Trala’s Tent

I’m a bit shy to quote maffs again, having been told.
The way I do it (now this is just me) I count pairs of branches above the cotys. I count four pairs. I cut the apical meristem (main growth bit) above the 4th branch node.

I then try to keep the top pair flat(ish) until the next pair catches up.
The next pair down (for me) are cut for clones. The lowest pair down usually get stripped for being too weak to be of much use. Unless they aren’t.

Edit: the node spacing is wider than yours so easier to see. The cotyledon node is withered now and just out of frame.

So this one I only counted three up from the cotys because the first line looked useful enough. The lowest pair will come off for clones when they are each 3 or 4 nodes out, or 4” long.
When I think MAFS I think the tv show Married at First Sight! Quality tv viewing too in case you’re wondering...

I‘m going to try quadling.

I’m so nervous I’m gonna fuck it up tho. I’m finding it really hard to count the branch pairs let alone cut.

I don’t want to come across as a repetitive wanker, but I’m scared I will cut in the wrong spot. Measure twice cut once as my dad used to say.


BTW Until today I had no idea I could make arrows and circles and stuff! I’m feeling very Bill Gates right now

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

p.s. I have a pic on the previous page, am I pointing to the right spot?
The arrows you put on that picture (well done :) ) are the first cuts I will take for clones. That’s right. When they are longer!
By the time they have died the first node off each of the four mains will then be blindfolded against the wall with their last cigarette ;)
Sorry. Had a recount. I was right the first time.

Above the withered cotys is a node that will be ignored until we strip it.
I mean, normally, even donkeys stoners can do this.
Don’t get bogged down in details. @Ganjagrandaddy is right about that. You will get a feel for it by doing it and you’ll understand it as your plants respond.
You want enough info and knowledge enough to give you the impetus, but you will make it your own and do your own thing with it and that will be right because you are the gardener.
Don’t worry.

I don’t want to come across as a repetitive wanker, but I’m scared I will cut in the wrong spot. Measure twice cut once as my dad used to say.


BTW Until today I had no idea I could make arrows and circles and stuff! I’m feeling very Bill Gates right now

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

p.s. I have a pic on the previous page, am I pointing to the right spot?
Not a person you want to identify with right now DD. Lol I think of you as "Pythagoras, The mathematical Donkey." Fables will be told of how you calculated the trolls ideal weight to nutritional needs and crossed the bridges safely while he waited for an anatomically impossible ,bigger donkey to turn up !. Heehee
I think it is an age old issue when using pics. It can feel that the plants look so different as TraLa mentions too about bushy ect. It is a scary proposition lopping those healthy bits off to create a future , improved and better equipped plant. Seeing the picture in your mind can be so difficult when you look back at the healthy growing girl sat right in front of you too. I took a good while before I started topping thought it was a bit daft to cut the best bit Thankfully now I have seen the regrowth and speed at which they can repair/replace whole limbs , give me the swiftness of an executioner when it need doing now. Lol

We feel your anxiety TraLa. All will be good

I don’t want to come across as a repetitive wanker, but I’m scared I will cut in the wrong spot. Measure twice cut once as my dad used to say.


BTW Until today I had no idea I could make arrows and circles and stuff! I’m feeling very Bill Gates right now

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

p.s. I have a pic on the previous page, am I pointing to the right spot?
Perfect TraLa. Take the green leaves and small tips completely off . Now you will have the 4 growing tips to work with. This will be the base for your quad. Each tip now needs to be encouraged to grow outwards and not upwards . We do it with gentle persuasion at this point as they are still very short and a bend could split the surface and snap the tip off. If as you do start this , any snap or split, do not pa ice or worry. Ideally we would keep it together with tape if it is a split and holds the limb tightly back in place. This stops air getting into the wound and crashing an infection, no different to us in that respect. If it is totally off and in your fingers , you can still rescue it if you put it back in place as soon as you snap it. Add a little rooting powder if you have any , and tape it firmly in place as you do with a split. When using tape , it is worth remembering it is a temporary fix and will need removing again as soon as the knuckle/repair is holding it . This avoids the tape cutting into the flesh as the plant expands with growth.
I begin the process of bending by gently rubbing and pinching the stem roughly where I want the curve to start. We are trying to make the flesh a little soft and more malleable so it flops slightly and helps us bend it better. This method works a treat as it doesn't kink the stem at all and works with the plant a little less aggressive too.. After you weaken them enough , they will flip over a little and you can either keep the tip in place with a tent peg, stake ect which will force it to grow past the restraint and try to go vertical again, we will then move the stake each time there is enough growth to see the tip facing the lights. The idea is to walk her towards the pots edges while she also thinks each tip is her main stem so will push harder on all 4 branches. We keep it doing this untill we are happy with the basic structure for a finished diameter of plant and the flip to the flowering cycle and light schedule. During her stretch period (transition to flowering actual) , she will have a huge burst of vertical growth that often doubles the height of the growing tips. These will form the long thick colas that the whole method was designed to do. It is a very easy and non aggressive training tool that works well.
When holding the tips down , we also try to have at least a 20° angle upwards on each limb to fool her into thinking IT is the main stem and not just a lateral secondary branch that isn't going to be as important to the main survival of her genetics. Hope it makes some sense. Your in a good place to start with now and she looks healthy too. Good job so far. Nice work .
Good morning

I‘m working today so I’ll do it when I get home. It’s going to be easier for me to do it in steps.

Just so I’m clear todays step:-

1. Cut off the last two sets of leaves if I start counting from the top down (as I showed in the last picture)
Good morning

I‘m working today so I’ll do it when I get home. It’s going to be easier for me to do it in steps.

