Trala’s Tent

Ok time for me to bounce into this day! I only have one more day off after today then it’s back to the grind.

Just took my girls out for a sunbake and Mimstar is really seriously grabbing that sunlight!

⭐ ☀️ ⭐ ☀️ ⭐ ☀️


She already smells soooooo pretty. Like lemonade and sunshine.


That Floramingo tho. She was literally down the other end of the pool, and you can see her charging back after hearing the camera click. Made me big smile watching her. Like I know it’s a coincidence but it legit feels like she knows.

Anyway have the best day/night everrrrrrrr!
my first perlite clones didn’t do so hot, but read this other day from Shed or VG..…

rinse your perlite
add 1 inch of water to a container but then pour it into another jar
put 1 inch rinsed perlite in bottom of container
put the bottom of the angle cut clone stem so it sits on top of the 1 inch perlite layer
add more rinsed perlite to fill up container
now add the 1 inch of water back

this way the clone sits above the water and the perlite wicks water to the clone stem.

the other thing and I know sometimes you may have beaten or sidestepped this but typically roots do not like light so might have something to do with clear glass… but you are the queen of clones so yeah I need lesson from you!
my first perlite clones didn’t do so hot, but read this other day from Shed or VG..…

rinse your perlite
add 1 inch of water to a container but then pour it into another jar
put 1 inch rinsed perlite in bottom of container
put the bottom of the angle cut clone stem so it sits on top of the 1 inch perlite layer
add more rinsed perlite to fill up container
now add the 1 inch of water back

this way the clone sits above the water and the perlite wicks water to the clone stem.

the other thing and I know sometimes you may have beaten or sidestepped this but typically roots do not like light so might have something to do with clear glass… but you are the queen of clones so yeah I need lesson from you!
Thanks 013 :)

I will fix ‘em in a sec. But first I must word vomit. You don’t need to say anything, you just need to allow me to get it out lollllll

Get comfortable bruv.

Omg I could kill my partner. I won’t, but I could lolllllll

I just need to debrief, and I can’t say this out loud to anyone. Look I can, I’m being Tramatic. I don’t want to say this to anyone but I need to say it or my head will implode.

I saw he didn’t get paid last week when I did the banking.

Me: work hasn’t paid you your holidays can you check?
Him: Yup tomorrow.
Me: Promise? I have bills I need to sort

Now repeat that every day for 6 days and you have our follow up convo. He went back to work Monday, too busy to follow up, then Tuesday too busy to follow up. Then today I said dude, ring your fucking payroll. RING YOUR FUCKING PAYROLL.

Long story short, he’s taken annual leave while only having a week accrued. Like WTF? Then he’s all “Tra I got this, I’ll pick up a couple OT’s…”. I have a house payment, phones, internet, electricity, insurance, health insurance, petrol, his fucking smokes coz he’s restarted smoking. His OT, if he does them, won’t be paid for a fortnight.

While he can lift heavy things and fix and build stuff, he just doesn’t get grown up life. He is 10 years younger than me. 9 and a bit actually. He was 21 when I met him and I was 30 turning 31.While certain areas were and are awesome, our minds of course did and still do not match in certain areas. He was trying to get clean, and I think I, I know I became a mother figure because he never really had one. I became the looker afterer. Those life lessons most of us learn ie being homeless, not having a car, scrimping and saving, being super broke, having to rely on self, he has never had to learn coz he moved in with me and my 12 or 13 year old son. All that struggling was already done to a point. He got to do a Bradbury and just skate in without learning some lessons. Which is awesome if you are him, but if you’re me, not so awesome.

I get so tired of being the problem solver, the looker afterer, the one carrying the financial load, know what I mean? He just thinks we have endless money coz he has zero idea where the money even goes. He just taps his visa and lives in a dream. Sometimes I wish I could be the worryfree person and just tap my visa! Like it’s all good, I’m okay with money so I can just move stuff around to accommodate, but it’s just annoying he thinks being short this month by 3 fucking thousand dollars is just nothing.

I just want to scream and swear at him, but I don’t. I cry because that’s a lot of money to be down by, and he doesn’t get that. He then feels worse which makes me cry more, then I say “I’ll sort it”, and I do. He is having a pre nightshift snooze and I have sorted it so all good. But….

I just get so tired sorting it. You know? I just wish sometimes I had a mum or a dad or someone for me to lean on. Even as I type that I know it’s not true. I have heaps of people I could lean on. I just prefer not to. I do however often feel like I am always everyone’s fucking sorter. Like everyone from my son, to his girlfriend, to friends, to work colleagues, I sort everyone. And everyone thinks I’m this super strong mutant who never needs help up. Well sometimes I do you stupid pack of motherfuckers. Lolllll

End of dramatic rant.

Do you know what? I think I feel better.

That's tough, man. We all go through some shit but we have to learn from our shit. Don't enable because that will make things worse but you probably already know that. Like I said in another post, find a therapist. It has saved my marriage and turned it into really something special when I damn near fucked it up bad.
That's tough, man. We all go through some shit but we have to learn from our shit. Don't enable because that will make things worse but you probably already know that. Like I said in another post, find a therapist. It has saved my marriage and turned it into really something special when I damn near fucked it up bad.
Hey Ren :)

Omg I fucking HATE therapy. I end up listening to the therapists problems and I’m not even joking.

