Omg me yesterday:: *all smug* yes I’m eating healthy for 2022. I am vibing mindfulness and an Eat Pray Love kind of year
Also me yesterday: Elbow deep in Krispy Kreme donuts, donut jelly dribbling down my chin
Omg I think the sugar hit cause almost a psychotic effect. I know people shouldn't share dreams under any circumstances, I mean they’re usually ridiculous and just shut up but…. My dreams last night! So in my dream I have a new patient admit, her name is Thai. I greet her with “hi Thai” and internally I find that the funniest thing ever, but I’m trying to be professional, and I ask her what’s happened and she tells me she is tripping after eating dodgy Krispy Kreme donuts, and I’m trying to admit her while not lolling at the fact her name when you add hi sounds like the cocktail and mentally freaking out coz I ate Krispy Kreme donuts and I’m not feeling right either! And from there it just got freakier!
I’m actually relieved it’s morning. I feel like I’ve been fucking raving all night!