Trala’s Tent

All those things may be true but the vast majority (9,118,223,397) of people who have been vaccinated haven't had serious side effects and I know I'm safer having been vaccinated than I would be if I hadn't been vaccinated.

But HG most of those things A wrote aren’t actually true. And when I say most, I actually mean pretty much all.

The strongest protection is from previous infection and vaccination.
There's also a CDC study that contradicts the idea that immunity from previous infection is stronger. We need a lot more evidence before we can say one way or the other.
While the anti vax demographics get a bad wrap, with our current vax rates here (90% of our population in QLD have had the first and 80% have also had the second vax), with those numbers we should be able to control complications and hospital stays.

All studies support lower complications in vaxed people when it comes to hospital admissions. I’m all about lower admits lolllll
Hey I joined a 30 Day yoga challenge in case any of you are looking to create a new healthy habit and want to join me.

I did my first session yesterday and it was only half hour and I found it really lovely. It is very basic and even if you’ve never done yoga before I think you could easily follow it.

Yoga by Adrienne ❤️
You go! A month of yoga can do something + for a mind and body!
There are loads of studies showing natural immunity is far better than the vaccine and presumably many/most healthcare workers have been exposed since they were on the front lines long before there were vaccines.

Also, more and more studies are coming out showing substantial health risks for some with the vaccine. Look at all the footballers in Europe having heart issues all of a sudden, and a few of them dropping dead. Same goes for the abnormal spike in heart issues in young males who are newly jabbed.

These vaccines seem far from as safe as the government keeps trying to stuff down our throats. Wouldn't be the first time they've lied to us to keep their agenda alive. You don't have to look any further than the 70 year war against our favorite plant to see that. :(
My good friend Azi, all the studies in the world can use data the way the data miner wants. We have a situation that without a doubt gets worse left alone. Without the vaccines the planet would have killed off many more humans than with.
Hospitals would be unable to keep open and the chain of supplies would be way more impeded. Yes that's my opinion. That's my study done with my eyes with no agenda but to see normalcy asap. Without most of us vaxed this will go on for much longer than necessary. Death and suffering in mass is something different than some government directive that doesn't save lives. This saves lives.

My opinion is not up for debate, it's a disagreement. I still love your garden and skills brother! I can't not say something about your comment as I feel so strongly. Apologies in advance if needed.:Namaste:
vaccination is mandatory in the hospitals
Here in Canada, they had thousands of nurses and doctors that refused the vaccine, and tried firing them all, but was left too short of staff, so they changed it to give them the choice. It saved the short staff problem and the overwhelming surge of patients. They also just changed it to if they are positive but no symptomatic, nurses can come into work. I don’t think anyone knows what’s going on they’re just winging it and making up rules as they go… omicron is rampant and the vaccine doesn’t seem to matter… they say it lessens the symptoms, but how do we really know it does or if it doesn’t… we’re just trusting the word from higher above… (shrugs)

My grandma was fully vaxed, with the booster and caught Covid while in the hospital because she fell.. it ended up killing her anyways. So does the vaccine really help… probably, or probably not… idk all we can do is trust what the scientists say I guess

Omg hello!

Where’s you wheelie bin?

I never see your little face anymore!

I used to love logging in in the morning and be greeted by your funnies.

-30, I’d fucking dieeeeeeeeee!

21 degrees is cold to me!
Hello! :ciao::ciao:

It’s good to see you!! Yeah I’ve been MIA for a while now… had so much stuff going on in life… the kids are growing like weeds and learning every bad habit known to man, (or woman). The oldest has a bad temper and major attitude, now the youngest is learning her habits… so life is great!! Lol

Hey what kind of candy does the sidewalk eat?

Pave-mint hahaha…

Yeah, I know… that was super cheesy! Lol
Nice to see you back Back
It’s nice to see you as well, and I don’t mean to start a fight or a big disagreement, but it’s killing the vaxed just as much. My grandma for one, and I know many family’s that have lost their loved ones even after being vaxed.

