Trala’s Tent

It’s just so nice. Nice people doing nice things just to be nice in a life that at times can feel so very full of cunty people doing cunty things just to be cunty.

Let’s do something nice this week SO! We will work something out together. I think a painted rock could work. Let’s lift a spirit!

great idea I’m all about compromise - I made 2 painted rocks today

Have a Nice Day - You dirty effing cunt!

pushed ‘em off an overpass into oncoming traffic

can you tell I’m a real people person?? :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:

But those areas did look a little I want to say transparent yesterday, but not quite. Like thinner and lighter in colour if you know what I mean.
Might just be turning brown from being munched on. Could be a calmag issue too though like C-man said.

Omg I get them every single grow! Even in winter.

My next problem area will be mould. It has been wet and humid here. I always seem to fuck up flower.
Yes, I hate that stuff! I still haven't seen many commercial products recommended around here for treating budrot. Shed seems to suggest citric acid. Other options are sulfur and peroxide. Let me know how you go about it so I can copy off you.
Happy Monday, Trala!

That looks like an early stage calcium deficiency...It could be the hot sun that brought it out you have any cal-mag to add to her feed?
Might also be a sign of incorrect pH in the water you use for the plants, which can lock out calcium (meaning it's there, but the plant can't access it)
Do you have a way to test pH?
Hi C Horse :)

No I don’t. I only have Tega Brop *taps nose*. They are all in the exact same medium (omg do you remember when I thought using a medium meant using a clairvoyant? I’m so cringe sometimes) and nutes.

I also use the same water. I was told to fill up my water bottles and let them sit for 24 hours. I have no idea what sitting for 24 hours actually does now I’m thinking of it… lolll but that’s what I do.

I tend to check my water pH hourly, and when I say hourly I mean daily, and when I say daily, I mean I’ve never checked water pH in. my. whole. fucking. life! Lolllllingggggg!

And no. I don’t have a way to test pH, and the main reason for that is because I’m not a scientist.

I’ll go check them and report back :)
You should put the sister thread in your signature if it isn’t already…. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It’s just going to have the links to the pics I’m not allowed to post in here. Nothing extra.

I’m a look at me oversharer. I have posted pics and experiences of my life from very early on. It didn’t seem to be a problem, but it seems it is now. You feel like friends, and I want to share things with you all. Teddy has said I can continue posting pics in here, they just need to be linked to a non journal area, so I’ve just created a faux thread for links.

Hopefully he can just move the whole thread to the Miscellaneous area. That would problem solve everything :)
great idea I’m all about compromise - I made 2 painted rocks today

Have a Nice Day - You dirty effing cunt!

pushed ‘em off an overpass into oncoming traffic

can you tell I’m a real people person?? :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:
Omg I went and checked where I stuck that $5 and it’s still there!

I wonder how long it will take someone to find it!

And you’re terrible Muriel! (That’s totes an Aussie saying)

Hey T-Dawg,

Your garden is lush - been meaning to ask but always forget…

I love that privacy screen - is that a one off deal crafted by your guy or a store bought item?
Store bought.

I think they were around $100au from Bunnings.

Oiiii @DV8 I want to check exactly how Strayan you are:-

What is the most important purchase when shopping at Bunnings?
Survey says:

Snags. (91/100 respondents).

Id be happy to retire into a position at the Big Green Box. Honestly those ads are exactly who you get. Im a tradie and they are terrible to deal with most of the time. Slip into a nice retirement coma at one of the desks. Or be the overly enthusiastic door greeter. Hung over, high, weekend rates, like a finger in a glove.
Survey says:

Snags. (91/100 respondents).

Id be happy to retire into a position at the Big Green Box. Honestly those ads are exactly who you get. Im a tradie and they are terrible to deal with most of the time. Slip into a nice retirement coma at one of the desks. Or be the overly enthusiastic door greeter. Hung over, high, weekend rates, like a finger in a glove.
✔️ Defs Strayan.

Those other 9 respondents were obvi vegan.


Omg bloke I am freaking out. I’ve only got video so far, coz I had to put the flower girls to bed. I’ll get pics tomorrow but I legit think Mimmy is dying. I’m so devo. So so devo. And not just because my jars are nearly empty either. She was a special plant to me.

I don’t even know what to do tbh.
Holy shit!
I've never seen that before...
I do think you should cut that branch off an inch or 2 below the necrosis- it def looks like it's advancing down the branch.And seal up that hole in the center with some Elmer's white glue to seal out any bad stuff .
Are those sick looking colas on the same main branch as the necrotic one?
Ok so bad news, Mimmy Mimosa EVO is in trouble. For those who can’t deal with my nasally twang (I don’t blame you either) I’ll get pics tomorrow. Something has gone horribly wrong. Horribly HORRIBLY wrong.

