Trala’s Tent

I feel old cause I got lotsa shit going on... Mentally, physically,'s all a struggle right now.
That’s not age related. Thats life trauma related. Each day the sun sets you’ve made it through another day. As your grief becomes more manageable, you will come to those cross roads. And there you will decide what kind of life you want to try and create going forward. What kind of life your son would have wanted for you, for all of the people he loved and left behind.

You can help honour him by choosing the life he would have wanted for you. Your grief stays. That’s the price of true love, but your life is not over. It’s just different.

Sending you a big hug!
He’s not a happy camper. Omg last night he was legit off his tits! It was soooooOooo funny. He’s got a cone on his head and it’s slowly breaking my heart 💔
A few days and a few snacks and he'll be right. He'll forget he even had nuts. Yeah it's funny when they're all doolally from the anesthetic.

Have a great day T.
That’s not age related. Thats life trauma related. Each day the sun sets you’ve made it through another day. As your grief becomes more manageable, you will come to those cross roads. And there you will decide what kind of life you want to try and create going forward. What kind of life your son would have wanted for you, for all of the people he loved and left behind.

You can help honour him by choosing the life he would have wanted for you. Your grief stays. That’s the price of true love, but your life is not over. It’s just different.

Sending you a big hug!
It's so hard. I've also got a torn rotator cuff and glenoid labrum and the meloxicam ain't doing shit. I've got PT tomorrow finally (again, was at 2 years ago, but only right side, now it's both), and I'm exhausted already cause I can't sleep with the pain. I've got some other thing going on in my neck which I was thinking was related to smoking, so I've been trying to cut back and only use the vape. And Then I think the neck pain is from crying and wailing... 😭 ...but I'm coming to the belief that some of my pain is grief induced - like why the fuck does my left side hurt the same as my right (and I don't even know HOW I tore my RC and GL in the first place!)? Then I start going off into dark alleys thinking it's MS, or lupus, or it's RA, or some other degenerative immune system disease and have to back up and calm my mind. I have a real dr. appt coming up so I'll get all the blood work done and tests that they allow and see what's up freal.
I hope you’re joking lol!

I see it in my job. There’s 55 and there’s omg I can’t believe that patient is only 55!

If you’re not joking, it’s not too late to regain better health if you wanted to.
I actually lost like 300lbs.... I've kept it off for 8 years. Today I'm 212. My body is pretty beat up but I'm actually in half decent shape. Weezy don't care if I'm 200lbs or 500lbs. She loves me like I am. I have some friends who live pretty hard and they're pretty ate up by age 55. Happy Tuesday/Wednesday T!!! 😎✌️

I’ll keep an eye out.
I ordered the seeds yesterday morning, I ly couple things left to buy, so I'm thinking early next week, would love to have you along.

I’ll keep an eye out.

I’m not really. My feelings get super hurt when other posters are being spiteful or cunty to me. I just don’t go running to Daddy Rob reporting and whinging. I just try to address it, and move on.
Well you know what, fuck those guys! There the ones with the problem and are probably just jealous!
We hired a car and drove around for 10 days, stopping at little bed and breakfasts on our way around. Cradle Mountain was a great experience. The whole state was a great experience. You inbreds can sure grow an apple bruv lolling!
That sounds pretty darn awesome, yeah cradle mountain is very pretty, I actually went up there last year and met my now partner, she was one of the tour guides 😁
You never cease to make me cringe and laugh at the same time, love it 👌
A few days and a few snacks and he'll be right. He'll forget he even had nuts. Yeah it's funny when they're all doolally from the anesthetic.

Have a great day T.
He’s well in himself.

The vet: keep him really quiet
Me: okay
Jimmy: Okay!

And how’s this! They put this bandana on his little nut less neck! Cut fucking peaches! Too soon Miss Vet!


Omg and I played a joke on my man. I skinned two grapes and put them in a speci jar with a jam and water mix. When he woke up this arvo I told him the vet gave them to me because they are super high in nutrients. Like a little placenta. And I popped one in my mouth and said “omg tastes like chicken”. Legit thought he was gonna faint! Lolling!

Look at him. Poor little mong.

It's so hard. I've also got a torn rotator cuff and glenoid labrum and the meloxicam ain't doing shit. I've got PT tomorrow finally (again, was at 2 years ago, but only right side, now it's both), and I'm exhausted already cause I can't sleep with the pain. I've got some other thing going on in my neck which I was thinking was related to smoking, so I've been trying to cut back and only use the vape. And Then I think the neck pain is from crying and wailing... 😭 ...but I'm coming to the belief that some of my pain is grief induced - like why the fuck does my left side hurt the same as my right (and I don't even know HOW I tore my RC and GL in the first place!)? Then I start going off into dark alleys thinking it's MS, or lupus, or it's RA, or some other degenerative immune system disease and have to back up and calm my mind. I have a real dr. appt coming up so I'll get all the blood work done and tests that they allow and see what's up freal.
You have had so much pain, both emotional and physical.