I’m vaxed and I’m not an anti vaxer but it makes me go hmm is all
But HG most of those things A wrote aren’t actually true. And when I say most, I actually mean pretty much all.

Listen, I'm not trying to stir up a political debate. The studies I referenced are factual. Most have been suppressed after release, but that doesn't make them less interesting. I've seen several by world renowned experts in the field of virology get "fact checked" and then suppressed by some anonymous person at one of the big tech companies because they failed to follow the official narrative. I'd love to compare the scientific background of the fact checker vs the scientist.

The issue I have had with this thing all along is it seems to be less about health and science and more about politics and power. If it were about health, why haven't we been pushed to live a healthier lifestyle? Studies I've seen indicate the vast and overwhelming instances of reactions severe enough to need hospitalization had multiple prior co-morbidities like obesity, heart issues, diabetes, elderly, etc.

@StoneOtter it is true that one can torture statistics enough to prove almost any point. But why the suppression of debate on the supposed facts? I don't know, nor do I think most people, enough about either side to know what is true and what is propaganda, but there are enough anomalies in how this thing has been handled that makes me think this is just like the war on drugs. Enough of a kernel of truth in there to base a larger agenda on.

So, why no effort made to lead us to better health? If the experts who have questioned the "science" with their own studies are so wrong, why will no one from the government agencies imposing their rules openly debate them despite repeated invitations? Why does Pfizer want court protection to withhold their study data from the public for 75 years? And on and on.

Color me skeptical is all I'm saying. I've never considered myself a conspiracy theorist, but the way this whole thing has been handled is making me rethink my position.

To me, this should be a decision between you and your doctor, not some politician imposing their will. The jab does not prevent you from catching nor spreading the virus, so it should be a personal decision as it does not protect others from you despite the fact that this is the way it is being sold to us. It may lessen the symptoms you get should you catch it, but it should be your decision, at least in my opinion.
Here in Canada, they had thousands of nurses and doctors that refused the vaccine, and tried firing them all, but was left too short of staff, so they changed it to give them the choice. It saved the short staff problem and the overwhelming surge of patients. They also just changed it to if they are positive but no symptomatic, nurses can come into work. I don’t think anyone knows what’s going on they’re just winging it and making up rules as they go… omicron is rampant and the vaccine doesn’t seem to matter… they say it lessens the symptoms, but how do we really know it does or if it doesn’t… we’re just trusting the word from higher above… (shrugs)

My grandma was fully vaxed, with the booster and caught Covid while in the hospital because she fell.. it ended up killing her anyways. So does the vaccine really help… probably, or probably not… idk all we can do is trust what the scientists say I guess
Omicron is a very mild variant that can be managed in the home with rest and paracetamol.

Delta causes the trouble.

Life is about trusting the words of people who know better. If my car breaks down I trust my mechanic to fix it for me.

The bottom line is if your health system crumbles and you are one of the ones who has a child diagnosed with disease, or a heart attack, or a car accident, there will be no beds. WIthout the majority vaccinated, covid complications will cause this crumble.

I’m sorry about your grandma btw. The vaccine isn’t a magic wand either. While you will still see respiratory complications, my doctors here tell me based on northern hemisphere’s data, with the vaccine, there is less.
Oh so it’s not killing the vaxed? I beg to differ
And you’d be right.

But I’m talking about recovery rates. I’m talking time and resources needed to recover. Eg meds, 02 therapy, intubation, hiflow 02 therapy, bipap therapy antibiotics, doctors, nurses, kitchen, cleaners, but it all starts with an available hospital bed.
Listen, I'm not trying to stir up a political debate. The studies I referenced are factual. Most have been suppressed after release, but that doesn't make them less interesting. I've seen several by world renowned experts in the field of virology get "fact checked" and then suppressed by some anonymous person at one of the big tech companies because they failed to follow the official narrative. I'd love to compare the scientific background of the fact checker vs the scientist.

