Trala’s Tent

I hope it's something amusing when our day comes :p . Far down the road!
I’ll be that random always showing up nude geriatric fo sho.

One of my favourite memories while working in a nursing home was that of a resident in her 80’s, sitting in the dining room area stark naked bar a feathered fascinator head dress and grey hospital gloves, her head was high and zero fucks were given. As I walked her back to her room I thought that there is my geriatric spirit animal.
I could see the process some with him. He saw an asian nurse or dr and it triggered his military background. Next from his mouth came loudly, See that big battleship leaving the harbor? It was both embarrassing and hilarious. We spoke to her and she was so nice explaining she understood. We know what she understood and was nice to my FIL so that made her my hero! You are too! When it's work to be kind and one does their work it's above and beyond! I've been victim to bad nursing as a child. There's good and bad.
I love that.

You only ever remember two nurses. The one who was kind and the one who was cruel. Each shift aspire to be the kind one.


Thank you Happypants. :)

Schmick AF T to da B!
You make my bogan heart sing 🎶

Its that sort of frivolity and staged planning of a practical joke that seems to be lost on the fairer sex.
Tbh I think the main reason your practical jokes are lost on both the fairer sex and anyone with more than say three working brain cells is coz your onsite jokes are about as funny as a fucking heart attack!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Omg so how’s this for cool…? I was on the receiving end of a random act of kindness today!

I ducked to the shops after my night shift, and as I was walking out of Coles I could hear this “excuse me… excuse me..” I turned and this lady handed me a bunch of Daffodils, and said some really nice things.

Omg it has kept me big smiling all day!

Fursday’s Flowers 🌸🌺🌹🌻🌼🪷

Tbh I think the main reason your practical jokes are lost on both the fairer sex and anyone with more than say three working brain cells is coz your onsite jokes are about as funny as a fucking heart attack!

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Lets be clear.

It wasnt my joke.

And I did not find it funny.

Let me start over. No lady tradie should have to put up with that. In fact noone should. The perpetrators are animals. 1 step short of a zoo tbh. No wonder people exclude themselves.

Ill make sure the funnies are funny next time, so we are clear on the difference.

Whats yellow and bad for your teeth?
Lets be clear.

It wasnt my joke.

And I did not find it funny.

Let me start over. No lady tradie should have to put up with that. In fact noone should. The perpetrators are animals. 1 step short of a zoo tbh. No wonder people exclude themselves.

Ill make sure the funnies are funny next time, so we are clear on the difference.

Whats yellow and bad for your teeth?
Bruce Lee?

Such pretty flower pics Tra, and I love your interior space. Does that balcony overlook the pool? You really do seem to have gotten into the "perpetual" groove. Your plants all look the peak of good health.
Omg so how’s this for cool…? I was on the receiving end of a random act of kindness today!

I ducked to the shops after my night shift, and as I was walking out of Coles I could hear this “excuse me… excuse me..” I turned and this lady handed me a bunch of Daffodils, and said some really nice things.

Omg it has kept me big smiling all day!

Fursday’s Flowers 🌸🌺🌹🌻🌼🪷

Very purdy fleurs! Even the yellow ones...
Lets be clear.

It wasnt my joke.

And I did not find it funny.

Let me start over. No lady tradie should have to put up with that. In fact noone should. The perpetrators are animals. 1 step short of a zoo tbh. No wonder people exclude themselves.

Ill make sure the funnies are funny next time, so we are clear on the difference.

Whats yellow and bad for your teeth?
A frozen banana?
Lets be clear.

It wasnt my joke.
Look joke is an oversell.

And don’t get me wrong poo can be funny. Really funny. That just wasn’t an example of it. Well I don’t think it was.

Let me start over. No lady tradie should have to put up with that. In fact noone should. The perpetrators are animals. 1 step short of a zoo tbh. No wonder people exclude themselves.
I totally agree. Did you ever consider that the lady tradies left your sites to actually go on to bigger and better things rather than couldn’t take the “gags” on your build sites? Females are joining trades here in huge numbers, and with great success. In my experience most builders are great and welcoming to adding females to their teams if they are good at their trade.
Ill make sure the funnies are funny next time, so we are clear on the difference.
My milkshakes funnies bring all the guys to the yard. I can teach you, but I’ll have to charge…. Just kidding, I like jokes, but there’s always a huge, this could backfire factor. It’s half the fun.
Whats yellow and bad for your teeth?
Now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout! A Tonka Truck?!

Omg did I tell you how that started?

That day of tooth jokes evolved from Jason seeing me trying to open a bottle with my teeth and him stating “stop Tra, that’s bad for your teeth!”. From there what’s >insert here< and bad for your teeth was born.

My favourite was actually mine.

What’s flesh coloured and bad for your teeth?
My forehead!

She didn't ask you to join her cult or anything?
Not a cult perrr sayyyy, but her and her large group of friends did teach me that to ensure the sun rises each day we must dress in yellow and eat exactly 24 daffodil flowers. We call ourselves the Daffy Diners. And we’re here to save the world from sin.
A school bus?
The lassies look fab today!
Thanks Mr O, they are coming along well.

Such pretty flower pics Tra, and I love your interior space. Does that balcony overlook the pool? You really do seem to have gotten into the "perpetual" groove. Your plants all look the peak of good health.
Yes it does. It’s a great spot. I’ll get you a pic today.

I sat our there last night and smoked a fatty. It was so nice.

I actually have one plant to many for my perpetual plan, but I’ll work it out. I veg like a Viking then flower like a Fucktard. It’s like a superpower.
Not a cult perrr sayyyy, but her and her large group of friends did teach me that to ensure the sun rises each day we must dress in yellow and eat exactly 24 daffodil flowers. We call ourselves the Daffy Diners. And we’re here to save the world from sin.
Shoulda asked what they were smokin!:p
Such pretty flower pics Tra, and I love your interior space. Does that balcony overlook the pool? You really do seem to have gotten into the "perpetual" groove. Your plants all look the peak of good health.
Hi Carm

Just got my girls up. This is the current view from my veranda. Not a day goes past where I don’t feel grateful to be paying off my own home. I’m a do it yourself girl. I’ve never been given anything. I bought my first home late, I was 42 I think. Had to borrow the whole amount too. I’ve since paid off 140k and we have prolly spent 50k on Reno’s. I’m trying really hard to smash out the mortgage.


The Familam

They will get a nit wash today. So far so good nit wise. I will stay on it.


Hi guys :)

Just in case you’re interested here are Cleopatra’s final numbers.

Not a cult perrr sayyyy, but her and her large group of friends did teach me that to ensure the sun rises each day we must dress in yellow and eat exactly 24 daffodil flowers. We call ourselves the Daffy Diners. And we’re here to save the world from sin.
Hi Carm

Just got my girls up. This is the current view from my veranda. Not a day goes past where I don’t feel grateful to be paying off my own home. I’m a do it yourself girl. I’ve never been given anything. I bought my first home late, I was 42 I think. Had to borrow the whole amount too. I’ve since paid off 140k and we have prolly spent 50k on Reno’s. I’m trying really hard to smash out the mortgage.


The Familam

They will get a nit wash today. So far so good nit wise. I will stay on it.


Good for you T.
You should be proud of yourself.
Hope everything goes great today. :ciao:
Looks like a beautiful sunny day.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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