Trala’s Tent

Your white widow already got my attention haha 😄 love that strain and you take very nice photos. You also have a very healthy looking plant :) definitely should be proud of yourself you earned it.
Thanks SR :)

I’m big smiling.
(or as I call it, the sad day before the nightshift…)
I’m hoping to make the most of this day. There’s legit not a cloud in my sky. I’m planning some nice stuff too. A beach run with my dogs and making some bikkies to take to work as a midnight treat.

Here’s where the grow rooms are at.

🌹The Bloom Room



🌱The Veg Tent




Hope you have the best day ever. And Northern Hemisphere I’ll be coming in hot for your day time. Be ready. Xo
(or as I call it, the sad day before the nightshift…)
I’m hoping to make the most of this day. There’s legit not a cloud in my sky. I’m planning some nice stuff too. A beach run with my dogs and making some bikkies to take to work as a midnight treat.

Here’s where the grow rooms are at.

🌹The Bloom Room



🌱The Veg Tent




Hope you have the best day ever. And Northern Hemisphere I’ll be coming in hot for your day time. Be ready. Xo
Bloom room girls look great nice pics
Thank you gents :)

Omg I took this pic in my driveway before leaving for work.

And I was going to caption it “what could go wrong?”.


Turns out fucking everything! We’ve had nudity, physical abuse, med non compliance and shrieking and that’s just from the nursing staff! Lol.

Legit first time I’ve sat down since I started at 9pm. It’s a 10 hour shift from hell!
Omg I’ve been living for this moment since 9pm last night! What a fucking night! Honestly. It was a lot. But it’s done now. Bit of a funny tho. If you threaten, spit, hit, abuse people in public, it’s an arrest-able offence. In hossy, anything goes lol. We had a 26 year old febrile manic drug user with cellulitis absolutely kick off. Like nothing I’ve ever seen. And she’s running into other patients bays screaming about the government and spiders. And we also had a new AF RVR patient who is a quadriplegic so he’s trapped in bed, his telemetry was hitting 196BPM! I swear my heart was giving it one fitty. Lol! She was spitting and screaming obscenities, the knock on effect was just awful. 6 security guards needed to hold her down. It was in-fucking-sane. Took resus a bit of organising but she ended up tubed and in ICU. It’s the only way she could be managed. It set the tone. It was awful.

But yeah. It’s behind me now.

And OMG! Gear change. I’ve been haked! I’VE BEEN HAKEDDDDDD!


I feel so violated! Who amongst us hasn’t jerked off to midget porn, while dressed in an adult nappy and smacking their own arse with a stick of celery? I thought these sites were safe! Lucky I earn double time on Sunday so I can pay…



Another gear change. Omg I think I might be a wee bit manic. I haven’t slept since 0530 yesterday. My brain is twirling! Lol! But back to the moment I’ve been living for. I have The Counting Crows on. Gin is poured. Snacks out. That’s 75g of Brie and I plan to eat it alllllllll!


I have such a reflective vibe on. And some much deserved me time. That girl triggered me. I’ve been that drug fucked nut. I once got so sick that by the time the ambo was called I legit didn’t even know my own name. I was so delirious. I was talking to my oldest friend this morning. Having a debrief. She moved to Scotland a couple of years ago. So back to the original story lol! 30 years ago I scammed this CD company. It was a buy now pay later postal kinda thing. I got 3 CD’s. And I had every intention of paying, I really did. I just never had the money. And yeah, I got 3 CD’s. Counting Crows, Pearl Jam and I forget the 3rd. Back then I lived in units. There were 2 other single mums. We shared a car, baby sitting and money. Every Sunday we would go to K’s coz her unit was the only one with an outside area. And we’d talk about life, raising fatherless kids, being exploited at work, who we fucked, who we wanted to fuck, who we regretted fucking, and we’d talk dreams. Dreams of not being broke. Of not being viewed like scum mums. And omg! We did it. T owns her own cafe. K has a new career in Scotland and still has a house here, it’s super fancy, and I did okay too ;) We really worked for it tho. One step forward two steps back. But the three of us did it. Each one of us from skid row. None of us ever gave up. And we all fall head first into August and Everything After every now and then. Today I fall into it.

This is my song.

Cheers to the terrible trio!

Omg I forgot to post my weed!

I have numbers! Shes like all my autos. I never get killer yields. Her bud looks nice tho. Real nice.

Final Yield: 71g/2.5oz

Minxie Bee aka Do Si Dos Auto
Seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 101 Days
Days in Flower: 66


And gear change. Can we take a moment to appreciate my bed. Coz I feel so happy it’s mine. It’s a good bed. In fact it’s the best bed I ever had and I’m not even joking.

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