Trala’s Tent

Hello :)

I have had good luck with my bud clones, I have two. They were from a female who was prolly 3 weeks off being cooked.

My clone has more arms than an octopus and has powered past my two seedstars development wise despite being a week or two younger.

I think she will be the first of my four when it comes to the guillotine. It will be a super sad day as I have become so fond of them all. I’m going to get a clone off her this week and try my luck at rebirthing her.
You could also leave some small budlets lower down on the stem when you harvest and leave them to reveg in the original pot from these remaining bids. The roots are already active and feeding so you only need to keep it in 18 hours again for about 3 weeks. It will go through a mutation looking stage as it switches back but once done the second harvest is supposed to be even more potent than the 1st. There are always a few lower underdeveloped larf buds that usually dry and dissappear to nothing once dried anyways so it would be an easier task than trying to root a near finished bud.
Hello :)

I have had good luck with my bud clones, I have two. They were from a female who was prolly 3 weeks off being cooked.

My clone has more arms than an octopus and has powered past my two seedstars development wise despite being a week or two younger.

I think she will be the first of my four when it comes to the guillotine. It will be a super sad day as I have become so fond of them all. I’m going to get a clone off her this week and try my luck at rebirthing her.
Yeah it's not fun chopping em. But I love the process and plan on growing new strains every grow.
Okay Team!

I am so scared I’m going to get all this way only to fuck the cut.

I think the two seeds are a few weeks off. But this clone, I think it’s close to cooked. Look I’m lying. I have zero idea. I’m just scared I’ll miss my window.

I have looked at them with the loupe and I can 100% see little drips. They also have lots of glitter.

Please help! Are they ready?

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Your plants look pretty close to me! If you can't clearly see the trichomes then I would go by brown hairs and how close you are to breeder's recommendation. Some people, myself included, don't really notice much difference after about 8 weeks anyway. Have you tried a taster? That can help you decide. Try one now and another in a few days to see if you can tell the diffeence. In any case, cutting a bud may allow you to get a better look at the trichomes.

It took me over a year of practice before I got good at seeing trichomes. Nice bright sunlight on the bud really helps and you may need to clean the lens of your loupe with alcohol to get good look.
Your plants look pretty close to me! If you can't clearly see the trichomes then I would go by brown hairs and how close you are to breeder's recommendation. Some people, myself included, don't really notice much difference after about 8 weeks anyway. Have you tried a taster? That can help you decide. Try one now and another in a few days to see if you can tell the diffeence. In any case, cutting a bud may allow you to get a better look at the trichomes.

It took me over a year of practice before I got good at seeing trichomes. Nice bright sunlight on the bud really helps and you may need to clean the lens of your loupe with alcohol to get good look.
I think the clone is 100% ready. She defs has 70% orange hair.

And that’s a good idea cutting a bud. I’ll do that today. :)

I really struggle looking through the loupe, just when I think I’ve got it, I lose it! I can see through the approx 1cm x 1cm looky looky bit, but the two smaller magnifying things, forget it.

I have been practicing tho. The clone that I think is ready has some bronze looking droplets or trichomes or what ever they are called.

I must say, this whole science side of growing fucking kills me! pH and magnesium and trichomes and calcium and microscopes! So boringggggggggg LOLLLLLLINGGG!

If it turns out the reason I can’t see out of my loupe (which I incorrectly pronounced as loop-aye) is coz it’s dirty I’ll die! Lolllll
You could also leave some small budlets lower down on the stem when you harvest and leave them to reveg in the original pot from these remaining bids. The roots are already active and feeding so you only need to keep it in 18 hours again for about 3 weeks. It will go through a mutation looking stage as it switches back but once done the second harvest is supposed to be even more potent than the 1st. There are always a few lower underdeveloped larf buds that usually dry and dissappear to nothing once dried anyways so it would be an easier task than trying to root a near finished bud.
G that is a great idea. The plant I defolled following Bill’s advice has new shoots where I removed her petticoat. I’m 100% going to try that.

I‘m still going to try and clone her. I found that process really enjoyable.
Yeah it's not fun chopping em. But I love the process and plan on growing new strains every grow.
I am genuinely sad about it.