Just so I’m clear todays step:-

1. Cut off the last two sets of leaves if I start counting from the top down (as I showed in the last picture)
Took me a minute to find... this may help

@Dutchman1990 makes the best guides for this type of thing.

Best of luck
Good morning

I‘m working today so I’ll do it when I get home. It’s going to be easier for me to do it in steps.

Just so I’m clear todays step:-

1. Cut off the last two sets of leaves if I start counting from the top down (as I showed in the last picture)
thats it just the greenery and the growing tips from it . depending on where the plant is at on starting really but as long as she is healthy and growing . we start usually after the 5th node opens out and has a stalk long enough to top and leave a little nubbin behind to seal the point off and make the dividing branch point ( bract) stronger .The 1st and 2nd sets are usually removed too leaving the 4 tips that give it the quadline tag. Assuming there are 4 full sets left on your plant(will double check) you can take the 2nd one out too , you will then only have 2 pairs of leaves powering 4 growing tips The smallest and very 1st leaves are usually 2 little rounded ones. do not count them as a set. They are in case the plant cannot get food when she breaks ground from seed. like an emergency ration pack. they are called cotylodons . some growers do not feed the plants any nutes at all until these two little snacks begin to be cannabalized by her at around her 4th or 5th node growing out time as her first real meal. I used to do this but found it to be a more outside in the wild issue as we can and do feed before they get

update. you can take the 2nd one from bottom too and looks like she munched the snackbox already. greedy girl....
Took me a minute to find... this may help

@Dutchman1990 makes the best guides for this type of thing.

Best of luck
and asinos too. great thread with pics
Took me a minute to find... this may help

@Dutchman1990 makes the best guides for this type of thing.

Best of luck
Goodonya, Pres :high-five:
DD. Lol I think of you as "Pythagoras, The mathematical Donkey."
Ha! :laugh: You stopped short of calling me You Bastard. I know GGD is a fan, TraLa. For context, from ‘Pyramids’ by Pratchett wherein the greatest living mathematician is a camel called You Bastard...
“You Bastard was thinking: there seems to be some growing dimensional instability here, swinging from zero to nearly forty-five degrees by the look of it. How interesting. I wonder what’s causing it? Let V equal 3. Let Tau equal Chi/4. cudcudcud Let Kappa/y be an Evil-Smelling-Bugger* (* Renowned as the greatest camel mathematician of all time, who invented a math of eight-dimensional space while lying down with his nostrils closed in a violent sandstorm.) differential tensor domain with four imaginary spin co-efficients. . .”
Too funny.
Back to the scheduled programme.
thats it just the greenery and the growing tips from it . depending on where the plant is at on starting really but as long as she is healthy and growing . we start usually after the 5th node opens out and has a stalk long enough to top and leave a little nubbin behind to seal the point off and make the dividing branch point ( bract) stronger .The 1st and 2nd sets are usually removed too leaving the 4 tips that give it the quadline tag. Assuming there are 4 full sets left on your plant(will double check) you can take the 2nd one out too , you will then only have 2 pairs of leaves powering 4 growing tips The smallest and very 1st leaves are usually 2 little rounded ones. do not count them as a set. They are in case the plant cannot get food when she breaks ground from seed. like an emergency ration pack. they are called cotylodons . some growers do not feed the plants any nutes at all until these two little snacks begin to be cannabalized by her at around her 4th or 5th node growing out time as her first real meal. I used to do this but found it to be a more outside in the wild issue as we can and do feed before they get

update. you can take the 2nd one from bottom too and looks like she munched the snackbox already. greedy girl....
What is a nubbin and what is munching the snack box?

I will cut the bottom two sets of leaves when I get home. TBH I’m so excited I wanted to call in sick! Lollingggg
Took me a minute to find... this may help

@Dutchman1990 makes the best guides for this type of thing.

Best of luck
Thank you so much.

I’ll read it on lunch today.

I am not at all confident and tbh I‘m really worried I’m going to take off the wrong parts. My plants are so short and fat! Like one part blends into the next. I am struggling to work out how many sets of leaves I have!
Goodonya, Pres :high-five:

Ha! :laugh: You stopped short of calling me You Bastard. I know GGD is a fan, TraLa. For context, from ‘Pyramids’ by Pratchett wherein the greatest living mathematician is a camel called You Bastard...
“You Bastard was thinking: there seems to be some growing dimensional instability here, swinging from zero to nearly forty-five degrees by the look of it. How interesting. I wonder what’s causing it? Let V equal 3. Let Tau equal Chi/4. cudcudcud Let Kappa/y be an Evil-Smelling-Bugger* (* Renowned as the greatest camel mathematician of all time, who invented a math of eight-dimensional space while lying down with his nostrils closed in a violent sandstorm.) differential tensor domain with four imaginary spin co-efficients. . .”
Too funny.
Back to the scheduled programme.
I have no idea what the pyramids by pratchett even is! Your number jokes go straight over my head lolling!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Hey I read in one of the threads you need pipe cleaners to hold them down, so I went shopping yesterday.

My girls will certainly be sparkly!


:) :) :)
Here's a video on how I train mine.

It's a bit long winded, but I tried to keep it simple. Worth the watch when ya got an extra 10 min
Here's a video on how I train mine.

It's a bit long winded, but I tried to keep it simple. Worth the watch when ya got an extra 10 min
OMG that thread you linked me to is FUCKING AWESOME!

I am a clear steps, showing picture of the clear steps kinda gal. Too many words and steps together my brain starts jumping ahead.

I‘ll watch your vid this arvo.

Hey why is my plant so short and fat? Every other seedling I have seen here is tall and slender with very easy to identify levels of leaf growth. Mine is a whole lot of small branches mashed into one. I’m serious when I say I am trying hard to even count them.
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