Trala’s Tent

Hi TraLa, I liked your videos! Not sure but that stuff on your scissors looked a lot like scissor hash to me. I know there wasn't much but if you can scrape it off and sort of roll it between your thumb and forefinger into a little ball you're on your way. Once you do a whole plant you keep scraping it off as you go and can roll the little ball around on the stuff on your fingers and that stuff will stick to the ball making it bigger. You may end up with a pea-sized gob of sticky that will provide several sessions of aromatic smoke!

I know there seems like a lot to learn but you'll be glad you took the time. You've already got the basics. Within a month you will know the rest - harvesting, trimming, drying and curing. That's it! A little to learn about each but you'll have lots of help.
Naah you have reached what I think the technical term for is "the shit boring bit"

If you leave them too long they will lose potency, the ideal window depending on preference is around a week.

Order yourself a usb microscope and you will know for sure.

Again it's preference but I like to wet trim (trim before drying)
And I find if you trim just a little closer the buds are much better to smoke, too much green leaf can make it harsh.

I totally knew you would enjoy trimming, wait till you have a whole plant to do ;)

Curing, after your buds are suitably dry, you want to cut the nugs off the branches and seal them in jars for a minimum of 3 weeks, keeping an eye on the humidity in the jars and aiming for 62rh. If it's higher just open them up for an hour or 2 until they are in range.
I prefer to call it the “OMG I waited too long I’ve hermed/ruined them” stage.

I have ordered a microscope. I’m prolly throwing good money after bad tbh. If I can‘t see properly through the little looking glass thing how the duck am I going to see through a microscope?

Well my preference is to cut it and just put it straight in a jar and abracadabra done. Tbh I now understand why 3 oz of my outdoor stuff went mouldy. You would have DIED if you saw how I cut and cured those outdoor plants! I will cut closer today.

Are you saying you can’t smoke it for 3 weeks after the cut? Oh and I bought some humidity thingys too I think to put in the jars. My workshops humidity is currently 48%-62%.

Can it go in one big jar or are little jars best?
Just as info... I didn’t count up days for Tra’s grow but I figured that sativa may need to run for 10 to 12 weeks in flower to finish up. Anywho nevermind me, but I’m sure excited to see a tester bud has been cut.

You don’t have to trim up each bud or cola but maybe trim a few of the monsters just for your show and tell bud jar or for your photo album. I mostly knock the fans leaves off and anything crispy.

Technically it’s bass ackwards from what most folks think. You don’t dry bud first then cure it later, you cure your bud first before you dry it. The cure is to maintain temps & humidity and slooowly bring them down to 62 rh. Once you get down to 55 rh the process stops - so you want to avoid going lower than 62 rh. The dry happens after that. So even tho you dry hang your buds that first part is the cure not the dry. I hope I’ve thoroughly corn-fused you now, but seriously that’s how it works.

Back into the shadows...
I will go back and work out exactly how many days of flower today.

What exactly am I curing it of?

I hate all this humidity business! I never did buy a humidifier. I will go down and look at the temperature. So do you put yours straight in the jar to cure first, then dry them.

I am so confused. I know I was meant to read up on this, but I didn’t. I had zero idea this part was going to be hard too.
Fuck sake. First I had too much humidity, now I haven’t got enough!

It is brilliant to have been a part of this journey T. Thankfully most of your worries and concerns had been done to death and fixed by all the experienced eyes on with you. We knew what you had to see for yourself too. So many examples of grows ect.., that its impossible to find an exact match for the ones we tend daily. Added to that are pics that give an impression of huge sizes and healthy monsters that are in fact 4 inches high and taken close up. I for one am stoked at your ending cycle and I am sure there are many others feeling the same. I would live to roll a fatty of itnupnwith you and dangle my sweaty , brit feet in your pool amd say "we told you you would get all 4 to harvest" . Well done T. You have been fun to watch and grow with and now you have the 1st one under your belt , the future is bright .
Thank you so much!

