Trala’s Tent

I have to ship up. I get all caught up in everything in life and I tend to get frustrated with her. I do what I can when I can, but last night I was as at my wits end with her. She does this thing where she hold her poop in for (what is going on 5 days now) long periods of time, then she screams bloody murder when we even suggest to go sit on the potty to poop. Screams at the top of her lungs and talks back to us. Didn’t poop, got what she wanted and got off to potty, then had to eat supper. She proceeded to sit at the table for hour and a half arguing that she won’t eat supper.... I got so freaking frustrated last night.... and now I feel terrible.

aruugghh :smokin:
My advice... not that you asked

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

First bowels, if she has become constipated she no doubt feels very real anal pain when toileting so she tries to avoid it by holding it in, which causes her stools to get harder. Because she is 4 she can’t put together that her bowels aren’t as effective because she is not eating enough fibre. Of course the natural high fibre foods are the best choices, but sometimes like in Miss Fussypants case even a bit of coloxyl is helpful, it is a stool softener. I think the more pressure you put on her to sit, the worse it will get. We are not meant to shit on command, we are meant to receive a message from our arsehole to our brain, then feel the knock at the door, hello poops here - open up. If your stool is not in the right position to evacuate all you’re going to cause is haemorrhoids. Don’t feel for a second I am judging, I am feeling your pain coming from a mother whose son was a constipated picky eater.

Okay dinner. Why as parents do we make what should be enjoyable family time together a battle? I had the absolute extreme of this growing up. I can clearly remember not wanting to eat my spinach and my mother drawing a battle line and yelling and forcing me. I thought I could wait her out, hours passed and my spinach cold by this point. I didn’t realise her stamina. Even when I vomited the half I’d eaten on the table, there was the threat I’d have to eat that now too - thankfully it was an empty threat, but my point is why do we force food on our children, the answer is usually because it’s the way we were taught. While we remember the technique we forget the way it made us feel as the powerless 4 year old being forced to eat food they don’t want. This hit me on a night my son was sobbing while enduring our dinner war time. I realised I wouldn’t force you to eat, why would I force the person I love most? So from then on he would sit at the table eat what he wanted, and leave when I finished my meal.

No human ever learned self love, strength, confidence and respect from being forced to eat a meal they don’t like and no child ever starved in a home with healthy food choices or unhealthy food choices for that matter.

So food choices. By four your daughter has realised what she likes (usually sweet) and what she doesn’t (usually savoury). I remember reading this is a trait thrown back from caveman times when children roamed bare foot in the forests, poisonous food options tended to be very bitter, so if it was sweet it was safe to eat and that’s why kids prefer sweet - not sure if it’s true but it sounded right. Pear juice is great for the bowels, as is fruit with skins and wholemeal pastas etc. There are also many things you can hide veges in. Another tip is having her help prepare the meals, children tend to be more adventurous when eating if they have helped cook it, homemade muesli bars with hidden bran inside, and muffins with hidden bran and so on. My son really responded to being my helper and as a grown man he’s a terrific cook and the only food he doesn’t eat is cauliflower.

So there you have it, grandmotherly advice. And the thing about grandmotherly advice is you can take it or leave it. Just know I give it to you from a good place in my heart.

The fact you felt terrible after being frustrated with her tells me you are an awesome father and I love that.
Little Monster Update

Omg I killed one of my little Monsterz. I took one bud clone from Billy Crypro and last night when I was carrying the girls in I thought I could save time by balancing (why do I do this???) my little clone, of course I trip, plant topples, quick thinking I stick my foot out to break the fall, but with too much force, kicked right on the plant, clone launches, dirt everywhere. So I get her back in the pot convinced she would be okay, then when I gently touched her this morning her fucking head fell off!!!

Not. Even. Joking.


So then I convinced myself she was already dead, and it wasn’t the fall and kick at all, so I checked for roots to prove this to myself.


Yeah so now it’s an autopsy and I’m a fucking murderer.

So dirty at myself.

The other clone is okay. I see now I made a mistake training. There is a huge gap, amd I should have tried to move the branch to make it more even.

Reggie F :love: :love: :love:

My Reggie F is heading for an uppot tomorrow I think. she has now grown past the pot rim, and I think that is the uppot indicator.

The last evidence (smooth edged single bladed leaves) that she is a little monster has turned yellow and will soon fall off and then she will just look like a regular clone. I’m still devo I killed my other monstercropper from Billy Crypro.

I see now I trained her wrong as she had a large gap of nothing, so I have looped two branches that were growing on the other side in an attempt to fell that area. Not sure if it will work but it’s worth a try.

i upped her feed and she is now a beautiful shade of green. She is loving both the rain and having the veg tent to herself now my two Gorilla Glue clones are in the flower room.

I have been a busy bee and uppotted my little big Tangerine monstercropper.

Her looped branches are looking ok today. Hopefully they continue to grow and fill that vacant spot.

