Trala’s Tent

Thank God it is Nurse Friday! One more day… one more day.. one more dayyyyyy. I can do this. I can do hard things. My job is so fucked at the moment. Two days, zero breaks. Legit nearly peed myself yesterday I held my bladder so long. Kegels for da win kids! Lol!

Just gotta push through then it’s two delicious days off.

Be back this arvo with a hump day update. Xo
Happyyyyy HumpDayyyyyy!!!
Omg I’ve had the best day! It was so Q word (quiet). We had an awesome day! So much fun and laughter. I swear that’s what keeps me going back. It’s that rainbow after the storm. I had the best patients too. I usually do a nightshift tonight, when I saw I was rostered a day I nearly squealed with happiness!

Omg I’ve legit been trying to post this since 1600! Lolling! I’m gonna drop and run. I’m a teensy bit zooted tonight. My life feels good. My man has just left to get take out, good ole Dirty Bird for da win, a couple more gins, and I’ll be floating.








This came up on my facey. It’s funn6 coz it’s true lol

Hope you have the best night and thanks for having a look. Xo

That BF Test Sativa sure doesn't look very sativa-ish.

Interesting. I'll be keeping an eye on that one! 👁️
You got me thinking of gin and tonics with a heavy lime squeeze so I missed looking at your wicked awesome plants! Then almost forgot to look because of that perfect last post!
Had a really great night. My son popped in, omg he is legit one of the funniest people I know.

I’m loving a cheeky gin right now, it so refreshing. It’s t-shirt weather here. Such a welcome relief after the cold. Queensland cold that is. Queenslander freezing equates to an English summer lol.
That BF Test Sativa sure doesn't look very sativa-ish.

Interesting. I'll be keeping an eye on that one! 👁️
Hey hey GD Black 😍

King Barney aka stinker told me she’s been branded. She’s now officially known as a Do Si Dos 33.

I’ll update her tag on Sunday.
Good morning!

I love this time of day. Snoring dogs and me with a coffee and 420 Mag. My sun is slowly creeping up 🌄

I got a funny, well a rookie error funny. So two weeks ago after my nightshift, I decided I needed new mats. I had an absolute brain explosion which I blame on sleep deprivation and Facebook. I saw this ad on Facebook. AUrugs, it prompted my “I need new rugs now” fixation. So I scroll, and buy $700 worth of rugs. Main reason, free postage and who doesn’t like free? It wouldn’t take PayPal as a payment only visa. No worries I think coz it’s obviously an Australian company.

Next day after a full nights sleep I realise what I’d done. Panicked I google AU rugs. Omg the reviews! Scam company‼️Avoid this company❗️Don’t be fooled by free postage‼️My stomach felt sick. So first thing. Company is in America not Australia. So the rugs are coming today, and I’ll know if I’ve been scammed or not very soon. Second thing thankfully my visa has not been further scammed. Lucky for me my man is at work today. It gives me time to formulate a defence that makes this all his fault lolling!

The worrying thing, FedEx says my package weighs 4lb. So I have this awful feeling I’ve paid $700 for rugs that will fit in a Barbie doll house.

On the upside, I’m getting my hair done today, so at least I have the comfort of knowing I will face this dilemma with fresh hair.
I did not know if it was OK to laugh. But as you would say lolling
Omg I’m so mad at me!

I should never make financial or big plant moves after a nightshift!

Do you remember the time I harvested a plant coz it fell over after a nightshift? I had manic written all over me.
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