But I think you are popping the champers a bit too early! I still have to get these motherfuckers in jars.

Honestly I had no idea this stage would be this hard.

You can dangle your stinking feet and ugly talon like toenails in my pool anytime :)
Perfect t
BANG on the money with where to cut but leave the growth on to convert back. All that growth will become the new branching tips. The plant will redirect her feeds to them once it realises the buds are not using any from harvesting them.
I’m going to give it a crack. If it works it will be a monster!

Do you think wait to cut? I’m going to work out the exact day of flower.
Hi TraLa, I liked your videos! Not sure but that stuff on your scissors looked a lot like scissor hash to me. I know there wasn't much but if you can scrape it off and sort of roll it between your thumb and forefinger into a little ball you're on your way. Once you do a whole plant you keep scraping it off as you go and can roll the little ball around on the stuff on your fingers and that stuff will stick to the ball making it bigger. You may end up with a pea-sized gob of sticky that will provide several sessions of aromatic smoke!

I know there seems like a lot to learn but you'll be glad you took the time. You've already got the basics. Within a month you will know the rest - harvesting, trimming, drying and curing. That's it! A little to learn about each but you'll have lots of help.
Oh okay.

I will do that :)

Do you smoke it like actual hash?

It is a lot to learn. And I wasn’t prepared for this curing cutting humidity horror. And do you think wait another week?
I'm literally ROFLMAO on "scissor jizz"! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
These scientific terms fuck me daily!

Do you know how old I was when I found out the humidity thingy was a hygrometer? Special K I was today years old!

I got a PM about hygrometers and I’m like “fuck another thing I need to buy” and was educated on the fact that I had literally just posted a pic of it in my journal! I’m so cringe!

Trala Terminology

Hygrometer - humidity thingy
Macro lens - looky looky thingy
Trichimes - glitter
Cola - big bud
Calyxes - little bud
Pistil - hand gun, not sure what this has to do with growing weed
Scissor Hash - scissor jizz
Sugar leaf - big leaf
RH - sweat factor
Curing - putting a bud in a jar
pH - pHuckkkkkkkkkk enough already!

L O L L I N G !
Sunday Summary two days late

11 weeks - Day 24 Post Flip

@Mr. Krip So I have to be honest, it’s not so much I don’t know how to use the timer, it’s more I can’t be fucked reading the directions and learning. I have realised it would be so upsetting to get to this point in my grow, and stumble now. So I wasted 127 seconds I am never getting back, read the directions, and you’ll be happy to know I can now use a timer.

I promise from this day on, I will use it. :) :) :)

Just watered and my crack house is looking beautiful. As you can see, they have gained height, and they all have pretty delicate white hairs, except for Kate, she’s defs got end stage syphilis. She’s a nasty green and her hairs are like white and almost a maroon colour.

So far so good. No signs of the H word.

Twiggy :love:

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Trixie Grand :love:

15EB33B2-394B-46B5-9DA1-1207074CC804.jpeg B7E47D2F-50E0-4109-85F4-5E6D544ED2E7.jpeg E2F9808B-8CA9-4B00-A9C1-DC6CD60F45BE.jpeg DD26D0CF-B660-4CD8-8924-2813F4C0A50C.jpeg
Trying to find day 1 of flowering. Please Jesus let this be it. Reading myself makes literally makes my brain cringe. Looking back I’m shook at how much utter shite I speak!

Is the day they got weed pubes considered the first day of flowering?

Because if it is, this is day one.
You don’t need to buy a humidifier at least not for the cure and dry part. A humidifier may be helpful in your tent / grow area but they will pull the moisture out of your harvest too quickly. They make tiny mini hygrometers that fit in a jar, the behemoth you have is great for a tent but you don’t have enough lube and muscle to cram it in a jar! I’ll take some scissor hash but you can have all of the scissor jizz.

What you are curing it of is.... life! So you can destroy the evidence in a series of small fires!

