Trala’s Tent

Here's a good example of how well they snap back after defoliation.



These pics were only a few days apart.
And why I cant make a sodding decision when it come to defoliation. Heehee.
Seeing how quickly my own have grown back has been a part of the dilemma and questioning P. It is around her replacing them in the first place so it seems a waste of energy for her to have to do it all over again to continue her outward journey. I see the difference and the vigour but still her stick on why ?. I am not trying to dispute the results which is what keeps throwing me the curveball. It is the replacing everything because she needs them . See what I mean , already talked myself back round !!!! Drives me nuts. Lol
Being in control of the Rh more has also negated one ot the reasons I chose to do it too. it was my peyote critical that I stripped out to a twig with the intention of a tip only flowering it bushed out as bad as it was when I stripped it. Gave a good yield but it felt like it wouldnt have really made much difference either way but just took her a little longer . Even side by side style seems to end up matching in flowering . Hence the trap P. @#$%#. Lol
And why I cant make a sodding decision when it come to defoliation. Heehee.
Seeing how quickly my own have grown back has been a part of the dilemma and questioning P. It is around her replacing them in the first place so it seems a waste of energy for her to have to do it all over again to continue her outward journey. I see the difference and the vigour but still her stick on why ?. I am not trying to dispute the results which is what keeps throwing me the curveball. It is the replacing everything because she needs them . See what I mean , already talked myself back round !!!! Drives me nuts. Lol
Being in control of the Rh more has also negated one ot the reasons I chose to do it too. it was my peyote critical that I stripped out to a twig with the intention of a tip only flowering it bushed out as bad as it was when I stripped it. Gave a good yield but it felt like it wouldnt have really made much difference either way but just took her a little longer . Even side by side style seems to end up matching in flowering . Hence the trap P. @#$%#. Lol
So, here's my take on it...

The new branching that comes after a heavy defol does not grow back from where it was clipped. The shoots will start further up the plant, stretching & filling a decent canopy. So, I guess it could be considered "relocating" your key branch structure. Move it from the bottom of the plant, with minimal light, up into the canopy, with max light.

Not sure what "energy" is really wasted... ever (at least with photoperiod plants)... I hear that term used a bunch IRT growing, but I don't know that I've ever had a plant get "tired". They just take the amount of time that they take, to get the result you want.

More consolidated plant=longer veg. Plain & simple.

So, here's my take on it...

The new branching that comes after a heavy defol does not grow back from where it was clipped. The shoots will start further up the plant, stretching & filling a decent canopy. So, I guess it could be considered "relocating" your key branch structure. Move it from the bottom of the plant, with minimal light, up into the canopy, with max light.

Not sure what "energy" is really wasted... ever (at least with photoperiod plants)... I hear that term used a bunch IRT growing, but I don't know that I've ever had a plant get "tired". They just take the amount of time that they take, to get the result you want.

More consolidated plant=longer veg. Plain & simple.

I might try this technique on my other plant.

i have to be honest, when I watched your video, I thought your plant looked ruined. I thought they were meant to have all that extra foliage.

Those OG before and after pics are awesome!
Now the slow bending and moving the tips to the outside edge begins. This will give you the big cross. It will be a great experience to do this with a comparison next to it too. You will see first hand , the difference that shaping them does over a more natural pattern. Be cautious of the height differences as we go with the untrained girl as she will be a lot taller than the quadlined girl so it will have to be a case of maybe elevating the quad with a small platform to keep her nearer to the lights. This will make more sense over the coming weeks in size difference. With the last, the main intention is creating an even canopy of growing buds with their own space to swell and still allow enough airflow beneath it to keep them healthy and mould risk free. They are a wind germinated plant so ideally need a gentle breeze to keep them "dancing" now This is where the fans main job is . As they dance , they are getting a total workout and will build the stems and associated growth to compensate for the movement and strengthen against being snapped. This has a benefit for us with the logic of big stems support big fruit. I have updated my fan to a huge gale producing one now but the nearest leaves are taking a hit from the power of it and I need to rethink its placement. Ideally a good sized desktop fan can work two sets as it moves a good amount of air and oscillating means they all get fresher air through their structure. Now it is time to think about what way you can use to pull the new emerging growth more horizontal. Once long enough the pots edge is a perfect anchor point and where we intend to do it for the final setting . Until that point you can use stakes in the soil to attach a small garden wire to or other gentle restraint that wint cut into the soft growing flesh. The bending and coercion is a scary time to begin with but once you see how they want to go with you when coaxed , it will become second nature to do for you. I use thumb and index finger to gently roll the stem between as I apply a little pressure. It can feel. Like a crunch or sometimes a snap/pop as the tubular structure collapses inside the skin. Wwant thisnto happen so do not worry as you roll them. This allows us to put the floppy head over at a more horizontal tall angle and hold it with the tie. They recover extremely quickly and often by the next day they will be heading vertical again. I find that the q
Squishing rolling techniques help to stop this being too hard as the flesh is repairing inside and creating a little knuckle to support where we bent it. It helps slow her vertical rush a little as she focuses more on strength to hold it back up. While this is going on with the top 2 branches , it give the lower 2 time to reach a similar height and be trained alongside to create the symmetrical canopy shape we begin working with. Good for you TraLa. Do t feel bad , she will be singing your praises soon enough and mocking her scruffy sisters lanky stature. Be safe and sane. Enjoy your day
Will I have to uppot again?