She is one crazy looking girl :love: :love::love:

Happy faux Saturday, Team :)

Please pardon the intrusion, maybe you and/or your followers might be interested :cheer:

If so, please apply in the comparative grow thread, as I won't be responding to replies here :thanks:

Please pardon the intrusion, maybe you and/or your followers might be interested :cheer:

If so, please apply in the comparative grow thread, as I won't be responding to replies here :thanks:

Given my fuckups I’d be the last person you’d want doing a sponsored 420 grow...

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
Grow 2 now done and dusted!

Total of Grow 2:- 575g or 20.4 oz or 1.27lb

While none of my plants have been huge yeilders, when combined they did okay. The thing that makes me happiest is the guy I grow for is able to save money. I charge and bank the money he used to give ole mate when buying. That alone makes this so worthwhile to me. Meeting you guys and being able to learn and laugh with you all is the icing on the special chocolate brownie.

Thank you to each and every person who has given me advice and taken an interest. You make this hobby so enjoyable. Xo


Lets bring on Grow 3 featuring:-

Gorilla Glue clone: Carla Three
Gorilla Glue clone: Carla Six
Tangerine Dream Monstercropper: Reggie Frank

I edited in case it read like he was selling. He isn’t. He just saves what he used to spend on it :)
Omg I am having bad luck light wise here. We are flooding and super overcast, when it comes to light I just have the one Mars light. So terrible coz I can only fit one plant under it so my plants are really suffering.

Could this lack of good light cause herming?

It’s been a minute since I went full hermaphove...
TraLa, wasn’t laughing at you sweetie, I was laughing with you. How freaking hard can it be to grow a damn weed? Apparently very hard and expensive too cuz the targets keep moving. The mites they kicked my arse in the last match up, let’s see what happens in round #173.

Hey before I move on CONGRATS that was another incredible harvest you pulled in, you are slaying it over here!!!

I don’t anticipate a problem on the reduced light but for the sake of the discussion - are they just veg plants and theres nothing in flower at this time - right?? If that’s the case - so long as they are getting light hours should be ok, yeah you might miss a few days of optimal growing time but will run a few days longer to make the difference. As long as they get some light in excess of 12 hours per day I don’t think it’s going to stress a chick out. Outdoors plants get plenty of overcast days. But I know there are tons more experienced people on your thread so I want to hear Carcass and others weigh in.

oh yeah on that other thing color me appalled, nearly speechless even. OK General Motors (Taiwan) Limited. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
TraLa, wasn’t laughing at you sweetie, I was laughing with you. How freaking hard can it be to grow a damn weed? Apparently very hard and expensive too cuz the targets keep moving. The mites they kicked my arse in the last match up, let’s see what happens in round #173.

Hey before I move on CONGRATS that was another incredible harvest you pulled in, you are slaying it over here!!!

I don’t anticipate a problem on the reduced light but for the sake of the discussion - are they just veg plants and theres nothing in flower at this time - right?? If that’s the case - so long as they are getting light hours should be ok, yeah you might miss a few days of optimal growing time but will run a few days longer to make the difference. As long as they get some light in excess of 12 hours per day I don’t think it’s going to stress a chick out. Outdoors plants get plenty of overcast days. But I know there are tons more experienced people on your thread so I want to hear Carcass and others weigh in.

oh yeah on that other thing color me appalled, nearly speechless even. OK General Motors (Taiwan) Limited. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Hello :) :) :)

OMG I know. My plants have literally been locked in a windowless garage all huddled under one small Mars light for the last week. So faaaaaked.

Thank you so much.

Thats the problem, while little Reggie F is in veg, my two Gorilla Girls are in flower, they just shot white hairs today. They have had 12 hours of very weak light. Do you think they will herm from the stress?

013 don’t ever sell yourself short. You are easily one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to growing and I always value your input. Xo
So Reggie is still in veggie, lolling. Unlike my other two, she prolly won’t be affected too much long term from a rainy week.

She sure looked happy to be outside today.

Despite the fact she has had zero sun, zero breeze and zero fresh air she still looks happy. The branches i threaded through have balanced her out a little symmetrically.

I am trying to train her low like the Gorillas. While I know I haven’t yet mastered this technique I sure am loving the process.

Little MonsterReggie F :love: :love: :love:




The Familam :love::love::love:

Aw shucks, stop it, I‘m the bean killer and plant murderer!

How many days into flower are the GG’s? Yeah they might not like the reduced light too much but should be fine - the main thing is don’t fuck with their dark cycle, keep ‘em on at least 12 hours dark.

I bought a little Generac generator for $300 just to keep my junk rolling even in severe storms and power outages. i have access to a bigger generator should the need arise but this little dude I can carry around. It oesn’t power up all my grow stuff it’s got enough juice to keep a few lights and fans humming. I do have extra lights too, I may have to downgrade to a few T5’s or a 315 during a power outage but I can at least put some photons on the leaves. I’m slowly doing the prep thing trying to build redundancy, but two steps forward and nine steps backwards seems to be my jam.

cant make an omelette without breaking an egg, I think you’ve got the training nailed and it will be second nature to you now. There’s nothing like quiet resolve, you are not gonna break it, but even if you beat it with a hammer - you have the skills to fix anything or drop another bean
Aw shucks, stop it, I‘m the bean killer and plant murderer!