If you stuff a bunch wet vegetable greens into a large jar there is too much moisture in one container and it will turn bad. That’s why you’ve got to dry hang it for a week or two. We also use multiple jars in hopes that if one is bad maybe the others will be safe. Plus we check it and smell of the bud in the jar plus burp it with air. Didn’t your learn anything useful in high school like... - Don’t put all of your buds in one jar?

Yes on mini pocket microscope but I have same problem with shaky hands but you will see the trichs clearly. Since you have multiple plants keep track of your batches so you will know Minxie was cut on Juvember 44 and dry hung for X number of days etc.

Like GGD and many others here..... sooo excited to see you break out the axe....!
I am literally shocked at how vacant I can be.

So I have just gone to my calendar to count flower days and I actually marked this momentous occasion in my iPad, then saw something sparkly and then completely forgot. I am defs not the brightest star in the sky! Lollllll



If this is all correct I’m at DAY 52 of flower
See that’s what I’ve been thinking all along - that it was a few weeks early. I had guestimed 2nd week in Sept but might be good to get more input on the run times for sativas to finish.

The cool thing is the buds can really bulk up in that time. Not saying chop or don’t chop but maybe ask GGD and Bill Poppy to revisit page 45 post #883 and to reevaluate.
I count from when I flipped lights and also I note the first day of visible bush.
I’m so confused!

So does my flower start with the white hairs or before?

Because as it turns out, I have just found out completely by accident that I have all of this information...

Trying to find day 1 of flowering. Please Jesus let this be it. Reading myself makes literally makes my brain cringe. Looking back I’m shook at how much utter shite I speak!

Is the day they got weed pubes considered the first day of flowering?

Because if it is, this is day one.
Just let us know what day you flipped to 12/12 and that should give some good starting info. Flowering starts about a week after 12/12.

Let's talk about that "humidity thingy" ;) .....

The one you picked up is perfect for monitoring the environment in your tent, but it isn't what you want for curing the buds.

What you want is something small that will fit in your jars, like this:


When you harvest, you'll dry the buds by either hanging in the tent or in paper bags in the fridge (for "low & slow" method) until the humidity gets below 70%. Then, you move the buds to jars and will open the jars a couple/few times per day (called "burping" the jars). Once the humidity in the jars stabilize at 62% or lower, they can be stored long term and the buds will continue to cure as long as humidity stays above 55%.

When you first dry the buds, if/when you try smoking, it will be harsh/chlorophyll tasting. There are still chemical processes going on inside the buds that are converting sugars and, as you allow these to continue, in a couple of weeks the buds will lose the harsh/hay taste, the "true" terpenes (smells) will start to be pronounced, and the buds will also increase in potency.

You can smoke it anytime, but the longer you let it cure, the more it will improve (usually).
Just let us know what day you flipped to 12/12 and that should give some good starting info. Flowering starts about a week after 12/12.

Let's talk about that "humidity thingy" ;) .....

The one you picked up is perfect for monitoring the environment in your tent, but it isn't what you want for curing the buds.

What you want is something small that will fit in your jars, like this:


When you harvest, you'll dry the buds by either hanging in the tent or in paper bags in the fridge (for "low & slow" method) until the humidity gets below 70%. Then, you move the buds to jars and will open the jars a couple/few times per day (called "burping" the jars). Once the humidity in the jars stabilize at 62% or lower, they can be stored long term and the buds will continue to cure as long as humidity stays above 55%.

When you first dry the buds, if/when you try smoking, it will be harsh/chlorophyll tasting. There are still chemical processes going on inside the buds that are converting sugars and, as you allow these to continue, in a couple of weeks the buds will lose the harsh/hay taste, the "true" terpenes (smells) will start to be pronounced, and the buds will also increase in potency.

You can smoke it anytime, but the longer you let it cure, the more it will improve (usually).
Jeepers! With all this fucking about I now understand why ole mate charges $360 an oz.

Burping them? K honestly! Does the mollycoddling ever end?

I swear to God, while I‘ll burp ‘em, but I am totally drawing the line at breast feeding them...
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