Trala’s Tent

Who knew building was so easy? So I decided to build an extra level in my veg tent for the smaller plants. And because I don’t really have any building experience purs sayyy, I doubted my ability.

So those of you thinking about building, it’s dead set easy, I got two vases, one was a little smaller in size, so I had to chock it, and a piece of wood and bish, bash, bosh, done ✔️

I really need to get myself a toolbelt…


Just checked, and it didn’t fall down lol.

Mental Health Microphone Check

If you’re all good, jog on lolll

So I’ve had a really trying week. My daughter in laws stepfather died last Thursday. Suddenly. Shockingly. Well not complete shock, but shock.

He was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a welfare sucker, he lied to support his habit. He stole to support his habit. He died at home. Cheap wine in his glass, weed in his lungs and oxy in his system. He was 49.

This is not about me, but I’ve made it about me but for the greater good lol. I could have been him. Was him. So I’m shouting out to anyone who needs that push for change, for better health, for healing.

No magic pill/trick will stop our pain without conditions, whether that be medication, or meditation. You have to stop trying to escape you. You have to accept you, your pain, your trauma, your mistakes, warts and all. You have to like you. You deserve happiness, you deserve health, you can be enough.

Change doesn’t just happen. You have to want more. My journey (and I hate that over used word) began with two glasses of water on waking. To hydrate myself. To start the day with something nourishing, just for my body. My health. Change starts small with small steps.

It’s an ongoing battle. The fight never stops. Well I don’t think it does. I could have easily run to my black dog this week. His death woke my demons, restarted nightmares I had long put to bed. And like an involuntary reflex my brain told me to stay in bed, coz I feel sick. Don’t brush my hair, coz I feel sick. Don’t eat, coz I feel sick. Stay hidden, coz I feel sick. I know my black dog well enough to know those are the exact moments I need to get up, stop focusing on myself and turn my attention outward, whether that be to watch a bird in wonder, or to focus on what I can do for my man/children/grandchildren/friends/strangers to make their day better.

If you are in that dark slump. And you’re wanting change start/end today with one thing that signifies health, whether that be a drink of water, go for a walk, or at the very least smile at a dog. Depression breeds depression, dark breeds dark. But light can breed light. You just need to let that glimmer of it in.

Today I have my sparkle back. I didn’t need to force it. Or pretend. I bounced into today, and saluted to that motherfucking sun like. a. boss. 🧘‍♀️ ☀️♥️. And excuse my toenails. I painted them yesterday and I couldn’t decide which colour, then I realised fuck it! I can have both! Or as they say in Mexican Spanish “quana von bothss”. Look they don’t say that. I can’t speak Spanish. LOLLLINGG!


A wise friend once told me the secret to happiness is to fake it till you make it. Xo

And Paul if you can read this, mentally channel me the Gold Lotto numbers for Saturday…. LOLLING! I mean, RIP coz if there is an afterlife you’re free of all the shit. I promise to be committed to your stepdaughter in trying to help her heal and to break the cycle, that know doubt broke you and could have broken me. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you while you so obviously struggled. Xo
Okay enough of that Tramatic bullshit! I’m like a bad Dr Phil episode!

Let’s get our Sunday Summary on!

Sunday Summary

This beautiful girl is reaching for the stars. Perfect colour, zero nits, finally flowering.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 92
Days of flower -2


I have really focussed on my CarCanopy this week. Filling in those empty spaces by carhooking and training my branches into them. All going well she will be flipped next Sunday.

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 69 (or as I call it, 68 & I’ll owe ya one lol)


Because Juzzy is such a different shape, photos don’t do her justice when compared to my fat foliaged girls. She is just beautiful. Very delicate, and omg her scent! J is an example of a plant who does not need defolling, well I don’t think she does. She has a beautiful structure, and I have uncarhooked her and I’m letting her do her thing. Her glitter gives me life!

Justine Bee aka Wookie F2 Auto
Unique Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Days above ground - 53
Days in flower - 12


This hot fucking mess lolllll Liz is a total bad hair day. She has more arms than an octopus and she is a typical wild little monster.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days in reVeg - 35


This little girl has had a tiny growth spurt. The warmer weather should fill her out.