Do you know what? It’s not really. The problem is I’m a bit of a cunt. And when I say a bit, I mean a smidgen more than a bit, and when I say a smidgen more than a bit I mean I can be a proper cunt. Lolllll

I don’t actually enable him. I set the game up this way 18 years ago when I first threw a leg over him. My way, my rules. Then I piss and moan when it’s not working right for me. I am a control freak who has to be driving the bus at all times. Even when I’m not sure how to use the gears. He puts up with so much from me. He made a mistake, granted it’s not a mistake I would make coz hey I’m not a fucking idiot lolllll, but it’s a mistake. I turn it into Trama of the Century.

I’ll give you some examples of me.

Me: hey let’s get take out. Your choice
Him: yeah sounds good. Indian sound ok?
Me: yeah nah we’re getting Thai

Me: omg I have to do EVERYTHING around here
Him: tell me what you want me to do?
Me: you could hang the washing out
Also Me: rehangs washing coz it’s wrong

Me: beach or rainforest walk?
Him: let’s do rainforest
Me: yeah nah we’re doing beach.

I am hard work. The biggest shock to me when it comes to this relationship is he really likes me. Like I can tell just by the way he looks at me, even tho it’s been over 18 years. And the sad thing for him. He could do sooooooooo much better LOL. Tho in my defence I am a great cook and an ever better [*Deleted by Admin*].

Thanks for the free therapy btw. Xo
Omg this wonderful night. I’ve swam 100 laps of my pool, had a float on the Flormingo. Got the house to myself. Clean sheets on the bed. I have made Beetroot gnocchi, when I say made I mean bought, for dinner, broken meringue pieces, fresh fruit and cream for dessert and Season 2 of The Witcher to watch. Life is good.

I considered getting smashed but I’m not drinking atm. And waking up in the morning feels so good, so I’ll stick to the no alcohol plan.

The girls all look ok. I gave each plant a nit soaking. I’ve set up a safe light, it’s just a fluro so my veg plants continue to get their 18 hours of light without fear of light burn. Mimmy had barely any nits and the clones have none. Just dead ones.

Got a pic of Mimstar getting those last Wednesday sun rays :). That camera loving Floramingo tho. Legit makes me big smile.

And the Mimmy upskirt pic is for one of you deviants. I think it was Rea who wanted to see up her skirt.


Omg I’m soooooo overly Tramatic LOLLLLLLL

I am so so lucky. I’m in a financial position I never thought I’d be in and I get to live my dream. I realised what a fucking douche I am as I floated about on my Floramingo looking up at the sky with my brain playing cloud shapes.

If being down by $3k is the worst thing that happens this week, it’s still all good.

I’m so awkwardly over sharingly cringe sometimes.

Anyhoo sorry about that. I’m gonna mass dump pics today to get me over the next page. Feel free to add anything to get me there.
It’s all good in the hood dollcakes.

Hey is Floramingo giving me the stink-eye again? I swear she flipped me the finger.

I’m not trying to rush the days along but can you speed up my plant? Woman to plant conversation should suffice telling her of my great patience….. and empty jars. Help a brother out
Hey I’m going dry, like not drinking. I haven’t had a sip since Saturdayagate. Nothing to smoke, nothing to drink. It’s day 5 and I think I’m fast losing the will to live, but on the upside my liver has never felt happier.
Omg this wonderful night. I’ve swam 100 laps of my pool, had a float on the Flormingo. Got the house to myself. Clean sheets on the bed. I have made Beetroot gnocchi, when I say made I mean bought, for dinner, broken meringue pieces, fresh fruit and cream for dessert and Season 2 of The Witcher to watch. Life is good.

I considered getting smashed but I’m not drinking atm. And waking up in the morning feels so good, so I’ll stick to the no alcohol plan.

The girls all look ok. I gave each plant a nit soaking. I’ve set up a safe light, it’s just a fluro so my veg plants continue to get their 18 hours of light without fear of light burn. Mimmy had barely any nits and the clones have none. Just dead ones.

Got a pic of Mimstar getting those last Wednesday sun rays :). That camera loving Floramingo tho. Legit makes me big smile.

And the Mimmy upskirt pic is for one of you deviants. I think it was Rea who wanted to see up her skirt.


Love your Flormingo (and the name you chose *lol*)
I really like those blue pots. They had to be a good $50 each.
Yeah nah, not Aussie dollars they aren’t. I think I paid $120 per pot. My son bought me the third one.

And thank you. I like them too :)
:ciao: Hi Trala, nice tent you have here. :thumb: Impressive plants and entertaining banter. :woohoo:
Ahhhh fuck it. Of all the days you chose to have a peep, you do it when I’m in full trama mode (Trala drama).

Look this is usually a professional and educational journal, and when I say professional and educational I actually mean unprofessional and uneducational. I can however say I’m not usually an over emotional attention seeking mess, and of course when I say not, I mean I totes am ;)

Anyway nice to meet you :)
Omg my holiday is officially over :( :( :(

I am back at work today, and I’m soooooooo fucking nervous I feel I could vomit. On the upside I got my Christmas Cheer on. I’m stressed, depressed, but I’m well dressed ;)

Now sing it with me!

She’s making a (patient) list
She’s checking it twice
She hasn't decided if shes gonna be naughty or nice


Trala Claus is coming to town (hospital)


Keep your fingers crossed I don’t accidentally or deliberately kill anybody.
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