How many days into flower are the GG’s? Yeah they might not like the reduced light too much but should be fine - the main thing is don’t fuck with their dark cycle, keep ‘em on at least 12 hours dark.

I bought a little Generac generator for $300 just to keep my junk rolling even in severe storms and power outages. i have access to a bigger generator should the need arise but this little dude I can carry around. It oesn’t power up all my grow stuff it’s got enough juice to keep a few lights and fans humming. I do have extra lights too, I may have to downgrade to a few T5’s or a 315 during a power outage but I can at least put some photons on the leaves. I’m slowly doing the prep thing trying to build redundancy, but two steps forward and nine steps backwards seems to be my jam.

cant make an omelette without breaking an egg, I think you’ve got the training nailed and it will be second nature to you now. There’s nothing like quiet resolve, you are not gonna break it, but even if you beat it with a hammer - you have the skills to fix anything or drop another bean
I think I’m I don’t know, lolll. I think a week. Or less than a week. I start counting from the little white hard and I think that was last Tuesday.

I‘m good with the dark cycle. I’ll never make that mistake again.

Sounds great. What is your climate there like, K? Like are you like us, or snow bunnies?

I think I’ve found the style of grow that gives my heart joy. I was just out fluffing with them, and they look so thick, and beautiful. I will be forever grateful to Carcass for teaching me. I haven’t quite mastered the evenness I would like, but they are looking promising.

I only have three beans, and tbh I get so nervous with the seeds. My favourite grow by far is cultivating a monstercropped clone. I’m still dirty at myself for killing that clone.

My biggest worry ATM is nits. I’m going to spray them all today.
Cool that’s early days so you should be all gravy, don’t anticipate a problem!

In between climate, we get 4 distinct seasons. About 2 hours to mountains and 5 hours to beach. Spring & fall are great, everything greens up in spring but browns down as leaves drop in fall. Summers are hot & humid, prolly not nearly as bad as yours tho. We get like 90% humidity, enough to melt both twig and berries! Winters are cold but not like the snow bunnies, we get snow but it doesn’t usually stay more than a few days or a maybe week.

Yes there’s an Aussie on the help boards often asking about seed vendors shipping to down under and his bean orders not getting past customs, I told him I know some others on here get them shipped in somehow just don’t know how or where. But aren’t you guys are legal in a few places like Canberra or so I thought anyway?

You’ve got this training thing figured out so you can shape them wide & flat. Now that you’ve got the concept nailed down it gets better each time. Well save your seeds and keep your clone project going. Might want to do the dedicated clone mother deal. Yup yup, stuff always come back to bite ya in the arse! Story of my life...

So far my hempy project and the new soil sprouts are doing ok, just hope to stay pest free for a few runs. I may restart the tent just to hedge my bets, put a couple in the tent and leave the others in the flower room. It’s a thought but who knows?
I get two. Prolly 6 weeks of fall/autumn and the rest is summer.

While I don’t think I have it down pat, I am really loving how they look. And I can’t wait to do an update. I’m not sure if it’s my mind playing tricks but since the sun came back out, they’ve exploded.

I am currently laying in bed with a 2 year old hair twirling kicking machine who is snoring his head off.
My little monster is defs bigger.

These Tangerine seeds were a gift to me and I really think I did a shit job initially so I’m glad i get a second chance.

I actually gave Tangie clones to two friends. One set of clones looks ok, the other set look shit. I’m considering taking a monster from the ok clones I gave away once they’re in flower.

I know she looks a bit odd, but I've learned that’s what little monstercroppers do. Monsters is easily my favourite way to grow. She finally shed the last of her weird sidle bladed straight edged leaves.I am quite happy with how she is looking. I have continued with Carcasses style of low grow.

I‘m not sure when to flip. I seem to be quite shit at working flip and harvest times. Lolling.

Anyway thanks for your help :kiss: :kiss::kiss:


The Familam :love::love::love:

Two year old hmmm you’ve got to stop kidnapping the neighborhood children! Kids are great, truly a gift from above, the innocence, amazement and wonder. Well he is lucky little fellow to have you so relish in being kicked and having your hair twirled.

So flip when you are ready and have room to accommodate her, pest free helps but based on recent personal experience that may or may not be a reality! Hey I’ve got a line on some stuff you might want to try....
H A P P Y ........ E A S T E R !

Good morning 420. I decided to get in the Easter spirit and make hot cross buns. I was horrified to discover that this is a process that literally takes hours, but I decided to commit to the recipe.

I was so proud when I got them out of the oven.


So my partner gets home and I’m throwing Handmaid Tale vibes with my apron and my baked goods, and I warm a couple up, lather them in butter, and if you were ever wondering what the devils arsehole would taste like - I can now tell you. It would taste like my hot cross buns.

They were like lumps of hate.

I hope you have the best day doing what ever it is you love doing.

PS I’m Easter flipping Reg tonight.
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