Simba Bee aka Shiskaberry
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 18


And my baby girl had an uppot from bassinet to cot yesterday. She’s a happy little girl who really needs to get her grow on if she wants to play with her cousin who lives with Carcass lol

Olivia Bee aka Zkittles
Carcasses prize seed from Sponsors Weeds Seed Express
Days above ground - 8


The Familam


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings triggered by the terrible tragedy of Paul's death. I too own a very large, menacing, fatally aggressive... uncontrollable black dog.
He has been locked in a cage for almost twenty years - yet still menaces me daily. Now, at this moment, strong though I know the cage to be, I can feel his hot snarling breath on my neck and my blood has run cold.

But for an intervention fueled by love and sacrifice, it is certain that using heroin was going to kill me.

I truly thought myself to be the only person in the world who could tickle this dragon. My circumstances were unique, my capabilities great, and the pain it masked profound.

None, not one of these things was true.

Trala, you wrote recently in a separate post about just getting on with something small, with your hands, when the dark art of self-loathing and withdrawal become appealing. This is more than simply axiomatic, it will save you from Paul's fate if that's a threat, but along the entire continuum of human pathology this simple, seemingly insignificant act is the key.

We bald apes cannot maintain or abide the dissonance between self-loathing and organizing one's sock drawer. "If I'm so worthless, what the hell do matching socks matter?"

Make a choice to engage the world like this and the dog's distance increases by one unit of space. You've now provided yourself evidence that a relatively simple act can move the needle. Engage in another. Two units distance.

Now, reach out to the people who are dealing with this problem actively next, and tell them you don't want either to die or live in misery and squalor - even if you don't fully mean it. Try it on. See how it fits. Radical honesty isn't necc. at the very beginning, only an inkling of your true trajectory.
I had a hell night shift, I was triggered as fuck and ended up mentally imploding, and I literally tore the plant to pieces. Well not pieces, but tore her branches off. I can be such a tramatic moron lol.

She was strewn all over the backyard.
*note to self - never piss-off Tra*
My flower room is flowering, and my main focus is not herming Greg. Greg is just beautiful in both colour and foliage. That CarCanopy gives me life.

Bed time 💚💚🌷🌷👯‍♀️


Everyone got a nit bath. I’ve officially gotten all my jobs done, and now it’s tunes, I’ve spatked one, and I’m having a red coz it really is what Paul would have wanted not even joking lollinggg! I will stop at one despite knowing one is too many and a thousand is never enough… Time to take a moment and appreciate the things I got right. Xo

Okay enough of that Tramatic bullshit! I’m like a bad Dr Phil episode!

Let’s get our Sunday Summary on!

Sunday Summary

This beautiful girl is reaching for the stars. Perfect colour, zero nits, finally flowering.

Gregory Bee aka Laughing Buddha
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 92
Days of flower -2


I have really focussed on my CarCanopy this week. Filling in those empty spaces by carhooking and training my branches into them. All going well she will be flipped next Sunday.

June Bee aka Acapulco Gold
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 69 (or as I call it, 68 & I’ll owe ya one lol)


Because Juzzy is such a different shape, photos don’t do her justice when compared to my fat foliaged girls. She is just beautiful. Very delicate, and omg her scent! J is an example of a plant who does not need defolling, well I don’t think she does. She has a beautiful structure, and I have uncarhooked her and I’m letting her do her thing. Her glitter gives me life!

Justine Bee aka Wookie F2 Auto
Unique Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Days above ground - 53
Days in flower - 12


This hot fucking mess lolllll Liz is a total bad hair day. She has more arms than an octopus and she is a typical wild little monster.

Elizabeth Bee aka Wedding Cake
Monstercropped Clone
Days in reVeg - 35


This little girl has had a tiny growth spurt. The warmer weather should fill her out.

Simba Bee aka Shiskaberry
Barney’s Seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Days above ground - 18


And my baby girl had an uppot from bassinet to cot yesterday. She’s a happy little girl who really needs to get her grow on if she wants to play with her cousin who lives with Carcass lol

Olivia Bee aka Zkittles
Carcasses prize seed from Sponsors Weeds Seed Express
Days above ground - 8


The Familam


Lush green scenes keep going strong :yummy:
I’m actually still devastated about that plant. I am not sure if we were friends at that time. I had a hell night shift, I was triggered as fuck and ended up mentally imploding, and I literally tore the plant to pieces. Well not pieces, but tore her branches off. I can be such a tramatic moron lol.

