Trala’s Tent

@Trala - this made me think of you for some reason

Good morning team :)

Two random things about me, I have really cute feet and I hate waste.

So I just wanted opinions really. My warmer weather is coming in hawt. I’m noticing lizards are waking, and bugs reappearing. Not on my plants, just in general. My question, should I start spraying prophylactically like Mon, Wed and Friday? Or will that just be wasting an expensive treatment product?
Hey T. :ciao:
I spray every 3 days like clockwork.
It's not a waste of product to make sure your girls are safe.
I'm trying to get some SNS up here in Canada.
Root drench to prevent them is the best, but until then it's Safers.:thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So I created like a thread to put pictures in coz every time I posted an off topic pic I got spanked by Teddy the Mod. He is getting on, his hands are arthritic so I use this thread as a linking ground. You can link a pic from off topic to your journal, you just can’t post it directly in your journal
Oi vey.... I have to develop an infrastructure and engage in misdirection?

Sounds brilliant!

OK, I'm starting a new journal, got the placeholder up and link in my sig., however, it won't be until later today that some content arrives in there. Getting the journal started is my new priority now, and getting my grow running smoothly of course, so it puts a kibosh on an immediate crossing of swords with you...

Keep that sword sharp wee bogan lady, because your time will come...

PS I need some help re: spelling Aussie slang. How would you write:

"Ah, just chuck'r in the ute, aye" it is my favourite to date and I say it aloud as my favourite non-sequitur, but I need to know how to write it down now.

Jah-love sister,
- rd
I know I shouldnt clog up your thread but you got me thinking.

Back when I first got qualified we had a supervisor called Pete. Lazy, painful, always showing up late etc.

Any how I was in charge this day and was complaining about the plaster work. Pete comes in, so theres us the painters, the plastering boss, the kitchen cabinet guys, and the outside chippys at the back with the doors open.

We get into it, gets a bit shouty, and Pete leans in to the wall, eyeballing and says " Painters can fix it".

I lost it.

Now heres the thing. Pete always got around with his hands in his pants unless driving or on the phone.

My response.

"Righto Pockets."

Everyone was in tears of laughter.

To this day hes still known as Pockets, by his wife, and all the tradies. There'd be blokes done their apprenticeship who wouldnt know his name is Pete.
Brilliant, clog it up, clog it up... clog it up!
@Trala - this made me think of you for some reason

A calathea!

Fun fact: this was the first species of plant I ever learned the name of.

I still don’t know many, but the few I do know are locked in.

That is a beautiful healthy plant too.
Hey T. :ciao:
I spray every 3 days like clockwork.
It's not a waste of product to make sure your girls are safe.
I'm trying to get some SNS up here in Canada.
Root drench to prevent them is the best, but until then it's Safers.:thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Ok I will.

Bill do you recommend the Neem oil mix for veg? Or stick with the Safers or ecofend as we call it here. I am determined to stay ahead of the nit game.
Getting to be your warm weather Tra, sweet! Going to be the best summer ever! Ladies looking super! I'm heading over to the new place!
Omg I hermed the fucking Wedding Cake, not even joking! Semi save the bigger Coca-Cola’s.

Excellent! Should be fun. We’re getting g our Zkittkes on baby!

✨ ✨ ✨
Oi vey.... I have to develop an infrastructure and engage in misdirection?

Sounds brilliant!

OK, I'm starting a new journal, got the placeholder up and link in my sig., however, it won't be until later today that some content arrives in there. Getting the journal started is my new priority now, and getting my grow running smoothly of course, so it puts a kibosh on an immediate crossing of swords with you...
So I’m having trouble following the bouncing ball. Is this about our Greatest Free Item Ever Found Competition?
Keep that sword sharp wee bogan lady, because your time will come...
I don’t actually have a sword. I do have a dirt stabby thing. It’ll have to do.
PS I need some help re: spelling Aussie slang. How would you write:

"Ah, just chuck'r in the ute, aye" it is my favourite to date and I say it aloud as my favourite non-sequitur, but I need to know how to write it down now.
That was perfect.

I’m not sure what a non sequitur is but I’d watch it if I were you… if it gets sore or itchy see a doctor.
So I got a bit of a funny. And I think it demonstrates people. Like personality types. About 2-3 weeks ago my man and I both had head colds and a tissue went though the wash or laundry as you yanks call it. Everything was covered in tissue. So I of course blame my man.

Me: you left a fuckimg tissue in your pocket
Him: no I didn't
Me: ahh yeah you did! Look at this tissue lint!
Him: I don’t put tissues in my pocket, coz I’m not disgusting
Me: empty your pockets!
Him: *zero tissues* okay you empty yours
Me: *five tissues* fuck it…

Case closed. He doesn’t gloat, he doesn’t carry on. He just gets about his life.

This is because he is a good person.

Today I find a tissue has gone through the wash/laundry. With glee I discover his jumper is Clothing Item Zero!

Exhibit A

Case wide open, case will stay open for a good year or two and used against him when ever I need it. In fact when he gets home from work tonight, his dinner will also be served with a side of lint, just to remind him how petty I can be.

Coz I on the other hand am a right cunt.

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Hi Tra!

I use Neem only in veg - about once per week as preventative. More often if I see critters. You cannot wash it off as it is oily. Do not use Neem in flower! it will impart an off-taste in your buds (oily residue that cannot be washed off).
Thanks Scoobs. I’ll crack it open. I’ve never even used it.
Once they are flowering I use Safer once (if no bugs) or twice per week. It kills bugs on contact but after it dries they just dance right over it. I wash it off with hose water 30 minutes after I spray. Washing it off should avoid any soapy-flavored buds.
Yup. Got it.
For those who don't know, I am so paranoid about bugs (plants are outdoors in fabric pots) that I use netting on my plants - mostly to keep the flying worms away. :)
Is a flying worm a butterfly?