The issue I have had with this thing all along is it seems to be less about health and science and more about politics and power. If it were about health, why haven't we been pushed to live a healthier lifestyle? Studies I've seen indicate the vast and overwhelming instances of reactions severe enough to need hospitalization had multiple prior co-morbidities like obesity, heart issues, diabetes, elderly, etc.

@StoneOtter it is true that one can torture statistics enough to prove almost any point. But why the suppression of debate on the supposed facts? I don't know, nor do I think most people, enough about either side to know what is true and what is propaganda, but there are enough anomalies in how this thing has been handled that makes me think this is just like the war on drugs. Enough of a kernel of truth in there to base a larger agenda on.

So, why no effort made to lead us to better health? If the experts who have questioned the "science" with their own studies are so wrong, why will no one from the government agencies imposing their rules openly debate them despite repeated invitations? Why does Pfizer want court protection to withhold their study data from the public for 75 years? And on and on.

Color me skeptical is all I'm saying. I've never considered myself a conspiracy theorist, but the way this whole thing has been handled is making me rethink my position.

To me, this should be a decision between you and your doctor, not some politician imposing their will. The jab does not prevent you from catching nor spreading the virus, so it should be a personal decision as it does not protect others from you. It may lessen the symptoms you get should you catch it, but it should be your decision, at least in my opinion.

I am open to debate. In fact I love it.

I’m not suggesting I know. But I work with some of the smartest medical consultants in Australia (I may be biased) and do you know what? They were the first to be vaccinated.

I still remember in 2019 there was a huddled discussion. They had some conference call with some uk hospital, and the consultant here was involved. He was ashen faced talking to the registrars, talking about lungs on lungs looking like shattered glass in X-rays. That they thought it was an Asian born virus. I was ear wigging, but I remember thinking “this sounds bad”.

Much like the way I grow weed, when I don’t know something, I align myself with those who do know, and I follow their advice.
@Trala ,

Apologies for stirring this up. I was merely responding to @HashGirl 's question wondering why everyone wouldn't want to be vaccinated with some reasons.

Doesn't make those folks right or wrong, just trying to provide some of the reasons from the "other side."

Let's get off this topic and back to your grow.

Apologies again. :sorry:
Listen, I'm not trying to stir up a political debate. The studies I referenced are factual. Most have been suppressed after release, but that doesn't make them less interesting. I've seen several by world renowned experts in the field of virology get "fact checked" and then suppressed by some anonymous person at one of the big tech companies because they failed to follow the official narrative. I'd love to compare the scientific background of the fact checker vs the scientist.

The issue I have had with this thing all along is it seems to be less about health and science and more about politics and power. If it were about health, why haven't we been pushed to live a healthier lifestyle? Studies I've seen indicate the vast and overwhelming instances of reactions severe enough to need hospitalization had multiple prior co-morbidities like obesity, heart issues, diabetes, elderly, etc.

@StoneOtter it is true that one can torture statistics enough to prove almost any point. But why the suppression of debate on the supposed facts? I don't know, nor do I think most people, enough about either side to know what is true and what is propaganda, but there are enough anomalies in how this thing has been handled that makes me think this is just like the war on drugs. Enough of a kernel of truth in there to base a larger agenda on.

So, why no effort made to lead us to better health? If the experts who have questioned the "science" with their own studies are so wrong, why will no one from the government agencies imposing their rules openly debate them despite repeated invitations? Why does Pfizer want court protection to withhold their study data from the public for 75 years? And on and on.

Color me skeptical is all I'm saying. I've never considered myself a conspiracy theorist, but the way this whole thing has been handled is making me rethink my position.

