Trala’s Tent

Just a quick drop and roll.

I think she’s cooked. You reckon she can wait till Monday? I’m gonna be so busy trying to make my new mats sing tomoz lol. To make them work I have to change my whole lounge colour scheme I have them reverse rolled to try and flatten them. They look ok, thank fuck.

I found two seeds on the first bud I cut, so I cut a second. No seeds. Hopefully she’s just trying a last ditch effort to continue her line. I couldn’t see any other signs of seeds.

I have never grown a plant this colourful. Even her glitter has flecks of purple. She smells like nigh night.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 138 Days
Flip Age: 68 Days
Days in Flower: 58


I’ll see you in the morning. Xo

PS if you haven’t lived it yet, Thursday is mint!
Just a quick drop and roll.

I think she’s cooked. You reckon she can wait till Monday? I’m gonna be so busy trying to make my new mats sing tomoz lol. To make them work I have to change my whole lounge colour scheme I have them reverse rolled to try and flatten them. They look ok, thank fuck.

I found two seeds on the first bud I cut, so I cut a second. No seeds. Hopefully she’s just trying a last ditch effort to continue her line. I couldn’t see any other signs of seeds.

I have never grown a plant this colourful. Even her glitter has flecks of purple. She smells like nigh night.

Amethyst Bee aka Purple Ghost Candy
Nutes: Mega Crop by Sponsors Green Nutrients
Age: 138 Days
Flip Age: 68 Days
Days in Flower: 58


I’ll see you in the morning. Xo

PS if you haven’t lived it yet, Thursday is mint!
Looks perfect Trala nice work
That is one beautiful purple nuggie, Tra. :yummy:
They get the best of us hun! If they're in my neighborhood I'll give them a visit if you're feeling ripper off!

They’re from the American AU! Who even knew there was a place?

I think I’m happy. I’ll know today. The second my man leaves for work, I’m on Operation Reno. The rugs are currently in his mancave hidden lol.
Yes, she is! (I'm a very agreeable person, Tra.) 😁
Oh baw haw haw!


It is true tho. I am an impulsive moron. I have waaaaaay too many solid examples of it.

I’m still mad at me for harvesting that plant early just coz it fell over and its canopy was skewiff.
I’ve decided I’m gonna cut her after work tomoz. I’ll be busy Sunday coz I have work, my summary and I’m going out for dinner, and Monday I really wanted to head up to Rainbow for the day with my man coz we’re both off, and Tuesday I have my grandson for the day.

It’s all about finding a window atm.
Damn I would kick ur ass if 700.00 was coming out of my pocket BUT since you have a job its OK :thumb: hope there Nice like that Bud s and No it need to cum down now !
Good morning you!

With an attitude like that I’m guessing you’re single…. Lolling!

Seriously tho. My man has never dollar checked me. And nor I him. We want, we get. In fact if I even mention I like something, he’s gets all “just get it bib” and I have the exact attitude with him.

Best man I’ve ever met.

Shes coming down tomorrow!
Looks perfect Trala nice work
I’m so happy! Well atm I am. I have that highly nerve after seeing the two seeds in the first bud tho. I’ve never grown bud this purple. Well I don’t think I have.
That is one beautiful purple nuggie, Tra. :yummy:
Hey hey GD!

It really is.

And the tiny pops of vibrant green are just lovely.

As P Milly says, I will wake and choose violence…. Tomorrow.
Omg I’ve legit been awake since 3am. My man doesn’t know about the mats, and I have this ta DAH plan. I hope I can do it. It’s gonna involve a lot of work lol. And I’ve mentally planned it. I just need him to get out of the house so I can activate the plan.

I really love a redo. I’m gonna completely change the configuration of my study and my lounge area will get a much needed overhaul. My lounge pic won’t match my mat, well I don’t think it will, so there will be picture swapping and hammering. I’ll need new couch cushions and throw rug, so first I’ll hit the charity shops, and if I can’t find what I need, I’ll drive to the coast. I’m thinking a maroon theme. It’s such a deep delicious colour. Queenslanders love maroon. I can’t wait to get started!

Oh and you know me. Miss OverSharer. Whether it’s good or faaaaked: there will be pictures lolling!

Funny part, I’m starting the day with a pedicure at 0800, when really I should be ending the day with a pedicure. Coz I’m gonna pack a shitload in!
Kk, he’s gone.

Time to activate Operation Ta-DAH, and get my mats laid. Hopefully they’ll roll straighter than they looked yesterday lol.

And listen, if it all looks rubbish, I’ll just strike a match and burn my house to the ground.

Cross your fingers for me!
Hi, T!
And listen, if it all looks rubbish,
Yeah, right- like that's gonna happen...

Do you ever just sit around and do nothing..?
..just reading your plans is tiring me out... 😁
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