance too. ??.
Hi @TraLa, I figured it was about time that I join your first grow journal... not sure how I missed it to tell the truth. Thank you for all the mentions everyone, and TraLa, I hope you found the link finally to my watering articles. If not, here are the links now. I will enjoy any feedback you give on my various links, journals and tutorials. You have gotten some of the big names to join you and I am very impressed how well you have applied all the advice you have gotten so far, especially the quad! Good luck in the rest of the grow!
Now we are complete!. Welcome the fellowship of the protection ring. Emilya is the Emerald set in place now so all is well in your growing world. We go to her for our brain picking often and if she doesn't know the answer , then neither does the nature because she hasn't told it yet !!. Lol. Great to see you here Emilya.
We are cooking on gas now TraLa.
And you remember how wild she ended up ???. Lol looking good.
Any trims now will be as she progresses and to thin her out . Thisnavouds any further stress and for her to speed back up into growing out. The next cuts would be to the newly emerging tips that form up along the lengthening arms as you grow her towards the pots edge. They will pop up in pairs like secondaries would normally but because the mains are pinned low , they will all want to be the main stem and fight for dominance. This would be great if you have time and space to allow them too but they will also want their share of nutes to feed . To work towards an even canopy is out mr main aim with a quad. With this we can make sure that each cola has vertical space to grow fat and good airflow as it does. If you choose too , you can do the same to each of the emerging tips as you have to the mains and tie them out towards the edges , again creating lots more mains but ... thisbwill take longer to do and will create a huge Bush to manage . This is why most who grow indoors this way choose a different approach here. As thenoairs grow out and up , we select the best of each to use and remove the second one and its leaf. We do it at the same point I each arm to keep the symmetrical pattern and even distribution pathway we created with the 1st topping way back. This way less will head for the lights and o overcrowding in the middle of the plant. While these are being trained , the other tips we tried will be very close to their final burst towards pots edge and all of the mains created can then grow vertical during the stretch period at a very similar rate with none being fed more than any other, hopefully creating a very even growing field of buds
A very effective and easy to learn method. I love it for my space used.
Any trims now will be as she progresses and to thin her out . Thisnavouds any further stress and for her to speed back up into growing out. The next cuts would be to the newly emerging tips that form up along the lengthening arms as you grow her towards the pots edge. They will pop up in pairs like secondaries would normally but because the mains are pinned low , they will all want to be the main stem and fight for dominance. This would be great if you have time and space to allow them too but they will also want their share of nutes to feed . To work towards an even canopy is out mr main aim with a quad. With this we can make sure that each cola has vertical space to grow fat and good airflow as it does. If you choose too , you can do the same to each of the emerging tips as you have to the mains and tie them out towards the edges , again creating lots more mains but ... thisbwill take longer to do and will create a huge Bush to manage . This is why most who grow indoors this way choose a different approach here. As thenoairs grow out and up , we select the best of each to use and remove the second one and its leaf. We do it at the same point I each arm to keep the symmetrical pattern and even distribution pathway we created with the 1st topping way back. This way less will head for the lights and o overcrowding in the middle of the plant. While these are being trained , the other tips we tried will be very close to their final burst towards pots edge and all of the mains created can then grow vertical during the stretch period at a very similar rate with none being fed more than any other, hopefully creating a very even growing field of buds
A very effective and easy to learn method. I love it for my space used.


How big is your area and how long did it take you to create that?

Honestly, I can’t even imagine farming that sort of quality. You really are a guru.

Okay so I tied Minxie Grand up a bit, but I’m not sure if I have the concept right.

Is the idea to lower the X?

I have tinselled her up and tied her down using various bolts and tool things from my partner in crimes man cave (to be honest I’m not allowed in there since I blew up his whipper snipper... lolling) I am using the weights to weigh the small branches down.

Does this look okay?

64EDF857-8442-4CA9-BA71-89D61477FBF3.jpeg 86C0539D-FD75-4C21-860D-1777AD41B4E9.jpeg 19BEB80E-B5C3-4FCF-A1E3-C2D3D6E58714.jpeg BF0D0840-64AA-4D72-AD04-BC794C714EEB.jpeg
That is ingenious! I agree with GGD you’re a natural. It’s the magpie’s eye for anything useful in the garden.
Goddess of Green
You’re singing now, TraLa.
The Queen of the Scene.
Now we are complete!. Welcome the fellowship of the protection ring. Emilya is the Emerald set in place now so all is well in your growing world. We go to her for our brain picking often and if she doesn't know the answer , then neither does the nature because she hasn't told it yet !!. Lol. Great to see you here Emilya.
We are cooking on gas now TraLa.
You really are a guru.
:adore: Sri Geezerji
:nerd-with-glasses:True though, eh?
That is ingenious! I agree with GGD you’re a natural. It’s the magpie’s eye for anything useful in the garden.

You’re singing now, TraLa.
The Queen of the Scene.


:adore: Sri Geezerji
:nerd-with-glasses:True though, eh?
Good evening Mr Donkey Dick :)

I can assure you, I‘m not a natural. Every step I have taken so far has been laden with advice.

Thanks for taking the time to help me :)

Its time for my Sunday Summary, so I’m off to take some pics and give you guys an update :circle-of-love:
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