She was strewn all over the backyard.
I hear you. I can just imagine how you'd feel to lose such a beautiful plant after all the work you put in.
My daughter in laws stepfather died last Thursday. Suddenly. Shockingly.
I am so sorry for your family's loss Tra. It really is a sad ending to what must have been a life of emotional agony. Your words of advice strike true and deep.
No magic pill/trick will stop our pain without conditions, whether that be medication, or meditation. You have to stop trying to escape you. You have to accept you, your pain, your trauma, your mistakes, warts and all. You have to like you. You deserve happiness, you deserve health, you can be enough.
Them's wise words!

I think your Sunday may almost be done... I hope it's nice and relaxed.
Mental Health Microphone Check

If you’re all good, jog on lolll

So I’ve had a really trying week. My daughter in laws stepfather died last Thursday. Suddenly. Shockingly. Well not complete shock, but shock.

He was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a welfare sucker, he lied to support his habit. He stole to support his habit. He died at home. Cheap wine in his glass, weed in his lungs and oxy in his system. He was 49.

This is not about me, but I’ve made it about me but for the greater good lol. I could have been him. Was him. So I’m shouting out to anyone who needs that push for change, for better health, for healing.

No magic pill/trick will stop our pain without conditions, whether that be medication, or meditation. You have to stop trying to escape you. You have to accept you, your pain, your trauma, your mistakes, warts and all. You have to like you. You deserve happiness, you deserve health, you can be enough.

Change doesn’t just happen. You have to want more. My journey (and I hate that over used word) began with two glasses of water on waking. To hydrate myself. To start the day with something nourishing, just for my body. My health. Change starts small with small steps.

It’s an ongoing battle. The fight never stops. Well I don’t think it does. I could have easily run to my black dog this week. His death woke my demons, restarted nightmares I had long put to bed. And like an involuntary reflex my brain told me to stay in bed, coz I feel sick. Don’t brush my hair, coz I feel sick. Don’t eat, coz I feel sick. Stay hidden, coz I feel sick. I know my black dog well enough to know those are the exact moments I need to get up, stop focusing on myself and turn my attention outward, whether that be to watch a bird in wonder, or to focus on what I can do for my man/children/grandchildren/friends/strangers to make their day better.

If you are in that dark slump. And you’re wanting change start/end today with one thing that signifies health, whether that be a drink of water, go for a walk, or at the very least smile at a dog. Depression breeds depression, dark breeds dark. But light can breed light. You just need to let that glimmer of it in.

Today I have my sparkle back. I didn’t need to force it. Or pretend. I bounced into today, and saluted to that motherfucking sun like. a. boss. 🧘‍♀️ ☀️♥️. And excuse my toenails. I painted them yesterday and I couldn’t decide which colour, then I realised fuck it! I can have both! Or as they say in Mexican Spanish “quana von bothss”. Look they don’t say that. I can’t speak Spanish. LOLLLINGG!


A wise friend once told me the secret to happiness is to fake it till you make it. Xo

And Paul if you can read this, mentally channel me the Gold Lotto numbers for Saturday…. LOLLING! I mean, RIP coz if there is an afterlife you’re free of all the shit. I promise to be committed to your stepdaughter in trying to help her heal and to break the cycle, that know doubt broke you and could have broken me. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you while you so obviously struggled. Xo
Dr Phil couldn't stand in the same room as you.
Your so genuine and spiritual, he is fake.
Thank you so much for helping us all .
If reading your journal doesn't give you a smile for the rest of the day your botox has leaked.
Your toes like your heart are beautiful. :green_heart:
Now I'm going to read everything .
Talk soon. :love:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I hear you. I can just imagine how you'd feel to lose such a beautiful plant after all the work you put in.

I am so sorry for your family's loss Tra. It really is a sad ending to what must have been a life of emotional agony. Your words of advice strike true and deep.
Omg he was such a prick of a bloke too. Typical tortured without trying to find a cure type. Selfish, cruel, dishonest. Like in death I have empathy, but in life, he was fucking exhausting.
Them's wise words!

I think your Sunday may almost be done... I hope it's nice and relaxed.
I got a bit toasted, and had the best nights sleep. I’m back in the wards today spreading drugs and cheer.
Thanks for all you do Tra! ResDog too! Fuck the Black Dog sideways! Human terms like this black dog are priceless to us who may have a dark dog in the house! :thanks:
It’s what we call it here. I’m not sure why coz I love dogs of all colour.
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