Trala’s Tent

I know I shouldnt clog up your thread but you got me thinking.

Back when I first got qualified we had a supervisor called Pete. Lazy, painful, always showing up late etc.

Any how I was in charge this day and was complaining about the plaster work. Pete comes in, so theres us the painters, the plastering boss, the kitchen cabinet guys, and the outside chippys at the back with the doors open.

We get into it, gets a bit shouty, and Pete leans in to the wall, eyeballing and says " Painters can fix it".

I lost it.

Now heres the thing. Pete always got around with his hands in his pants unless driving or on the phone.

My response.

"Righto Pockets."

Everyone was in tears of laughter.

To this day hes still known as Pockets, by his wife, and all the tradies. There'd be blokes done their apprenticeship who wouldnt know his name is Pete.
Omg how we hate pockets!

Me have an MRO Cleaner called Jenny, and the lengths Jenny goes to not to do her job is hilarious. Doesn’t bother us as coal faced nurses coz she basically bed blocks, we can’t get accept the patient till the infectious room is cleaned, but the highrachy hiraquey high paid help get real red faced “why is that room still not cleaned?!” Answer is always “Jens our MRO today…”
1, 2, 3 back to me.

My girls say good morning 🤩🤩🤩


Operation Check Timer Daily ✔️

Now question. I’m as good at picking first flower as I am harvest windows. Do you think Greg is flowering? It’s been 10 days. And omg gear change, Justine. She is such a delicate plant. She is not fat with foliage. I don’t think I’ve removed one leaf. She reminds me of a pretty waif. Her flowers look just beautiful. I’ll have to ask if she’s related to a Girl Scout Cookie Auto breed coz she reminds me of that breed. Which also to date is my son’s favourite smoke.

Omg how we hate pockets!

Me have an MRO Cleaner called Jenny, and the lengths Jenny goes to not to do her job is hilarious. Doesn’t bother us as coal faced nurses coz she basically bed blocks, we can’t get accept the patient till the infectious room is cleaned, but the highrachy hiraquey high paid help get real red faced “why is that room still not cleaned?!” Answer is always “Jens our MRO today…”
I used to be like that but not by choice would have to wait for the supervisor sometimes hours and you can only sweep a floor so much. Now when I’m waiting for something normally 20 mins at most I’ll go to the scrap bin if I already swept and make ridiculous things with it to practice my welding
1, 2, 3 back to me.

My girls say good morning 🤩🤩🤩


Operation Check Timer Daily ✔️

Now question. I’m as good at picking first flower as I am harvest windows. Do you think Greg is flowering? It’s been 10 days. And omg gear change, Justine. She is such a delicate plant. She is not fat with foliage. I don’t think I’ve removed one leaf. She reminds me of a pretty waif. Her flowers look just beautiful. I’ll have to ask if she’s related to a Girl Scout Cookie Auto breed coz she reminds me of that breed. Which also to date is my son’s favourite smoke.

T to da B! Lookin' schmick AF as usual now.... you're going to have to drop the old "I mess up in flower" line....
I used to be like that but not by choice would have to wait for the supervisor sometimes hours and you can only sweep a floor so much. Now when I’m waiting for something normally 20 mins at most I’ll go to the scrap bin if I already swept and make ridiculous things with it to practice my welding
You are role modelling such important life behaviour for Dante. Make sure you tell him, how you need to improve so that means you must practice.

My grandson threw a wobbly the other week to his Pop. I was watching my bf teach him how to kick a Sherrin. My grandson got so frustrated he couldn’t kick the ball he cried “I can’t do it”, and wanted to stop. My bf explained it’s a harder ball to kick coz it’s not round 🏈 , so it will take practice. Most people aren’t born doing things well. They learn and practice.

So yesterday arvo my boy came to get a jar, and Ollie was with him and as they were leaving I could hear Ollie “wait daddy WAIT! I need to tell poppy I practice kicking”. He was so proud as he went bounding up the stairs looking to tell poppy.

They are little sponges.
You are role modelling such important life behaviour for Dante. Make sure you tell him, how you need to improve so that means you must practice.

My grandson threw a wobbly the other week to his Pop. I was watching my bf teach him how to kick a Sherrin. My grandson got so frustrated he couldn’t kick the ball he cried “I can’t do it”, and wanted to stop. My bf explained it’s a harder ball to kick coz it’s not round 🏈 , so it will take practice. Most people aren’t born doing things well. They learn and practice.

So yesterday arvo my boy came to get a jar, and Ollie was with him and as they were leaving I could hear Ollie “wait daddy WAIT! I need to tell poppy I practice kicking”. He was so proud as he went bounding up the stairs looking to tell poppy.

They are little sponges.
Thank you kindly and that’s adorable right now we are working on behaviour like it’s not ok to yell when you don’t get your way and hitting mommy and daddy or anyone else is not ok. He’s more stubborn then the both of us and has my temper it’s been fun lol but he’s getting there!

Think this weekend if I have enough we will try to get his 4 wheeler working that we found hopefully it just needs a battery or go on a hike that’d be nice as well but he’s been under the weather last couple days
Good morning team :)

Two random things about me, I have really cute feet and I hate waste.

So I just wanted opinions really. My warmer weather is coming in hawt. I’m noticing lizards are waking, and bugs reappearing. Not on my plants, just in general. My question, should I start spraying prophylactically like Mon, Wed and Friday? Or will that just be wasting an expensive treatment product?
Good morning team :)

Two random things about me, I have really cute feet and I hate waste.