Better news, my other Mimosa clone Bubbles hasn’t developed any more gold flecks on her new growth. It is only on her biggest fan leaves and my gut says it is nit spray related. My gut also told me Queensland would be safe from covid due to boarder closures, immunisation and masks control and we know how that’s turning out… if you don’t know, it’s faaaaaaaked! Lol.


And the first pic above shows the other Mimosa clone MC Mimosa is finally throwing 5 pointed leaves (just like you said she would). So that’s good news too.

Here’s the veg girls and the newly flowering girl.


And here’s Flamingo coming in hawt after hearing a camera click. I was so happy at this moment. Little did I know what house of horror my flower room was hiding!

Holy shit!
I've never seen that before...
I do think you should cut that branch off an inch or 2 below the necrosis- it def looks like it's advancing down the branch.And seal up that hole in the center with some Elmer's white glue to seal out any bad stuff .
Are those sick looking colas on the same main branch as the necrotic one?
I don’t know.

I don’t know what to do!

And no they aren’t. They are random branches. No connection to each other or the fucked branch. I tried that initially. But the necrosis kept travelling.

Omg she’s dying I just know it.
I wish I could help, but I don't know what to do either..never seen that before:(
Maybe @Emilya will stop by and give it a look?
I wish I could help, but I don't know what to do either..never seen that before:(
Maybe @Emilya will stop by and give it a look?
Every patients worst nightmare…

Doctor clutching his pearls in horror while stating he’s never seen that before!

I’m totes devo. They’re in the dark now. I’ll just reassess tomorrow.

As my fiend in here McRib once said “Trala it was all going so well, till it wasn’t…”
I also use the same water. I was told to fill up my water bottles and let them sit for 24 hours. I have no idea what sitting for 24 hours actually does now I’m thinking of it… lolll but that’s what I do.
Two reasons.

First is to bring the water temp to ambient temperature so you don't shock the plant roots with super cold water if that's what comes out of your tap.

Second is that's usually done in organic gardening if you're using city tap water. Many municipalities put either chlorine and/or chloramine in the water to kill off microorganisms to make the water safe to drink. But, in the process, they also can negatively affect the microbes you are actively cultivating in your soil to help break down your organic amendments to feed the plant.

Chlorine will evaporate if left open to the air or agitated, like with an air stone, so that's what you're doing when you leave it sit out untopped.

Chloramine will not evaporate but you can cause it to instantly fall out of solution by adding a small amount of vitamin C powder.

If you aren't using organic soil for the microbes, then you are only concerned with the first issue, and frankly can use it straight out if the tap if it's close to room temperature.
I do think you should cut that branch off an inch or 2 below the necrosis- it def looks like it's advancing down the branch.And seal up that hole in the center with some Elmer's white glue to seal out any bad stuff .
Definitely want to try to halt the damage ASAP, especially if it is creeping. You could use a bit of aloe gel to seal the cut as well. The aloe has some good antimicrobial properties that could help if it is some sort of disease. Just cut off a small chunk of a plant if you have one growing in a pot or planted in your yard and rub the gel on the open stem. If you don't have a plant, you need to get one. It's really good stuff for your plants. You can blend a chunk up with water and use it in place of soap when you do your foliar sprays. It will foam up like soap bubbles but will also foliar feed your plants! ;)

If it's some sort of tunneling bug, cutting it off a bit into the good wood and bagging and disposing of the necrotic plant tissue off site would be a good thing to do.

And be sure to wipe the blades on your cutter with isopropyl alcohol before each cut and after the last one. If it is a virus you don't want to be spreading it around to clean tissue on this plant or any plant you use them on subsequently.

And, if the problem persists even after you cut off the damaged tissue, you might want to give the JMS a go. Super easy to make and you can spray it on your flowering girls right up to harvest. But make sure you wash the buds after harvest to clean them up if you don't practice that already.
Yikes that sucks. I made some cuts like you too but mine are indoor. With trees you need to make flush cuts so you don’t invite infection or disease. With a hollow stem seems like it should be sealed off.

I think it might be Fusarium Wilt, but I hope not. If it is you want to make sure that soil doesn’t contaminate any other soil.
Damn! I don't know what that could be. I don't think it is a deficiency of sorts. It doesn't appear to look like root rot, but I would probably research that more given how much you water. Crossing my fingers
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