Chronic pain makes you hyper sensitive to pain. The more you focus on it, the more you brain thinks that what you want. It finds every tiny ache tweak spasm and brings it to you with a red alert.

My advice not that you asked. See a pain clinic. Retrain your brain.
Omg this day!

I have packed so much in. It’s been good and bad, then good, then bad.

But first look at this! This is the moment I’ve been thirsting for since 9am.

Party for one 🎉


But back to this day!

Part 1

I’m not even sure where to start! Prolly the start aye? Lol! So I’d made plans to see a movie with a gf so the house is quiet for my man who’s on another night tonight. So I got up and went to put together my usual humpday post. There was a stillbirth, but I’ll get to that. I went in the Bloom Room and saw slight webbing from spidermites on Mika. Panicked. Scoped her and thought she’ll do.


So I’m rushed now. I gotta get the plants outside and spray them but I’ve got no time. I also see my seed has sprouted without a head. I’ve got no time to spray the plants, so I throw them all out in the rain bar Ammy the heavy in flower girl, I chucked her in the back veranda, so I shower, slap on a face, no time for hair so I just stick a flower in it and hope for the best lol, Edward Scissorhands Mika, insect spray the rooms and bounce knowing full well I got work to do when I get home.

Get home at about 4pm, and it’s straight outside. Spraying plants in the freezing cold and sheeting fucking rain. So girls are treated, grow rooms are cleansed, and I’m a wet frozen ice block. My man gets up and he just lols and says “you’re fucking insane woman”. Ummm tell me something I don’t know bruv! Lolling!


She is 🔥

Mika Bee and da 2 Clones aka Purple Ghost Candy
Age: 131 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 67

460g Wet

Part 2

Happy HumpDay!!!

These pics were taken before it all went to shit lol. I thought it was going to be such a mainstream day. Yeah nah.

🌹The Bloom Room


🌱The Veg Tent


So after I see the stillborn, I take out another seed to defrost. Get home this arvo. Plant it. Then I had a look at my headless chicken.


Imagine if she wakes. She is going to be a grow loon!

So there you have it! My day! And I have no idea what happened in the movie. My brain had spidermites on repeat lolling!

Never a dull moment when it comes to growing lolling!
I actually lost like 300lbs.... I've kept it off for 8 years. Today I'm 212. My body is pretty beat up but I'm actually in half decent shape. Weezy don't care if I'm 200lbs or 500lbs. She loves me like I am. I have some friends who live pretty hard and they're pretty ate up by age 55. Happy Tuesday/Wednesday T!!! 😎✌️
Omg I missed this!

First well done you! That takes real planning, dedication and commitment. Good job.

I totally care if my man gets fat (can we still say fat? Or is it carlorie concerned or something more politically correct lol) And not just coz he wouldn’t attract me in a sexual sense. I’d be concerned with his health concerns which are guaranteed to develop. And they are all awful.

I’ve been fat a couple of times in my life, I had to lose 15kg twice. First after I swapped heroin for food in the 90’s and second in my mid 40’s. I was peri menopausal and I felt I lost myself a little. That coupled with knee surgery and my first grandchild being born had me feeling like maybe I was meant to kinda stop focusing on me and just be a granny. I started to eat more, I stopped exercising. I stopped with makeup. I wore flanellette pj’s and choose very large panties lol. I saw a picture of myself and thought “yeah nah, I’m not doing that just yet” lol. As a 20 year old the weight fell off in a hot minute. In my late 40’s it took joining Weight Watchers and a year!

I’ve just rejoined WW because I noticed my food choices were sneaking into the unhealthy side and needed a reset.

I think with so many unknowns with our health regarding cancers, disease etc, we owe it to ourselves to at least try to be healthy.
Sweet harvest Tra! PGC is getting to be in our first pics every day now! It's Yummers! You being a fridge dry person it'll be even better!
It was the quickest harvest in the west!

And thanks Mr Oh!
Nice looking Buds ,congrats on the harvest, heck that day of yours bought made my head spin LOL
Omg mine too and I actually lived it!

The worst part was definitely spraying them in the cold and rain.
Good morning GrowStars! Omg! Get a load of this fucking idiot! Up she popped, helmet around her neck and an absolute mouth full of dirt!

I wanted to name her something looney. Apologies in advance if any one of you is a Tu-morrow, knows a Tu-morrow or is thinking of cursing your child with naming your child Tu-morrow.

Tu-morrow Bee
So Mango from my
🖤SantaMarie Seed Fairy🖤
Today Years Old


Literally all it has to do is grow upwards. One job. Lay there, then push up.

My seed:


And grow moves were made yesterday. Trixie flipped so my areas are looking a little different. I have 4 in each area. The goal was always 3 and 3 but I can’t quite seem to get there.


And there’s a tiny bit of blue in my sky. I’m gonna bounce into this day! First job, clean the backyard abortion clinic that is my pool area. There are leaves EVERYWHERE!

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