Trala’s Tent

I have to go to the dentist today, just for a clean and polish. I was going to have a whine but some people have it so much worse. Like poor James Mopar Bee. He has an appointment today.

✂️🎾 🎱

Poor little guy… soon to be eunuch.

Send thoughts, prayers and testosterone.
I’ve been 25. I didn’t rate it tbh. I was in a 12 Step Program.

The only real difference between 25 year old me and 51 year old me is I have direction, better hair, financial security, awesome shoes, I’m independent, I drive a nice car and I grow fire.

Aging 4 da winnnnn!
give it a couple more years...54 was a killer for me... :( 55 coming in a few weeks! I'll be officially an old person!
give it a couple more years...54 was a killer for me... :( 55 coming in a few weeks! I'll be officially an old person!
I'm about a year older than you and I don't know what you mean about getting old...
Admittedly, I did buy some knitting needles in readiness for old age, but I ended up using them to keep up my incontinence pants when they're filled
Happy Daze :ganjamon:
I'm about a year older than you and I don't know what you mean about getting old...
Admittedly, I did buy some knitting needles in readiness for old age, but I ended up using them to keep up my incontinence pants when they're filled
Happy Daze :ganjamon:
And everyone was damn happy that you bought those needles, Roy! :rofl:
give it a couple more years...54 was a killer for me... :( 55 coming in a few weeks! I'll be officially an old person!
I'm 55 and I feel 3 days older than dirt and twice as rocky!! 💯🤣😂
Shots fired Mr Black. Shots. Fired.

At my age?! AT MY AGE?!

How dare you!

And reported.

PS: Lolling!
Yikes! I didn't mean to fire a shot!

Please don't shoot back. I'm an old man! 😬

Of course even you would look like a 25 year-old stunner to a 90-something year-old man, especially if he has cataracts. But you've got to admit, my hospice idea ensures that you would cash in quickly if you were able to pull something off! :)
Hello boiiiii!

Welcome to our Tent of Debauchery, where the F bombs fly and reporting is a sin.

And your Tasmanian yeah? The apple isle. Got a joke for ya.

How do you circumcise a Tasmanian man?
Kick his sister in the jaw!

Goodmorning and thanks for welcoming me in @Trala

I don't think you be you if there wasn't a few F bombs dropping, don't worry, definitely no snitch here!! 😁

Yep sure am, can't say I haven't heard that one before, but it never gets old! 🤣
give it a couple more years...54 was a killer for me... :( 55 coming in a few weeks! I'll be officially an old person!
I’m not gonna downplay it. I’m absolutely loving my 50’s. I think mentally I’m healthier than I’ve ever been.
I'm about a year older than you and I don't know what you mean about getting old...
Admittedly, I did buy some knitting needles in readiness for old age, but I ended up using them to keep up my incontinence pants when they're filled
Happy Daze :ganjamon:
Listen I’m a firm believer you’re only as old as the man that you feel. My man is 10 years younger than me, so that helps when it comes to a smiley disposition on waking each day. Lolling!

Have you had prostate bloods? If you haven’t, get em.
And everyone was damn happy that you bought those needles, Roy! :rofl:

Those incontinence pads can hold up to 4L!

The day I leak urine I’ll cork my urethra, board up the lady garden and close the fun park.
I'm 55 and I feel 3 days older than dirt and twice as rocky!! 💯🤣😂
I hope you’re joking lol!

I see it in my job. There’s 55 and there’s omg I can’t believe that patient is only 55!

If you’re not joking, it’s not too late to regain better health if you wanted to.
Yikes! I didn't mean to fire a shot!

Please don't shoot back. I'm an old man! 😬
It’s okay GDB. I know you’d never say anything to hurt my vain, narcissistic and self centred self.
Of course even you would look like a 25 year-old stunner to a 90-something year-old man, especially if he has cataracts.

You Martha Focker!

L O L L I N G !

But you've got to admit, my hospice idea ensures that you would cash in quickly if you were able to pull something off! :)
Look if it means early retirement on the back of a good wad of cash, I’ll go full Anna Nicole Smith on your grandad bruv.
Goodmorning and thanks for welcoming me in @Trala
If you need help with anything grow wise, my friends are some of the best growers in here. What you got goin on anyway?
I don't think you be you if there wasn't a few F bombs dropping, don't worry, definitely no snitch here!! 😁
Excellent coz snitches get stitches…

Look I’m just trying to sound tough. Snitches just give poor Rob a headache, I stay golden lol.
Yep sure am, can't say I haven't heard that one before, but it never gets old! 🤣
I actually had a holiday there a few years ago. Had the best time.
Omg my poor little Jim, or Jemima as he is now known. My vet just called. He will be ready for pick up at 5pm. I’ve fretted for him all day. Well not all day, but he’s defs been on my mind.

My man’s on a nightshift tonight and I was going to ride solo, but I’m now being people bombed. I’m going to make dinner for my son, his new girl (who I just love) and my two grandsons. Bit of a funny, when asked what he wanted for dinner his request was apricot chicken which is a dish he ate every single week growing up coz chicken drumsticks were always so cheap. It’s funny how there is always a historical favourite. Mine is pasta and grated cheese. I used to make it for my brothers as a child, and I still make it to this day lol.

I’m off to get the eunuch. Have a great night! Xo

Oh and there’s some seed movement! We might have a new bee by dawn!
If you need help with anything grow wise, my friends are some of the best growers in here. What you got goin on anyway?
Thanks tra! Soon I'll be planting some gorilla glue autos for a guerilla grow!
Excellent coz snitches get stitches…

Look I’m just trying to sound tough. Snitches just give poor Rob a headache, I stay golden lol.
They sure do! Don't worry, I can tell you're one tough cookie Tra 😉
I actually had a holiday there a few years ago. Had the best time.
Yeah awesome! There's not a whole lot to do in this state, but it is very pretty! Which part did you visit? 🤔
I’m not gonna downplay it. I’m absolutely loving my 50’s. I think mentally I’m healthier than I’ve ever been.
I feel old cause I got lotsa shit going on... Mentally, physically,'s all a struggle right now.
Thanks tra! Soon I'll be planting some gorilla glue autos for a guerilla grow!

I’ll keep an eye out.
They sure do! Don't worry, I can tell you're one tough cookie Tra 😉
I’m not really. My feelings get super hurt when other posters are being spiteful or cunty to me. I just don’t go running to Daddy Rob reporting and whinging. I just try to address it, and move on.
Yeah awesome! There's not a whole lot to do in this state, but it is very pretty! Which part did you visit? 🤔
We hired a car and drove around for 10 days, stopping at little bed and breakfasts on our way around. Cradle Mountain was a great experience. The whole state was a great experience. You inbreds can sure grow an apple bruv lolling!
Poor little no nut pooch, gotta get my iddy biddy piddy spaded soon. She's a hit with the boys... dirty bitch...:thedoubletake:
He’s not a happy camper. Omg last night he was legit off his tits! It was soooooOooo funny. He’s got a cone on his head and it’s slowly breaking my heart 💔
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