To me, this should be a decision between you and your doctor, not some politician imposing their will. The jab does not prevent you from catching nor spreading the virus, so it should be a personal decision as it does not protect others from you despite the fact that this is the way it is being sold to us. It may lessen the symptoms you get should you catch it, but it should be your decision, at least in my opinion.
It's too important to dabate. I said my peace above. :love:
@Trala ,

Apologies for stirring this up. I was merely responding to @HashGirl 's question wondering why everyone wouldn't want to be vaccinated with some reasons.

Doesn't make those folks right or wrong, just trying to provide the reasons from the "other side."

Let's get off this topic and back to your grow.

Apologies again. :sorry:
Don’t be sorry!

I love discussion and debate. It’s often where I learn everything I thought was true actually wasn’t.

It’s how we learn, grow, expand on ideas.

I love freedom of speech.

Look before I do my Sunday Summary I want to take a moment to a acknowledge this faceless person, who randomly hangs these Have a Nice Day dangly things over my neighbourhood.

When I finished work this morning I was mentally fucked. At 0430, everything just went BANG in a bad way, and when I got home last thing I wanted to do was walk, but I thought, “take control, walk it off..” and so I did, and just as I take off, I see this, and I think yes faceless person, I am going to do just that! And I BIG SMILED and then I did have a great day!

I’ve had 2 hours sleep in 34 hours and I feel great! I even did Day 2 of the yoga challenge. If you’re feeling unmotivated and bleurgh post Christmas gorging, I totes recommend you join me!

Anyway just in case you are feeling like I was this morning after my nightshift, just know this faceless nutter is hanging this shit all over town for us :)
That's nice- maybe a nutter, but a sweet one...:love:
Hi, T !
Ok Sunday Summary time :)

Mimmy is looking good. Not her foliage, I don’t think anything can save that. It has that awful speckling from the mites. On the upside no nits.

Mimmy Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Barney’s Seed
Days in Veg 68
12:eyebrowsmile: 9 Days before flower
Days in Flower 27


Merrie is looking good. No nits and she is a good colour. She is definitely reaching for the stars. I’m not sure how much she has stretched but it’s a bit. I was going to say she’s stretched a foot, but I just looked at my foot and it’s prolly half of that lolll #shitmeasurer4lyf

Merrie Bee aka Peyote Critical
Monstercropped Clone
Days in Veg 61
12:12 Day 9 Days before flower
Days in Flower 2


Tee is hands down the prettiest Tangie I’ve ever grown. The difference in nit free plants leaves me so shook. So my plan is to flip her once Merrie is 2 weeks into flower.

Tee Bee aka Tangerine Dream
Monstercropped Clone
Days in Veg 71


This is the plant to watch, well I think she is. If I didn’t allow Mimmy to get infested, she would be a 10/10 plant. Her shape and colour is just so beautiful. I am determined not to fuck this one up. In saying that I did have her too close to the fan, and as you can see one of her leaves was damaged :( she’s ok tho. And she is loving her training.

Bubbles Bee aka Mimosa Eva
Regular Clone
Days in Veg 34


Twinning! These two clones are from the same plant and are the exact same age. Obviously fraternal as opposed to identical.


This little girl doesn’t look at all clever. I really should just scrap her and take another better clone from Tee, but I really should do a lot of things and yet I still don’t ;)

Tawny Bee aka Tangerine Dream
Failed Pearlite Clone Jammed in Soil
Days in Veg 32


The Familam ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


My plan is once I flip Tee, I’m going to plant a Barney’s Seed Wedding Cake. I still haven’t received my Barney’s seeds from the seller in here. By the looks of the tracking, they are still sitting at the airport in Spain. I want to be careful just in case I can’t get more seeds. I only have the Wedding Cake and a Shiskaberry seed left.

And just a quick thank you. I really do appreciate all the time, teachings and friendship. I had to look back at my posts to find out when I cloned the Mimosa EVO’s, and I speak so much utter fucking shite at times. I don’t know how you even deal, but I’m so grateful you do. Xo
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