I use plastic pots, so I’ll have to punch holes in them to tie down.

Hey you know those silly buddy clones? They are starting to come good!

ive actually just woken up, I’m scared to go downstairs and check on them lollling
You sound like a vampire now hahaha. Thanks for the vid here mate. Explains better than writing.
I am working a night shift tonight, so I will be awake the same time you guys are which I’m a bit excited about.

The vampire in me prays all my patients have veins like Preston when it comes to the 6am blood collection! Veins like that are nurse porn!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Until that point you can use stakes in the soil to attach a small garden wire to or sparkly hot pink or silver pipe cleaner that wont cut into the soft growing flesh....
It‘s like we are thinking with the same brain! That is EXACTLY what I bought!
So, here's my take on it...

The new branching that comes after a heavy defol does not grow back from where it was clipped. The shoots will start further up the plant, stretching & filling a decent canopy. So, I guess it could be considered "relocating" your key branch structure. Move it from the bottom of the plant, with minimal light, up into the canopy, with max light.

Not sure what "energy" is really wasted... ever (at least with photoperiod plants)... I hear that term used a bunch IRT growing, but I don't know that I've ever had a plant get "tired". They just take the amount of time that they take, to get the result you want.

More consolidated plant=longer veg. Plain & simple.

Heehee you fucker. You have done it again. Now what logic have I got to hold on to . I didn't notice /look at the exact point the strip out came from so assumption has made an ass there.
! . That point has had me stuck for the last two crops on the issue. I did take the lard ( I thought !!l) out of the flowers and left a fair bit of growth but it has helped fill in the colas from lower down the plant a bit better . I am seeing a lot of potential light blocks below but tuck away where I notice it. Moving the secondaries higher up could help create a wider dispersion and open up the centre more too. Really good could travel P. Thanks buddy ( I think !!.heehee)
So I just had a peep and I’m happy to report, no deaths in custody overnight!

I feel the buddiest clone, who saw first hand the misery I can inflict when it comes to cutting arms off, has exploded with new growth overnight in fear! She actually looks like a proper little plant :) The other bud clone not so much :(

My plants all seem to be very small in stature and I’m not sure why, and if this matters.

I‘m going to crack open the sparkles today and do some tying to assist with that X
So I just had a peep and I’m happy to report, no deaths in custody overnight!

I feel the buddiest clone, who saw first hand the misery I can inflict when it comes to cutting arms off, has exploded with new growth overnight in fear! She actually looks like a proper little plant :) The other bud clone not so much :(

My plants all seem to be very small in stature and I’m not sure why, and if this matters.

I‘m going to crack open the sparkles today and do some tying to assist with that X
Heehee as previously mentioned it is deceptive in photos as to other examples too. She will be smaller looking in general but will soon burst into life and growth. The first 4 weeks feel like hell for me. seeing these weak little efforts and imagining a plant finished is so ridiculous and far apart. Enjoy the steady pace while you can TraLa . Lol They can look like they dont do much right up until the stretch has done. Seeing the end result will put your mind at rest for your next run. Dont be afraid of the plants at all they are so resilient.
Heehee as previously mentioned it is deceptive in photos as to other examples too. She will be smaller looking in general but will soon burst into life and growth. The first 4 weeks feel like hell for me. seeing these weak little efforts and imagining a plant finished is so ridiculous and far apart. Enjoy the steady pace while you can TraLa . Lol They can look like they dont do much right up until the stretch has done. Seeing the end result will put your mind at rest for your next run. Dont be afraid of the plants at all they are so resilient.
I hope so.

I still don’t know the sex of my seeds, fingers crossed they are girls.

I see many of you name plants, so I have named mine too. :) :) :)
I hope so.

I still don’t know the sex of my seeds, fingers crossed they are girls.

I see many of you name plants, so I have named mine too. :) :) :)
Time will tell. You can sometimes get the two little female hairs before the flip through plants own maturity. They are easy to spot of they show up at the Y of branches where you asked about befor. They are usually quite long and very white so stand out. If they are Male they wont show these but a totally different appearance. Wine will also have to watch when you flip to flower very carefully for any signs of hernia behaviour ( both sets of genitals and will likely release pollen that will one the same again. This is always the risk with bag seed. We dont know what the plant the seed was left over from , has do e to create it. I was fortunate re entry with a Blue Gelato 41 the did similar. Her pollen thankfully , only affected a small lower area of the other females in the grow so would create a fem seed as was to a different female than the pollen sac grew on. The seeds that were created in the Blue Gelato41 by her own pollen , would again create a clone that would hermie again. And so on...
As your unsure of what the mother was from , it is a waiting game.. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
The seeds that were created in the Blue Gelato41 by her own pollen , would again create a clone that would hermie again. And so on...
I see this being said by people. I don’t have the experience (obviously), but look. When you S1 a plant you make feminised seeds by taking pollen from a reversed branch and pollinating the girl bits.
What am I missing here?
It seems to me that commercially obtained seeds are just as prone to gender fluidity as the home-made ones. There is so much more than genetics to whether a plant will throw nanners, after all. A persistent light leak, or vpd stress for example.
Honestly I think monkeys and donkeys just see things differently.
Consider this:
“I love my [insert favourite strain here] I have run the same cut for years. After a couple of years it started throwing nanners so I culled it. It wouldn’t stop giving me seeds (which I threw out, btw). I like the strain so I bought seeds again, but because they were so expensive I also got some STS and I’m going to reverse a branch (aka: induce herms by stress) to make some S1 seeds!”