Thanks to this forum my grow has been so enjoyable. I think the greatest thing I have learned is I knew fuck all about growing :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

It really is a miracle that I pulled one plant off let alone four. I still think the clone I had to kick outside still might herm, I’m watching her closely. Oh and you might not be aware, I am obsessed with herming my plants. In fact I am always a breath away from full herm hysteria on a daily basis. Its exhausting.

I think I’m going to be a perpetual grower. Tho tbh I had no idea what perpetual even meant till I joined this forum. Lolling!
Very soon you can move the straggler from outdoors to inside once you have an open spot in the tent, hopefully she won’t go hermie on you. Yes cut a bud and lay it on table, set your loupe on a book or improvise so it will be still. I usually leave the eye piece fully extended and crank the dial for focus. That’s on my crappy device yours may be different. Look at the calyxes more than the sugar leaves. You will see the little clear mushrooms stalks and you are looking for the head colors on top of the stalks.

You got this Miss TraLa and a whole team to support you too! I can’t wait to hear a smoke report in a few weeks and the coolest part is you have more plants waiting for the axe. In 2 weeks you will be a seasoned pro from germ to clone to harvest to exhale!
Very soon you can move the straggler from outdoors to inside once you have an open spot in the tent, hopefully she won’t go hermie on you. Yes cut a bud and lay it on table, set your loupe on a book or improvise so it will be still. I usually leave the eye piece fully extended and crank the dial for focus. That’s on my crappy device yours may be different. Look at the calyxes more than the sugar leaves. You will see the little clear mushrooms stalks and you are looking for the head colors on top of the stalks.

You got this Miss TraLa and a whole team to support you too! I can’t wait to hear a smoke report in a few weeks and the coolest part is you have more plants waiting for the axe. In 2 weeks you will be a seasoned pro from germ to clone to harvest to exhale!
She’s too big.

I put her in a larger pot and she has spread out. We are coming into a warmer season, so I’m hoping she will be okay.

I have come to realise I wouldn’t know a herm if it jumped up and slapped me in the face with its herm bits. My memory is super shite so I can’t completely rely on it, but I’m 93% sure the “herm” I pulled from my outdoor grow was actually a female, it was different looking compared to my other two plants who looked super similar. I have learned this grow that each plant can look totally different in both colour and stature.
After the cure & dry on my 3 clones sisters named 2, 4, & 6 (number of limbs) I found seeds in amongst the stash. Never even noticed it, there wasn’t but a few seeds but it still surprised me. Nothing for you to worry about tho, glad to hear warm season is coming. That last mongrel will be a monster for having vegged all this time.
Hey Tra.

You clipped your first bud :)

It's so hard for us to tell if they are ready without some trich close ups.
I think she is real close, but my gut says wait.
I make it around day 60 flower, not knowing the strain you are growing we should probably assume an average flower period of say 70 days,
I'd give her another 5 days to a week, she might just dense up and bulk out in that time.

Get that bud neatly trimmed, quick dried and test it over the weekend, without a cure it might be a little harsh but you will find out if it packs a suitable punch.

My lsd buds looked leafy and airy when I harvested, after a couple of weeks curing they are looking great,
Now you have mastered your first grow you could look at a pk booster for your next grow.

Hey Tra.

You clipped your first bud :)

It's so hard for us to tell if they are ready without some trich close ups.
I think she is real close, but my gut says wait.
I make it around day 60 flower, not knowing the strain you are growing we should probably assume an average flower period of say 70 days,
I'd give her another 5 days to a week, she might just dense up and bulk out in that time.

Get that bud neatly trimmed, quick dried and test it over the weekend, without a cure it might be a little harsh but you will find out if it packs a suitable punch.

My lsd buds looked leafy and airy when I harvested, after a couple of weeks curing they are looking great,
Now you have mastered your first grow you could look at a pk booster for your next grow.

Hey Bill ;)

I just didn’t know about all this close up business before I joined this place. I thought you threw seed in dirt, watered if it didn’t rain, and hack branches and hang it the first sign of bud. As far as strain goes, it will be a shit strain fo sho.

Can I overcook her? Like is that a possibility if I wait too long?