So I just wanted opinions really. My warmer weather is coming in hawt. I’m noticing lizards are waking, and bugs reappearing. Not on my plants, just in general. My question, should I start spraying prophylactically like Mon, Wed and Friday? Or will that just be wasting an expensive treatment product?
Yes, spray prophylactically, it is not a waste of product. It doesn't have to be expensive either. What are you using or planning to use?
Yes, spray prophylactically, it is not a waste of product. It doesn't have to be expensive either. What are you using or planning to use?
We call it Eco but the yanks call it Safers. I have Neem too.

Thank you C Pretty, I’ll start today :)
Good morning team :)

Two random things about me, I have really cute feet and I hate waste.

So I just wanted opinions really. My warmer weather is coming in hawt. I’m noticing lizards are waking, and bugs reappearing. Not on my plants, just in general. My question, should I start spraying prophylactically like Mon, Wed and Friday? Or will that just be wasting an expensive treatment product?
Depends what you're going to use.
We call it Eco but the yanks call it Safers. I have Neem too.

Thank you C Pretty, I’ll start today :)
Safer's is potassium salts of fatty acids, and it has to be sprayed on an insect to be effective. It's not a preventive.
Neem would work, but I'm not sure you have to spray it that often.
You might be interested in what I used for my last year outdoor grow, Tra. I used Beauveria Bassiana as a prophylactic and it was pretty effective. I didn't have any infestations. There were grasshoppers but I managed to keep the damage to a minimum. I Googled for it in my district and bought it in powder form from the agricultural supplier. I mixed it into a solution and sprayed every couple of days. Edit: I also regularly applied neem in veg. I think once a week.
Depends what you're going to use.

Safer's is potassium salts of fatty acids, and it has to be sprayed on an insect to be effective. It's not a preventive.
Neem would work, but I'm not sure you have to spray it that often.
Omg lol, literally just Safered them. Fml.

I have Neem. I’ll start with that on the Veg girls, maybe twice weekly? Do you have to wash Neem off? Oh and recommendations on what to use for flower?
You might be interested in what I used for my last year outdoor grow, Tra. I used Beauveria Bassiana as a prophylactic and it was pretty effective. I didn't have any infestations. There were grasshoppers but I managed to keep the damage to a minimum. I Googled for it in my district and bought it in powder form from the agricultural supplier. I mixed it into a solution and sprayed every couple of days. Edit: I also regularly applied neem in veg. I think once a week.
Oh thanks Carm. I’ll get some now. And I’ll start Neem once per week.
So I’ve just prophylactically treated my plants with the wrong product lollll!

But I did have one idea which I think is both dangerous and sound.

I balance my plants on 4 stolen milk crates so I can get right up their skirts. Another tip, and I’ve shared this before, I have a moat of water around every plant at all times. I got a bit slack in winter coz of the lack of danger, but I’m back on moat watch.


So Greg looks beautiful. I definitely hermed Cleo my Wedding Cake. I have two speeds, stop 🛑 and 100 miles per hour 🏃‍♀️. So instead of taking your time and turning off power and carefully pulling electrical plugs, I yank and jam ‘em. Frantically. Like one handedly, often while holding a 15kg plant lolll. So I inadvertently pushed down prongs and my light was flicking back on twice, maybe three times if a half pushed down pin turns it on. So my 12 hours of dark was 8 hours, rave party for an hour, dark, rave party for another hour, dark, maybe half hour rave, dark, then lights on. I’m such a Fucktard. It does explain why Greg hasn’t flowered. She’s was as confused as fuck. And omg my auto! Could she herm from it? Trala First Grower to Herm an Auto!

So I mustn’t herm a female plant called Greg. The odds are stacked against me :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:


Suns out baby!


Oh thanks Carm. I’ll get some now. And I’ll start Neem once per week.
Once a week sounds good. You don't need to rinse it off.
For flower, I've only ever used a homemade chili-garlic spray for aphids, and BTK (bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki) for caterpillars.
I think you can use Safer's in flower too.
Once a week sounds good. You don't need to rinse it off.
For flower, I've only ever used a homemade chili-garlic spray for aphids, and BTK (bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki) for caterpillars.
I think you can use Safer's in flower too.
Thanks Mel.

Yeah I was looking for more a prophylactic for flower.
Thanks Mel.

Yeah I was looking for more a prophylactic for flower.
Hi Tra!

I use Neem only in veg - about once per week as preventative. More often if I see critters. You cannot wash it off as it is oily. Do not use Neem in flower! it will impart an off-taste in your buds (oily residue that cannot be washed off).

Once they are flowering I use Safer once (if no bugs) or twice per week. It kills bugs on contact but after it dries they just dance right over it. I wash it off with hose water 30 minutes after I spray. Washing it off should avoid any soapy-flavored buds.

For those who don't know, I am so paranoid about bugs (plants are outdoors in fabric pots) that I use netting on my plants - mostly to keep the flying worms away. :)
Thanks Mel.

Yeah I was looking for more a prophylactic for flower.
I used the Beauveria Bassiana (BB) for the entire growth cycle. Here is a little more info, and another one here, that lists some commercial brands. I use Neudosan (Safers) if I see insect damage. I have successfully used a combo of BB, Bascillus Thuringiensis (BT) and neem to keep pests at bay without the use of the Safers.
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