I really recommend Adrienne on YouTube. While I never ever want to do it, I always feel so great after. I say that like I’ve being doing her tubes for eons. I’ve done 3! THREEE! LOLLLLLINGGGG
I’m scared. I’m going to end up being banned if I post off topic pics again lol. It’s annoying really because it feels like I’m just talking and growing with friends. We need to find a way to keep the mods in professional sponsored threads and out of the unprofessional unsponsored nose bleed section threads
I mean no random person is ever going to click on Trala’s Tent and read this thread when you have all those professional and proper options. I shouldn’t moan tho, he’s given me a sister thread link option, so I can still be me, it will just be split in two threads. Suits my split personality really lollll.