Just braying saying.
I see this being said by people. I don’t have the experience (obviously), but look. When you S1 a plant you make feminised seeds by taking pollen from a reversed branch and pollinating the girl bits.
What am I missing here?
It seems to me that commercially obtained seeds are just as prone to gender fluidity as the home-made ones. There is so much more than genetics to whether a plant will throw nanners, after all. A persistent light leak, or vpd stress for example.
Honestly I think monkeys and donkeys just see things differently.
Consider this:
“I love my [insert favourite strain here] I have run the same cut for years. After a couple of years it started throwing nanners so I culled it. It wouldn’t stop giving me seeds (which I threw out, btw). I like the strain so I bought seeds again, but because they were so expensive I also got some STS and I’m going to reverse a branch (aka: induce herms by stress) to make some S1 seeds!”

Just braying saying.
I hear you bud. but I wonder if the actual process of the colloidal somehow ensures a non cloned version maybe. ? It is not something I have seen first hand besides the bg41 on a different mothering plant so it is difficult to be 100% on how she would have seeded herself. The bg41 has had some stability issues among growers but managed with a nanners culling by prof to flower but I didn't want the pollen chucking issue. Seeing how far it reached under the canopy yet showed no signs of pollen burst had me worried for a whole seed crop of 11 plants. Having said that , the wait for obvious hairs in fems is still a nerve wracking time. Lol I have read similar in a lot of grows so went with the safe option. I trust all of the cross seeds to bwbfems and hope my confidece is right now. Lol
Nice perspective Dd , thanks buddy
Thanks for the tag @Preston9mm
Looks like your on the right path @TraLa and if you have any questions just let me know! I’m always around and poppin up where I’m least expected haha!

Quadlines and LST form some incredible plant structure which carry some bountiful buds! Once you get comfortable beating your girls up they will love you even more! They like it rough haha
I might try this technique on my other plant.

i have to be honest, when I watched your video, I thought your plant looked ruined. I thought they were meant to have all that extra foliage.

Those OG before and after pics are awesome!
This is a great example of recovery too. These plants can outlive our species lol.
The damage in veg can create huge repair knuckles that act as a little storage unit for nutes to distribute from too. You will be amazed even more as the grow goes on. Seeing their changes into flowering then fat, oil filled trumpets of joy
Thanks for the tag @Preston9mm
Looks like your on the right path @TraLa and if you have any questions just let me know! I’m always around and poppin up where I’m least expected haha!

Quadlines and LST form some incredible plant structure which carry some bountiful buds! Once you get comfortable beating your girls up they will love you even more! They like it rough haha
Thank you very much :)
Omg nursing expectations vs reality!

Expectation: patients all stable and sleeping peacefully so I can read up on the forum, and my shift ends with 0600 bloods easy peasy because they all have veins like Preston.

Reality: A confused patient who keeps trying to get in every bed but his own, buzzers, IV pole beeps, abuse, poop, and ends with veins all like silk fucking thread FML! But it’s behind me now. :):p:)

Day 33 Sunday Summary

Okay so I see you all name your plants, so I have named mine too. In photos my plants look a bit yellow, but in real life the Seedlings are a beautiful deep green, And the clones a pretty light green.

I have Trixie who used to be my favourite


I have Minxie, my quadling, who is now my favourite

E6B5B11E-2AEE-48F8-AD47-F391C7E5134F.jpeg 32B6B32C-41A1-4778-8FCA-409C611A70B3.jpeg

Kate Bush, the bulkier of my bud clone, who I replanted.


And Twiggy, my thin almost leafless bud clone, who is growing beautifully and I think is ready for replanting.




I’m not super clear on how and when I tie Minxie up TBH, and given I am almost dead on my feet, it’s an adventure I’ll undertake after a couple of hours sleep, if you advise I start tying today.

Night guys.

Hope your Sunday is brimming with good things :)
Looks like you are well on your way to a great grow good job!
Thank you :)

I feel so lucky, I have been mentored by the best :)

I have only grown a handful of plants and always outside. I just let them go Xmas tree style. I had no idea how lovely cultivating made a plant. I just had a peep and Minxie looks so pretty with her X. I am going to attempt Prestons style when her Sister gets bigger.

ps no idea yet if they are girls, just wishful thinking on my part.
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