I used the Beauveria Bassiana (BB) for the entire growth cycle. Here is a little more info, and another one here, that lists some commercial brands. I use Neudosan (Safers) if I see insect damage. I have successfully used a combo of BB, Bascillus Thuringiensis (BT) and neem to keep pests at bay without the use of the Safers.
Thanks Carm.

I can’t seem to find a product with that stuff in it sold here.

I was talking to nursery dude and he said the healthier the plant the more the plants immune system fights against bugs. The way he said it made sense. Like he wasn’t saying don’t treat, just optimal plant health holds you in good stead in the fight.

And other news. I feel like a proper grown up! I bought a rain gauge. My first ever. I’m going to record rainfall this year. I don’t like to let my confidence outweigh my ability, but at this rate I’ll prolly end up a meteorologist by Christmas.

Thanks Carm.

I can’t seem to find a product with that stuff in it sold here.

I was talking to nursery dude and he said the healthier the plant the more the plants immune system fights against bugs. The way he said it made sense. Like he wasn’t saying don’t treat, just optimal plant health holds you in good stead in the fight.

And other news. I feel like a proper grown up! I bought a rain gauge. My first ever. I’m going to record rainfall this year. I don’t like to let my confidence outweigh my ability, but at this rate I’ll prolly end up a meteorologist by Christmas.

"Bought"? You mean, like... with money? You couldn't find an attractive one to pilfer for free, or to buy?

Actually, that thing is very 'on brand' for me. Looks like it came off the abandoned set of "Willy Wonka...".

(Ya na, the first one.)

PS Greg looks AWESOME! Woulda def. looked odd with two more branches, well done. Inspirational how you can have such faith in the process and do the hard parts regardless when it's best in the end. Fearless growing.
I can’t seem to find a product with that stuff in it sold here.

I was talking to nursery dude and he said the healthier the plant the more the plants immune system fights against bugs. The way he said it made sense. Like he wasn’t saying don’t treat, just optimal plant health holds you in good stead in the fight.

And other news. I feel like a proper grown up! I bought a rain gauge. My first ever. I’m going to record rainfall this year. I don’t like to let my confidence outweigh my ability, but at this rate I’ll prolly end up a meteorologist by Christmas.
Hi T, it's an agricultural product. Here are some brands, here and here. Don't get it if you feel hesitant. I quite understand that it's not in common use and that can be off-putting. As far insects avoiding healthy plants... yes they attack weaker plants first but some of the healthiest most dialed in plants on this site catch bugs, so I would still go with prophylaxis of your choice.
Enjoy your new toy :)
"Bought"? You mean, like... with money? You couldn't find an attractive one to pilfer for free, or to buy?

Actually, that thing is very 'on brand' for me. Looks like it came off the abandoned set of "Willy Wonka...".
Omg literally lolling!
PS Greg looks AWESOME! Woulda def. looked odd with two more branches, well done. Inspirational how you can have such faith in the process and do the hard parts regardless when it's best in the end. Fearless growing.
Thanks for saying that :)

She only has the framework of two branches too. Like an accidental quadline. I’ll do an update tomorrow on them all.

Hi T, it's an agricultural product. Here are some brands, here and here. Don't get it if you feel hesitant. I quite understand that it's not in common use and that can be off-putting. As far insects avoiding healthy plants... yes they attack weaker plants first but some of the healthiest most dialed in plants on this site catch bugs, so I would still go with prophylaxis of your choice.
Enjoy your new toy :)

Thank you Carm, I’m not hesitant at all. In fact I’m pretty much open to anything except [*Removed by Admin - due to lewd and inappropriate language*].

I found it so interesting. See if I was a bug, I’m coming for your best plants! I assumed healthier the plant greater the risk. Oh and don’t I know it. I had a beautiful Mimosa reduced to a speckled mess. My Mimosa smelled like actual perfume. I actually had a theory based on her that bugs are attracted to the sweet smelling plants. I also had a theory as a kid if I planted a feather I could grow a bird, so my theory is often built on flawed thinking. LOLLINGGG!
Ok I will.

Bill do you recommend the Neem oil mix for veg? Or stick with the Safers or ecofend as we call it here. I am determined to stay ahead of the nit game.
I use neem oil, it works well.
If you alternate I find it's effective in keeping them away.
Neem with water and safers soap.
Next time insecticide with safers soap.
Always use the soap.
I am using untill I have lots of pistils.
Then no more spraying.
Hopefully root drench.
But in Veg every 3 days. :thumb:
Hope your enjoying your weekend T.:ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That's awful what happened with your Mimosa... bummer!
I’m actually still devastated about that plant. I am not sure if we were friends at that time. I had a hell night shift, I was triggered as fuck and ended up mentally imploding, and I literally tore the plant to pieces. Well not pieces, but tore her branches off. I can be such a tramatic moron lol.

She was strewn all over the backyard.

I use neem oil, it works well.
If you alternate I find it's effective in keeping them away.
Neem with water and safers soap.
Next time insecticide with safers soap.
Always use the soap.
I am using untill I have lots of pistils.
Then no more spraying.
Hopefully root drench.
But in Veg every 3 days. :thumb:
Hope your enjoying your weekend T.:ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I’ll neem today.

I’m going to really work hard for a minimal bug effected grow.

I spray with Safers right up to harvest. And I use a product called Green Clean.
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