I just don’t know what to do.

OMG I thought it was neatly trimmed! I hate trimming! Like absolutely fucking hate it! Why can’t I just dry the whole branch?! And what is this “curing” you speak of. Better not be more fucking science!

I will I promise.

I must say. I thought this part would be more fun.
Naah you have reached what I think the technical term for is "the shit boring bit"

If you leave them too long they will lose potency, the ideal window depending on preference is around a week.

Order yourself a usb microscope and you will know for sure.

Again it's preference but I like to wet trim (trim before drying)
And I find if you trim just a little closer the buds are much better to smoke, too much green leaf can make it harsh.

I totally knew you would enjoy trimming, wait till you have a whole plant to do ;)

Curing, after your buds are suitably dry, you want to cut the nugs off the branches and seal them in jars for a minimum of 3 weeks, keeping an eye on the humidity in the jars and aiming for 62rh. If it's higher just open them up for an hour or 2 until they are in range.
Just as info... I didn’t count up days for Tra’s grow but I figured that sativa may need to run for 10 to 12 weeks in flower to finish up. Anywho nevermind me, but I’m sure excited to see a tester bud has been cut.

You don’t have to trim up each bud or cola but maybe trim a few of the monsters just for your show and tell bud jar or for your photo album. I mostly knock the fans leaves off and anything crispy.

Technically it’s bass ackwards from what most folks think. You don’t dry bud first then cure it later, you cure your bud first before you dry it. The cure is to maintain temps & humidity and slooowly bring them down to 62 rh. Once you get down to 55 rh the process stops - so you want to avoid going lower than 62 rh. The dry happens after that. So even tho you dry hang your buds that first part is the cure not the dry. I hope I’ve thoroughly corn-fused you now, but seriously that’s how it works.

Back into the shadows...
Yeah it's not fun chopping em. But I love the process and plan on growing new strains every grow.
I do this most runs and mix it up too. There are some times I wish injad more of a strain but it is handy to get a real review of what is around too. Always been a gg#4 fan and have kept them in different mixes for a while. This run has no GG#4 anywhere. Lpl
G that is a great idea. The plant I defolled following Bill’s advice has new shoots where I removed her petticoat. I’m 100% going to try that.

I‘m still going to try and clone her. I found that process really enjoyable.
Power to you T. All roads lead to ganja. Lol
I am genuinely sad about it.

Thanks to this forum my grow has been so enjoyable. I think the greatest thing I have learned is I knew fuck all about growing :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

It really is a miracle that I pulled one plant off let alone four. I still think the clone I had to kick outside still might herm, I’m watching her closely. Oh and you might not be aware, I am obsessed with herming my plants. In fact I am always a breath away from full herm hysteria on a daily basis. Its exhausting.

I think I’m going to be a perpetual grower. Tho tbh I had no idea what perpetual even meant till I joined this forum. Lolling!
It is brilliant to have been a part of this journey T. Thankfully most of your worries and concerns had been done to death and fixed by all the experienced eyes on with you. We knew what you had to see for yourself too. So many examples of grows ect.., that its impossible to find an exact match for the ones we tend daily. Added to that are pics that give an impression of huge sizes and healthy monsters that are in fact 4 inches high and taken close up. I for one am stoked at your ending cycle and I am sure there are many others feeling the same. I would live to roll a fatty of itnupnwith you and dangle my sweaty , brit feet in your pool amd say "we told you you would get all 4 to harvest" . Well done T. You have been fun to watch and grow with and now you have the 1st one under your belt , the future is bright .
Hey Team

I am super worried about fucking the cut.

Any advice welcome. I got some video.
Keepmgoing T. All looks more of a strain genetic than not finished. The scissor glue build as you trim too. The strain is very leafy looking so don't worry too much about budswell . Looking good to go for these.
Hey Team

I am super worried about fucking the cut.

Any advice welcome. I got some video.
Perfect t
Hey Team

I am super worried about fucking the cut.

Any advice welcome. I got some video.
BANG on the money with where to cut but leave the growth on to convert back. All that growth will become the new branching tips. The plant will redirect her feeds to them once it realises the buds are not using any from harvesting them.
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